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GW UK more delays in shipping and miss counted stock

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As usual GW strike again, just came off the phone to customer service an email will be going out ( supposedly) tomorrow to online purchasers and independents that there is a delay in shipment with the new tyranid orders as there has been a problem with stock at the warehouse, some people have their purchases coming, if not in receipt of the shipping email  already you can expect it up to the week after next, this is excluding the 9 day window for actual shipping.




( edit for sausage fingers)

Edited by Brother Paint
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Yeah my EU  based LGS's also have major issues with stock not arriving (again). 


GW need to :cuss: or get off the pot. Either get your shipping and production in order so you can keep up with your own "every week is a surprise what you're getting" release windows. Or plan/communicate further ahead and let customers and flgs know what's coming down the pipeline. 


I know for me I just disengage with a lot of GW products at this point and will see whatever is left after the fomo rush in the future. 


Edited by matcap86
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I've just been at my local GW store (UK), and they only got their Saturday "New Release" stock (aka the new Tyranids) yesterday, and customer orders sent to the store are drubbing through. Plus it doesn't help that orders I've placed over the past week have been with a shipping estimate of 9 working days.


This new Warehouse implementation has been far from smooth.

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2 minutes ago, m_r_parker said:

I've just been at my local GW store (UK), and they only got their Saturday "New Release" stock (aka the new Tyranids) yesterday, and customer orders sent to the store are drubbing through. Plus it doesn't help that orders I've placed over the past week have been with a shipping estimate of 9 working days.


This new Warehouse implementation has been far from smooth.

Hate to say it I was advised the 9 working days is after order completion and email sent! 

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2 minutes ago, Wraithwing said:


Is this what has caused it? I work for an ERP partner, so more than happy to visit and suggest a solution/fix for them! 


Yeah they have been updating the Abominable Intelligence running their warehouse system for years now. Seems like they entered the project without a great plan and also attempted to do it all themselves. No doubt there are plenty of consultants who would love to fix their :cuss:, for a price. :laugh:

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1 hour ago, Brother Captain Alberic said:

Well this certainly explains while Dark Sphere can’t dispatch my order. Did think it was probably an issue GW end.  They need to sort this or no one will bother doing pre orders.


Same issue last week, Dark Sphere didn't even get their Cities of Sigmar delivery from GW until 4 days after the street date for the product. 


If GW are routinely missing the release dates, even at their own stores, then they need to stop forcing a weekly release schedule.


15 minutes ago, Kastor Krieg said:

You should have charged them for the 6-month 0% loan.


Try invoicing them for that and let me know how it goes. :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Wraithwing said:


Is this what has caused it? I work for an ERP partner, so more than happy to visit and suggest a solution/fix for them! 

If memory serves the last annual or half year report was the first in a few years that DIDNT mention IT upgrade issues


To brutally over simplify it I think.the problem was they tried to do it piecemeal or not as drastic (ie less expensive) as it needed to be done?

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22 hours ago, Kastor Krieg said:

If they were still within the EU, it would be quite feasible, if pointless due to the immense cost vs gain discrepancy. An FLGS with a huge delayed order though? Could be worth it in EU.




So if the company operated in a different country or Brexit had never happened and the order was substantial and the customer was a trade account then it might be worth it? 



Edited by Halandaar
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It’s weird, if this were another company exhibiting this kind of behaviour the assumption would be it was circling the drain and about to go under or implode. Even with GW it’s starting to feel like they’re reaching a crunch point where the growth has become unsustainable and something got to give pretty soon. 

If ever there was a personification of the phrase “succeeding in spite of yourself” GW would be it!

Edited by MARK0SIAN
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Yep they've been utter crap at the moment. I preordered a Cerastus first thing Saturday morning on release in a GW store. Didn't arrive the following week (though the store did get stock to sell). Thankfully we've got a decent manager who exchanged the mail order for the cerastus. 


Order itself wasn't cancelled as there was other stuff on the order. 4 weeks later I got an email saying they'd have to remove the cerastus from the order as they'd sold out and would then send my remaining stuff. 


So despite ordering the min they went up (and they didn't go sold out on the website for a few days) and despite stores having stock allocated they apparently didn't have stock for mine or others preorders and didn't bother to action it for almost a month. 


I used to work for GW up until spring and honestly this is a new low in incompetence. 

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Well, at least they've mitigated some of the impact of not being able to get codexes out to people by having a comprehensive digital strategy, and allowing W+ subscribers to look up datasheets and rules on their app, and being able to buy digital copies if that is the customer preferred option ...


Oh wait, no, they've doubled down on locking stuff behind a physical codex, and now their digital distribution gets to suffer from the same problems as their physical distribution. Fantastic.



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I don’t really care about the stock problems as I am only buying older release stuff if anything at the moment and fortunately the things I want have (mostly) been in stock at independent retailers. 

I really do care hearing how awful things are at the moment as it is harming the reputation and goodwill towards gw and also upsetting a lot of fellow fraters. This is not how a company of their size and reputation should be operating. 

I especially feel for people who were excited for the first book release (tyranids) of the edition who now not only don’t have their book on time but can’t even use the ‘free’ rules in the app - with their previous model this would not have happened as you could continue using the older codex until such time the new one arrived.


Plus not only are the new release models out of stock but half the tyranid range has been out of stock for months. Hard for people to get excited for releases when disappointment is almost guaranteed at this stage. 

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