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Lictor deployment?

Brother Nathan

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So im a bit confused and think many nid players are about how they use their own rule for rapid ingress... 

they dont have deepstrike so do they get to deploy using infiltrait? Or does that not quite make sense? I definately used mine wrong lastgame so am looking to use it more efficiently/see if others understand this better. Thanks. 


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19 hours ago, Brother nathan said:

they dont have deepstrike so do they get to deploy using infiltrait? Or does that not quite make sense? I definately used mine wrong lastgame so am looking to use it more efficiently/see if others understand this better. Thanks. 

As far as I can tell, the only use for their Pheremone Trail ability is if they are using Strategic Reserves (or some kind of redeployment ability to be put into Reserves, such as the Alien Cunning enhancement), or gain Deep Strike somehow (maybe one of the new detachments has a Stratagem or Enhancement for this? Not sure).


Without being placed into SR/R, they won't be a valid target for Rapid Ingress, as they wouldn't be in Reserves, and the Infiltrator ability will have already been resolved during deployment.

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I think you get full use of the ability, but the ability doesn't do quite what you want it to. Rapid Ingress allows you to deploy using any relevant rules, but to do so out of sequence - you can drop in during my movement phase, which can be very useful for you. But you can still only use the reserves rules you have, and for lictors, that means strategic reserves. You can suddenly appear around the edges of the battlefield, but can't drop in anywhere you like.


Infiltate isn't relevant here, because it's a deployment ability, and by the time you're using Rapid Ingress, you're well past the deployment phase of the game. 

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Thanks all. The one thing it does seem i missed which could be extra benificial is that rapid ingress is at end of movement phase. So your opponent cant move any further. If you can position just over 12 inches away the lictor cannot be touched. Lone operative protects it from shooting and charges  are too far. Infiltrate to block opponent positioning then the redeploy enhancement to pull into reserves. Not mental good but maby good enough? 

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4 hours ago, Brother nathan said:

Not mental good but maby good enough? 

It is very much a situational thing: sometimes it will be a major move, that suddenly shifts a game, because you can then jump on an objective/important character in your turn and flip something your opponent thought was safe; but it might not matter much because you don't get a good opportunity to use it.


But being able to muck about with normal order of operations (ie, arrive in your opponent's movement phase) is always a pretty decent ability, and usually it'll be fun, so even if it's not great, it'll be good enough to enjoy it a lot of the time.

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