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Index Astartes - The Anvil Guard

A Bear

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Color Scheme: Ashy black armor with dark silver embellishments. Deep red pauldrons with chapter markings in grey.


Battle Cry: Strike! For oaths unbroken!


"As the forge's fire purifies, so does battle refine our purpose. We are the Anvil, unyielding and resolute."

- Chapter Master Jaroslaw Falsarius


Forged during the Ultima Founding, the Anvil Guard are a stalwart Space Marine Chapter believed to be of Imperial Fist gene-seed. Tasked with safeguarding a crucial mining operation on the molten world of Caldurum, they bear the responsibility of ensuring the vital adamantium harvested there is successfully delivered to the Imperium at large.


Caldurum, a large molten planet shrouded in a thick smog-filled atmosphere, is the chapter's sole charge. It is located in the Ultima Segmentum, bordering the galactic core. Once a verdant paradise long before the dark age of technology, it now lies scarred by the remnants of ancient mining colossi. These gigantic pre-dark age machines rent the very crust of the planet in search of minerals, filling the skies of Caldurum with thick smoke and acrid fumes. So toxic is the air now that sealed atmospheric suits are a bare minimum to traverse Caldurum and exposure can rapidly scar even a space marine. Very little living now exists on Caldurum, the few remaining species of plants and animals each an exemplar of endurance.


Discovered by the Adeptus Mechanicus, Caldurum initially sparked hope for the reclamation of lost technological wonders. However aspirations quickly shifted as the planet's rivers of molten metal revealed a hidden treasure: vast reserves of raw adamantium. Urgent pleas for the establishment of a larger operation were quickly sent out. Many of the decaying super-structures have since been reclaimed as Mechanicus outposts and Manufactorums. Some have even turned into burgeoning hive cities from which the chapter draws fresh recruits.


Among these immense constructs a singular ancient mining behemoth endures, its mobility restored to serve as the Anvil Guard's fortress-monastery: The Horn. For as long as its aged plasma engines cling to life, this mountain-sized mobile rig will serve as the chapter's headquarters, barracks, and sanctum. The Horn has been extensively modified, fortified with void shields, strengthened with orbital defense weaponry, and supplied by onboard fabricators. This colossus has proven itself on many planetary defenses. In battle the relic war machine stands as an icon to its chapter, embodying their preferred way of war: Victory through unmatched resilience and unyielding firepower.

The Horn is also tied intrinsically to the recruitment process of the Anvil Guard. To attempt to initiate yourself as a member of this chapter is a deceptively simple test: Make it to the Horn. Scarce food, little clean water, rough terrain, deadly wildlife, and the ever present heat and fumes are a natural filter for Anvil Guard recruits. Upon reaching the Horn a prospective recruit is then looked over by the Master of Recruits to determine whether or not they’re fit to attempt ascension to becoming a space marine. Whether or not the Master of Recruits allows a newcomer to become a neophyte, none are sent away. To have survived a trek across the surface of Caldurum is a feat of endurance worthy of the chapter’s respect. So whether as a worker, a pilot, or a lowly serf, all who make it may serve.

The Anvil Guard largely adheres to the organizational structure prescribed by the Codex Astartes. What sets them apart is their notably higher number of Techmarines (known within their ranks as Forgemasters), their usage of a full five companies of Gravis Armored Marines, and their lack of a traditionally equipped 10th company of scouts. The Chapter's proximity to vast reserves of adamantium and rare metals is utilized by the chapter's skilled Forgemasters, alongside the local Mechanicus, to forge their vast amount of heavy armor. The chapter has also been known to intern their wounded into the sarcophagi of Dreadnoughts at a rate far higher than other chapters. Marines of the Anvil Guard consider this act to be a blessing, a rare chance to fight on despite their injuries, to continue to serve. None have ever declined the operation.

The Forgemasters play a key role in the culture of the Anvil Guard. Together with the chaplains they oversee the many spiritual rites and traditions of the chapter. They direct all in-house production of arms and armor, and forge many great works themselves. They also maintain the many vehicles and armaments of the chapter, working hand-in-hand with the local Adeptus Mechanicus to make sure the Anvil Guard are ever battle-ready.

In the heart of the Horn, in the center of the great forging hall where the melodic song of hammer on anvil never ends, lies an astoundingly old relic, found in one of the innumerable wrecks across Caldurum: A simple steel anvil many thousands of years old. Worn and weathered, it is upon this Anvil that marines of the chapter strike oaths. At the conclusion of their training every neophyte kneels before this relic, the symbol of the chapter, and swears oaths of loyalty to the Emperor, the Chapter, and the duty that binds them. Striking it with a ceremonial hammer they mark their formal induction as a marine of the chapter. On this ‘Anvil of Oaths’ further promises and proclamations are sworn by elder members. When a battle-brother embarks upon a momentous quest or swears a solemn vow, he stands before this sacred relic, hammer in hand. Failure to uphold an oath taken is a grievous sin within the Anvil Guard, no matter the contents of the oath. It is often punished with a pilgrimage of penance made across the surface of Caldurum. Breaking one’s oath intentionally is grounds for exile, if not immediate execution.

The forging of armor is also an important part of the Anvil Guard tradition called the ‘Cladding’. Taking advantage of the incredible modularity of Mark X power armor each new recruit is issued the barest suit of Phobos Armor. For each battle a marine survives he is given a single ingot of adamantium. He is then assisted by the forgemasters of the Anvil Guard to forge this ingot into a new piece of plating to attach to his armor. In this way the marine’s armor grows as his experience does, until one day he can join the Gravis Armored core of the Anvil Guard.

Due to this tradition the leadership of the Anvil Guard are not only the most protected, but the most experienced and battle-hardened. To possess a suit of gravis armor is to have fought a hundred times, to have proven yourself on each field. It is to know exactly how much punishment you and your men can take before returning it to the foe. It is also to these higher ups that the secret of the chapter’s true geneseed is given. Among the just over one-thousand strong chapter, only a handful know. On promotion, the chapter master takes aside each captain, lieutenant, and apothecary and informs them on the unusual origin of their gene-seed. The information is given in hopes that these leaders can use the information to best understand and utilize their soldier’s strengths.

Within each suit of Anvil Guard armor resides a Space Marine equal in tenacity to the adamantine they wear. Mutations in their gene-seed have led to the Anvil Guard having unusually dense bones and muscle, at the cost of no longer having a functional Omophagea or Betcher’s Gland. Anvil Guard are renowned for stubbornly holding their ground until the very end, often choosing annihilation over retreat if it means exacting a heavier toll upon their foes. Whether fighting on the planet's surface, traversing the labyrinthine halls of ancient mining machines, or delving into the vast magma caverns below, the Anvil Guard employ their unwavering resolve and advanced armor to prevail in even the most desperate situation, consequences be damned. They have staunchly defended against Ork WAAAGHs, broken Iron Warrior assaults, and on one notable occasion withstood the onslaught of a Votaan kindred who desired the precious metal they guarded. For the Anvil Guard, the epitome of honorable warfare lies in confronting all opposition head-on.

This obdurate attitude of theirs extends beyond just their combat doctrines. The marines of the Anvil Guard are a gruff and judgemental bunch, often speaking few words at a time and preferring for their deeds to speak for them. They are slow to trust and hard to impress, ever holding each other to their oaths and to uphold the tenets of the chapter. Any semblance of appreciation or respect is shared amongst them through slight nods and barely perceptible smirks. Likewise any grievances with their duties or issues with command are dealt with in similarly subdued ways, the marines favoring stoic compliance even as the weight of expectations grows ever heavier on their shoulders. In their little free time, Anvil Guard marines devote themselves wholly to their work, be it the obsessive maintenance of their gear, taking upon themselves the never-ending upkeep of the Horn, or spending time in the great forging hall where new things are made.

Despite their focus on a single planet the Anvil Guard are far from stagnant. The immense cargo ships that depart from Caldurum bearing bars of strategic materials seldom go unchallenged. Thus, Anvil Guard strike cruisers consistently accompany these colossal vessels. The Chapter's marines are honed through relentless training within the bowels of their ancestral mining machines. Thus each and every one is an expert in the brutal art of boarding combat, where tight corridors and close-range firefights put their armor to the most use. The Anvil Guard have also been known to readily respond to nearby calls of distress, though their service is limited as all Anvil Guard marines are loath to remain absent from their home for long.

Leading the Anvil Guard is a marine by the name of Jaroslaw Falsarius. When he walked the ground on his own feet he was a mountain of a man, standing head and shoulders over even the tallest of the chapter. In his custom made gravis armor, and wielding his hammer ‘The First Oath’, he strode before his troops into battle. Enemies would crash against him like the waves beat a rock and yet he would not move. His endurance was legendary. It is said that he held back a horde of ork boyz by himself, withstood a direct hit from a Votaan rail-cannon, and even climbed free from the magma of Caldurum itself when a chaos sorcerer had rent the ground under his feet and cast him into the earth below.


One day during a meeting with the planetary governor, an invading strike force of Iron Warriors caught him en route. His ship was taken out of the sky and his honor guard who survived the crash were forced to fight from the wreckage. When reinforcements from the Horn arrived, Falsarius was the only one left alive, shattered corpses of ally and enemy scattered about. He laid against the inanimate frame of an Iron Warriors dreadnought, his hammer broken, its head lodged into the vehicle’s sarcophagus. A defiant look showed in his eyes, even as he looked to Terra, lightyears away.

Apothecaries and Forgemasters scrambled to his broken form and made a split second call on how best to save their leader. Internment was the only solution, but they worried. The primaris dreadnoughts at their disposal were possessed by powerful machine spirits that burned up even the most resilient of Anvil Guard heroes in time. They hoped it would at least give their Chapter Master enough time to set his affairs in order.


Chapter Master Falsarius has instead withstood his internment for over one terran century, his body and will refusing to give in. His hammer was smelted into the fist of his dreadnought arm and he strides into battle now like ever before. Alas, the time he spends in low-power mode grows yet longer and longer; how much longer he’ll last in such a demanding frame can only be guessed.

First Captain Garasean Theron has since taken up the slack from Falsarius’s internment. Most deployments are from his command and his voice carries the weight of the chapter master, even if he still lacks final authority. Given his rank for his brilliant tactical acumen, he favors cunning rapid deployments and active utilization of the non-gravis elements of the chapter. However on an increasing number of occasions Falsarius has overturned his orders, his own tactics becoming more and more direct, brutal, and reckless as time progresses. Resentment has grown amongst some of the captains and command staff, especially those of the higher numbered companies. But the oldest and most venerable marines of the chapter still side with their Chapter Master, willing to follow him into battle even unto ruin.


Ultimately, the Anvil Guard carry a vital duty upon their shoulders. Their constant presence ensures that the materials essential for arming the Imperium's survival flow seamlessly to where they are needed. Failure is unthinkable, as the loss of Caldurum would leave millions, if not billions, of the Imperium's soldiers lacking arms and armor with which to fight the oncoming darkness.


Other factions on Caldurum:

The Adeptus Mechanicus of Caldurum - Overseers of the many refineries, foundries, and factories of the molten planet. They work with the other factions on-world to keep them supplied and fighting. They maintain a small number of skitarii to aid in the defense of Caldurum. Considered eccentric even for the Mechanicum, they seek ever more efficient means of harvesting the planet’s resources.

House Firebrand - A fledgling knight house created by the local mechanicus. Hot-heated and untested, they prefer the thrill of glorious melee combat even to the detriment of more safe and effective tactics. They are employed by the mechanicus while not in battle for use solving industrial problems such as: clearing rubble, demolishing old structures, and carving channels for molten magma.

The Ironclads Regiment - A local regiment of the Imperial Guard. Numbers are relatively low due to each soldier having to be issued a sealed combat suit. Estimates only in the low millions. They utilize a large number of armoured divisions. Most of their tanks are produced off-world but the local mechanicus have begun attempts at domestic production.


Hello, I'm brand new to B&C. I was referred to here and to this subforum in particular to receive feedback on my 'homebrew chapter', my IA.


Edit: Added a few new paragraphs and brief descriptions of other factions on-world.


Any feedback is helpful!


Anvil Guard Symbol.png


Edited by A Bear
Fixed a mixed up paragraph, added some new info.
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Welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword. Hitting the ground running I see.


I have to ask, how long have you been working on the Anvil Guard? I can tell you have poured many an hour into your Chapter. I like there is a hint of mystery as to their geneline, and their ties to their world is strong and flavourful. Normally I'd advise against tying a Chapter to but a single world but the inclusion of the Adamantium deposits on the world do make for a very valuable resource worthy of an Astartes Chapter to defend. Perhaps throw in a moon, or reference the rest of the system? After all, one planet will eventually run out of Adamantium, but several will take much longer to drain, especially if those pesky Iron Warriors keep trying to jump the mining claim.


Just circling back for a moment, do you know who their Primarch is, or are you leaving that a mystery to the reader as well? If you were intending it to be a traitorous Primarch, I'd suggest very vaguely hinting to it without saying for certain. Even going so far as to state their Primarch is definitely a loyal one while all the clues point to the opposite. Like the Sons of the Phoenix for example. Stated to be Successors of the Imperial Fists, but we all know the truth...


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Hey thanks for the feedback @Cpt_Reaper! I've been working on a personal custom faction since spring of this year, but work solely on The Anvil Guard started late June. Since then it's been off and on, bouncing between prospective color schemes, themes, lists, etc. Dedicated work on the lore stated a little over a month ago and I've poured a lot of my free time into it.

On their origins, I do have a concrete answer for which of the primarchs these marines draw their lineage from. I won't spoil it for now, but suffice to say Cawl has his mechanical fingerprints all over it. And before you get worried, it's not a lost primarch or anything. If you had to guess, who would you say?

The cosmology of Caldurum is not something I have put that much thought into to be honest. I initially had their home planet as 'Anvillus' which is where their name really came from. But in my lore browsing I learned that it's actually a canon planet in 40k responsible for Land-Raider production and already guarded by the Blood Angels. So I had to change the planet, but the name stuck.

Do you think there is anything that's missing from this index? Anything that could be improved or would be better if removed? I worry that I may have made them too impressive or uncannonically good or well equipped.

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No worries. I love helping others build their homebrew factions. There is something special about writing up lore for "your dudes" and having them fit into the universe we all love.



On their origins, I do have a concrete answer for which of the primarchs these marines draw their lineage from. I won't spoil it for now, but suffice to say Cawl has his mechanical fingerprints all over it. And before you get worried, it's not a lost primarch or anything. If you had to guess, who would you say?

While their volcanic planet and fondness for forging suggests Salamanders, those are adoptive traits. Their personality speaks more to the Imperial Fists.



The cosmology of Caldurum is not something I have put that much thought into to be honest. I initially had their home planet as 'Anvillus' which is where their name really came from. But in my lore browsing I learned that it's actually a canon planet in 40k responsible for Land-Raider production and already guarded by the Blood Angels. So I had to change the planet, but the name stuck.

No worries there. Just food for thought. I started out with just a name for my Chapter home world, now I am working on an entire sub-sector. I did see something after reading your IA article that might be neat. The scaly-foot snail. It lives near volcanic vents in the deep sea, and has iron in both the scales that protect its soft bits and in the shell itself. Might be a good creature to make into a native lifeform of Caldurum? Slow, purposeful and armoured in metal...much like the Anvil Guard.



Do you think there is anything that's missing from this index? Anything that could be improved or would be better if removed? I worry that I may have made them too impressive or uncannonically good or well equipped.

First of all, they're Astartes. They are meant to be well equipped. You went with lots of Gravis, which is a new and readily available armour type. It's not like you went all in on Terminator Armour.

Secondly, their strength can also be a flaw. They are honourable, taking their duty very seriously. But you also describe them as slow to trust and a little judgemental and not at all keep to be away from home for too long. Perhaps they might have a poor rep of not helping nearby systems or refusing calls to aid because they feel it'd leave Caldurum weakened? I find that for every 2 strengths you give a Chapter there should be 1 flaw to balance it out.


Overall though you've done a great job so far with your Chapter. is there anything you think could be improved, or perhaps an idea you weren't certain on?

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No worries. I love helping others build their homebrew factions.

Glad to hear! I hope we can work together to turn my idea into something really spectacular.


Their personality speaks more to the Imperial Fists.

Dorn is my favorite primarch... but he's not quite their father.


The scaly-foot snail. It lives near volcanic vents in the deep sea, and has iron in both the scales that protect its soft bits and in the shell itself. Might be a good creature to make into a native lifeform of Caldurum? Slow, purposeful and armoured in metal...much like the Anvil Guard.

Thank you for the suggestion, but I think I'll pass on having my chapter's animal be that of a snail. While it certainly could be a creature that lives on Caldurum, I couldn't seriously tie it into the Anvil Guards lore without feeling like it was some kind of joke. I had thought of doing some sort of rock-skinned bear, but I think the anvil guard have a strong enough thematic that they don't need to work in an animal icon.


is there anything you think could be improved, or perhaps an idea you weren't certain on?

...yes. Just about everything. I haven't written creatively for other people to read since middle school, so I'm a bit unsure about all of it. But if I had to nail down some concerns:

 - Is it cliche or cheesy? I've read a few other IA's but I don't know if what I've done here has been done before. Is any of it boring or trite?
 - Is it well written? Did I structure it in a coherent manner? Are my sentence structure and grammar decent?
 - Am I missing anything? Is there enough content here? Are they and their culture/origins/tactics/design explained well enough?
 - Are they cool? Are the quotes epic sounding or are they cringe worthy to anyone but me? Would they be cool to fight against?
 - Are the visuals fitting? Or is the symbol too simple and the paint-scheme derivative?
 - Do people find them interesting? Do people want to know more? Would other people want to paint a mini based on this?
 - Is the lore good enough to justify spending hundreds of dollars and many hours painting to bring to reality?

That last one I kind of already answered... I'm near enough to a grand at this point and a few days into painting. I'll post my aggressor squad here when it's done. It's more a goal to work towards. They started as a paint scheme and were tied to another hobby of mine, blacksmithing, and went from there. I paint a lot more than I play and I want there to be a story, a history, a personality to these models I spend so much time on.

Edited by A Bear
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The IA is well-written, for the most part. My biggest issue is with the following:

Forged during the Ultima Founding, the Anvil Guard stands as a stalwart Space Marine Chapter of undisclosed gene-seed.

Lord Regent Guilliman gave Cawl a direct order prohibiting the use of Traitor gene-seed, an order he already suspects Cawl intends to defy. Leaving the Anvil Guard's Primarch "undisclosed," will raise a MASSIVE red flag.


Best claim the Chapter was Founded with Iron Hands gene-seed. You're free to add mystery and doubt into that claim, by having in-universe characters note the Anvil Guard don't act like other sons of Ferrus Manus, e.g., they don't share the Iron Hands' impulse to replace healthy limbs with augmetic ones.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent work on the models.

Thank you very much. I wish I had a better camera, I feel my old phone doesn't do them justice.



What heraldic system are they using?

I haven't put too much thought into any of their personal heraldry or anything like that, though when I made their decal sheet I was sure to add extra hammers, anvils, skulls, and some chain decals. There is also a special version of the chapter symbol for character models.

If you're asking about how they show rank and company, I haven't decided whether they'll display company in any way (I can't find a way of displaying company that is aesthetically appealing and practical to paint). Each model has it's squad number on it's left knee (if possible). As for rank and specialization, sergeants are denoted by red helmets and a red left knee. Veterans will be denoted by an ashy grey helmet (same color as chapter symbol). Techmarines will be all red, chaplains black, apothecaries will be ashy grey... but librarians? Haven't decided. Blue seems like it would stand out way too much. Any suggestions?

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6 hours ago, A Bear said:

If you're asking about how they show rank and company, I haven't decided whether they'll display company in any way (I can't find a way of displaying company that is aesthetically appealing and practical to paint).

This post might be of inspiration.


6 hours ago, A Bear said:

Blue seems like it would stand out way too much. Any suggestions?

According to the lexicanum are known variations of the Librarian colours: "only having their helmet and right pauldron in blue[31], having their left arm in their chapter colour[33], only having their right pauldron and arm in blue[8], splitting their armour colours with the upper part in blue and the lower part in their Chapter colour[35][39], only their Psychic Hood in blue[38][40a][42], only their left pauldron in blue[41], both pauldrons in their Chapter's colours[43][45a][45b][46], and some Librarians keep fully to their Chapter's standard colours[34][40b], while other are fully blue without any of their Chapter's colour on their armour[44]."


We also have chapters like the Emperor’s Spears where the Librarians are black (and grouped together with their Chaplains, Techmarines and Apothecaries, who also are in black, under the title "druid"). 

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