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My Astra Militarum

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Hi everyone,

Been a long time lurker around here, but now I thought it would be nice to share some of my own work!


I am working on an AM force of which this is the command squad:


I might write up some lore in the near future and will try to post some updates now and then.

For now I am curieus about what you Guys think.



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@Focslain Thank you! As a matter of fact I am working on a Leman Russ at the moment, will post some wip pics when I get the chance.


@Arikel Thanks! It is a normal trooper indeed, he had a camo cover over his helmet.


@Inquisitor_Lensoven Thank you! Working on that as well!

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Thank you @Inso! The nod wasn’t on purpose but I see what you mean yes!


And as promised some Russ shots. It needs some more weathering and some stowage, but I think you get the picture. Btw it has a Mortian turret since I can’t stand the design of the original one…


Edited by InquisitorVonTansburg
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