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I think I want to include a couple of Thunderwolves, I never picked up a pack since I used to run heavier on bikes and mechanized/drop pod assault. RIP Erik. What's your experience in 10th with them? Are you using three, bare-bones, for bare-boning? What leaders are you running with them?


Last game against Grey Knights it seemed in melee torrent of fire is king, so the WGBL on dog with lethal hits might just stack quite nicely with the number of attacks. If you use Harald, the Devastating Wounds could be really nice, but the Lethal Hits and Devastating Wounds don't mix terribly well. I suppose one could always just run a regular Wolflord with the WGBL. And it seems Canis doesn't have the Captain keyword.


Even at a maximum stack of six wolves, WGBL and Lord, it seems quite affordable -- 360 points.

Edited by horushoruseverywhere
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Thunderwolves are shaping up to be one of the big hits of the SW list. Tough, fast and with a bucket load of attacks. Harald is definitely a good buy as Devastating Wounds on the Teeth and Claws stacks with the 2 Damage on the charge. That will make a mess of most things.


If you want to make a mess of even big targets, add a WGBL with TH/SS and the Black Death Enhancement. Anti-Vehicle 4+ and Anti-Monster 4+ on a weapon that already has Devastating Wounds is a nasty combo and will force damage through on even the largest targets. I know Lethal Hits doesn't stack well with Devastating Wounds but even so, Automatic Wounds are still tasty.


The only down side with TWC seems to be maneuvering their large bases through terrain.

I've heard a few tourney players using them barebones with no leaders as action monkeys/objective holder as they're fast and hard to move off things. They can definitely pack a punch as Karhedron said, the only limitation is base size and movement restrictions.


If you're wanting a big punch, one guy on the SW discord is lauding a 10-man Wulfen squad with mostly storm shield for loads of attacks.

Edited by Apokalypsi

Alright, alright, I'm picking up an unbuilt Harald for 20 tomorrow and I'll grab a box of TWC from the LGS on Monday.


As far as Wulfen go, I've got fifteen from the 13th Company. Rebasing is the smaller effort, but how to add shields and grenade launchers? I don't think I can justify buying two boxes of Wulfen while their tin brothers look on from the shelves.

If you need a bulk load of wolfy shields to suit the old metal Wulfen, you might be best off going for some 3D printed ones. The ones below are just an example of wat is out there.




For the frag launchers, a simple option would be to simply get some grenades and stick them to their belts or in their hands. Most Marine kits come with plenty of grenades so it is a cheap and easy solution.

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