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Question about starting AdMech.

Go to solution Solved by Bouargh,

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Hello folks.


I have some knights that I haven’t painted yet and while looking for schemes have seen a few nice AdMech armies, which has started me thinking about them as both a standalone and mixed army (to whatever extent that works at the moment.)


Anyway, AdMech seem like a slightly more expensive army to collect, so I was wondering if something like the Elimination Maniple is a good start? The fact they are still available is a bit surprising. I like the robot guys. Then add a combat patrol?


I do like the look of the Dunecrawler and the flyers.


Or are things of the state that I’m better of trying to snag random stuff I like the look of from eBay?


Thank you. My apologies for the rambling questions.




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It is indeed quite an expensive army to collect. And even worse since the last dataslate. Anyway, in general, you reach AdMech more for the outlook rather than for the economy.


As far as I am concerned, I started with a Patrol and the ooP Reinforcment box (Duneraider, 1 squad of skitarii and an engineseer). Then some various stuff from FW (Termite, Mago and Abeyant). I recently added a Maniple too.


Yet I would rather advise, if you already have some knights, starting with 2 Combat Patrol. It is a solid core. But you would need some characters. The Manipulus is for me a must. The Technoarcheologist is nice too, but you could kit bash one of the 2 Engineseer you get, instead of buying one. 

The Extermonation maniple is nice but may be as a later step. It remains however an interesting deal so, if you can seize one, better now than never. Yet, it might lose some interest in the next months as, if some repackaged deals come out with the codex this winter, you might end up in a dead-end alley for future boxes: One advantage of the box is getting Cawl inside. If future deals are built up aound him, they will loose their saving advantages a lot.


Now, as the Maniple comes with 2 units of Kataphrons, if you want to field some quickly, it is a better way than the second Patrol box... Indeed these Servitors are often unavailable. And according to the current meta (or at least the coments around it) it looks liek Kataphrons are the rising stars of the army. I have no opinion on respect of this.


So as a summary:

1. My first advise would be 2 Patrol boxes

2. If the Deal is more attractive money wise, swap the second Patrol for a maniple

3. In any case, get extra characters (Manipulus for sure)

Edited by Bouargh

Really good info from Bouargh. I’d also take a look at eBay, etc as you can sometimes score great deals on used models or even brand new models still in packaging. I went there for my more expensive models like the ballistari.

  • 3 months later...

Apologies for necroing the thread.  Had some expensive vet bills to deal with.


Would a Combat Patrol and a Boarding Patrol be a good start? I was thinking it adds a bit of variety to get an idea of how models work in the faction / painting.

edit: A few minutes after the OP I spotted an Elimination Maniple sitting unloved on a dusty shelf for £109 delivered. 


Thank you.

Edited by Zoatibix

I would say that, Boarding patrol is a better deal than the (new) Combat Patrol. It represents something like 100 pts more and is cheaper.

Now, in your specific case of already owning an Extermination Maniple, the combat patrol will probably gives you more tactical flexibility; but one in one, a first target might be being able to reach the highest point value possible ASAP; the fact is that it will set you in position of getting 9 Kataphron minis. It will probably influence you into a tad boring play style initially...


My main bemol would be if you can get hands on the PREVIOUS Combat patrol. Getting a tank is a plus.

My rating for starting:

1. Boarding patrol (for its pts to € ratio)

2. former Combat patrol (with Dune-stuff tank and more Kataphrons)

3. new Combat patrol   (with Serberyses and Pteraxii)

Edited by Bouargh

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