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Is this an okay table for NM?


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I'm having my first game this weekend, so rather than dig out the 6x4 I thought I'd use these boards I got from ebay a while back.

I'm happy with the size, and I'm happy with the LOS aspect of it, but I'm not sure if I need to improvise some walkways high up, or ladders, not enough open space, or other things I don't normally have to worry about. 

Even though it looks like it should be difficult terrain, we're just going to play the ground floor as being normal terrain for moving purposes. 


Any other tips for a first game?



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Your table looks great.


One thing, though, is Necromunda is true LOS, so its not enough to be in a building you need to have the building actually get in the way of the firer's line of sight.  As such, the buildings whose intact facings are pointed outwards will play a limited role in granting cover, so you might want to flip those around or put scatter terrain on the open edges of the second floor so that models up there aren't completely in the open.

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I get your point about cover, but I was hoping to avoid a stay behind cover shoot em up. 

As I understand it, being on the bottom left tile top level would give a model an impressive view of the battlefield, but easy to hit in return; whilst being in the top left tile on ground level would give the model a narrow field of view but be well defended. 

If all the terrain was to face in, would it not lead to a stalemate situation? 


Should I improvise some walkways to fall off of, or does that happen less often than I imagine it should?!


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Well, with the middle largely open, I think you are more likely to encourage long range fire fights rather than discourage them.  The closer you move the viable cover towards the centre, the more you encourage the models to be there.


As I see it, the top of the board has very good cover close to the centre, and any gang that starts there is at a decided advantage of dominating the board which otherwise has fairly open lanes of sight.  If going with the side table edges, the two sides are more balanced, each with an "open" building and a "closed building" facing the other edge.


Overall, I would say the table definitely favours shooting, as there seem to be few dead spaces that are entirely out of LOS from the opposite side (just the central portion of the top centre building, and I'm guessing some/all of the bottom right building as well) which could make it challenging for melee oriented gangs without some form of deep deployment.


I do like that there is a lot of low cover, which will offer some protection moving forward, but I don't know if that is enough protection against shootier gangs - maybe someone who has played more can say.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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You can encourage movement by choosing unusual setup zones such as the opposing board corners. Long range gunners then need to move in position first and don´t start on elevated terrain features. Next comes the scenario in mind: Do the gangers need to move into the middle of the board? Do they need to fetch items and carry them off the battlefield?

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