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New Sniper Character

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2 minutes ago, Marshal Mittens said:

The antivehicle profile being 1 S7 D3 shot seems pretty useless? 

Well - both guns live on their 'Anti-' abilities. Anti-vehicle/monster 4+ is the entire point... the actual S will matter only if trying to snipe an infantry character with the anti-vehicle version. At first blush I'd likely do the jezzail and target elite infantry/characters instead because Dmg3 tastes so good these days.


Wait, though... Make it an omni-steriliser and it can mow down most of a Chosen squad per turn on a good day lol.


You're not wrong though, it's clearly not an actual damage piece as-written... gonna also need to be some combination of really cheap, LoneOp, or buff other units' shooting...


As the '+1 Ranger' counterpart to the Marshal's '+1 Vanguard', I may well get one just for funsies... It's a cool concept and nifty miniature if nothing else.  If the rules are interesting I might even convert a second one (probably put my last Ironstrider arquebus on a Helamite Rider who is now surplus to my 'Helamite Raiders').


At the end of the day it does seem like the Detachments have been tuned up if nothing else so I'm looking forward to locking in the army's identity for 10th. Stealth detachment seems pretty slick, but Conclave for character focus or even Explorator (assuming this is focused on attacking Objectives?) seem potentially quite cool as well.


I'm more hopeful for the faction than I've been in a while tbh - more to do with the detachment hints than this mini, but I wasn't really expecting much in the way of new units.




The Good Doctor.



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I don´t want to be negative but I don´t like the minatures, just looks silly to me and the rules are bad. Very few snipers in the game is any good. GW could have given us lot of fun things like more heavy weapons, robots of diffrent kinds but all they gave us was a man/woman on stilts which no one will ever use. Even his BS is only 3+. He will most often miss, fail to wound or the opponent will make a armour/inv save, doing nothing. I guess for this edition we buy more breachers...

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I am a little bit confused by this miniature.


The look first: odd, but this is nothing knew when dealing with AdMech, isn´t it? So, it will get a go for its character


Rule wise, I have more questions than anything else.

  • I did not look or listen to the Live stream so I might have missed things, but, is it a character? I do not really see the point of such a miniature if one can use Imperial Assassins as Imperial Agents.
  • Skatros transuranic arquebus is slightly better than the arquebus fielded in skitarii units. Because of better BS and the 2 anti rules. Will "anti" also appear on the standard arquebuses or will it remain a specific feature for the Skatros? I would anticipate the latter. Anyway, as you can get Arquebuses for free in all the cheap Skitarii units, I really wonder how useful this weapon would really be on a lone sniper... Can it be decisive getting 1 of better quality vs. numerous a little bit inferior ones spread over the battlefield?
  • Radium jezzail is the same as on Sydonian dragoons, except the improved BS. I guess that for the Skatros it might be the basic weapon to go for as it is rarely fielded otherwise. It will even get some clearly increased usefulness vs. the one set on the Dragoon, essentially because for your dragoon you just want to keep the taser lance and go HtH


So cool factor is there for sure, but from the info available I hardly see the purpose and usefulness of this new model. Seen the sheer price of AdMech sets, can one afford a mini fluffy enough but that may eventually appear as being mostly only of very puntual and contextual usefulness? 


Conclusion: I am not transcended by this reveal.


Edit/add-on: I sadly noted too that the Codex will have 30 datasheet. As the current Index gets 29 + one (1) for this new guy, it means no new unit. Can we eventually expect a redesigned Servitor unit ? (OK, I can hear you asking "What for?")... So a quick and dirty release for AdMech Codex looks like being indirectly confirmed too.  Damned... 

Edited by Bouargh
Added coment + typos
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It has everything for a win but in a pose that is so static, whoever sculped it saw Dishonoured and tried to copy it but didn't understand what it was.


If you can cut and rearrange those legs and create an aiming pose I think it can be a really good model to spend some extra time on to get right.


It looks like they got hit by a spot light and froze to the spot.

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Not an AdMech player, but have some thoughts. 


Rules- It has Stealth and Lone Operative, so it will be able to survive at its dedicated range (24-36"). When using the jezzail, the sniper will be a good minor character killer- 3 damage and precision will at least make it a worry for an opponent. I can't see using the arquebus at all, it doesn't do enough reliable damage with the d3 to make the gamble worthwhile. Depending on the points cost, a couple of these working as a pair can really shut down an enemy's support characters and be a decent force multiplier.


Aesthetics- oof, I can't like it at all. Who thought stilts were a good idea? Give it a creepy, six-legged spidery look that makes it creepy as it climbs up walls and hangs upside down to get in a good sniping position, not giant pole-legs. The jezzail is a nice lookimg gun though.

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It looks like silly trash, I wish they would ground some things loosely in reality. How is that guy supposed to hide? 

From a rules point of view though, I suspect you would be hard pushed to find a unit that is cheaper in the codex. He may well be taken not for his ability to kill characters (3 of them working together certainly can) but rather to do actions? or sit on objectives maybe?

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I see his only purpose is to stand in corners doing action or holding backfield objective. But for 45$ or something its not worth it. And he looks so ugly. A hard no from me. Rather convert some of the rangers with arquebus, both cheaper and propably cooler.

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Trying not to be negative but this just seems an awful release.


1. The legs look dreadful, really really dumb (never mind transporting this thing)


2. The rules are either very lacklustre (unless you can give him the omni sterliizor)  or make no sense and are really annoying/zero interaction for your opponent as it just sits there all game being untargetable despite being 15ft in the air (IMO this has no business at all having lone operative or stealth - its the most obviously targetable model ive maybe ever seen haha)


Also The anti vehicle weapon doing less damage than the anti infantry one....why? They could have just made both weapons S5, Damage 3, and then given each the relevant anti keywords. Just seems like really bad writing.


3. We didnt need this, we already have rangers which can sit on objectives and take sniper rilfes. What we needed was the old rules back where rangers could be taken in squads of 5 or have 2 arqebus in one squad. 




Positives?? The upper half of the body is actually cool, i like the wee autoloader extra arm etc, but he could have more sicarian type legs, or maybe some weird version of onager/crab legs for climbing buildings, and would have looked infinitely better. Like if he was a character to attach to ranger squads this would have been a MUCH better idea.




He may well be taken not for his ability to kill characters (3 of them working together certainly can) but rather to do actions? or sit on objectives maybe?



I really hope this guy has OC0, and thats as an admech player (it should not be able to hold objectives whilst 15ft in the air lol)




Rather convert some of the rangers with arquebus, both cheaper and propably cooler.


Absolutely. Id already started converting each of the imperial assassins into mechanicus versions (started with the callidus),and had planned to do a vindicare one as an 'alpha ranger'...but definately not on clown stilts haha



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On 10/14/2023 at 6:06 PM, Lord_Ikka said:

The jezzail is a nice lookimg gun though.


The Jezziel does look excellent, I wish there was an option to have rangers take it. I know there are some on the ironstriders, but thats an expensive use of a $60 kit. 


I think that the anti tank variant sucks because it was so good with rangers for 2 editions so they nerfed it so we would need to buy new models with a different set if special weapons. I miss its old 72" range. Rarely came into play, but it was cool. 

Edited by Marshal Mittens
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6 hours ago, Marshal Mittens said:


The Jezziel does look excellent, I wish there was an option to have rangers take it. I know there are some on the ironstriders, but thats an expensive use of a $60 kit. 


I think that the anti tank variant sucks because it was so good with rangers for 2 editions so they nerfed it so we would need to buy new models with a different set if special weapons. I miss its old 72" range. Rarely came into play, but it was cool. 

I agree about the range of the Transuranic Arquebus entirely. The fact that the length of the gun was half the range to the target they could at least have kept that as it's calling card. You just got shot from the next table over by a dedicated sniper lad. Having such a massively oversized gun with a merely average range is disappointing. It's like buying a Shadowsword only to find out it's main armament is just a lascannon. :teehee:

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I hope this has some extra rules or interactions that we don’t know about. Single shot sniper rifles on a character don’t feel like something I need in my army.


As for stealth, I feel it’s akin to the fluff for Stygies; the unit uses cloaking devices or technology instead of actual hiding.


I like the model. It’s weird and out there and so far Admech has been a lackluster meme army this edition so why not? I still love the models and army and will play them. I have no issue adding this weird character.


Army need or not I’ll probably pick up one of these.



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21 hours ago, brother_b said:

I hope this has some extra rules or interactions that we don’t know about. Single shot sniper rifles on a character don’t feel like something I need in my army.


As for stealth, I feel it’s akin to the fluff for Stygies; the unit uses cloaking devices or technology instead of actual hiding.


I like the model. It’s weird and out there and so far Admech has been a lackluster meme army this edition so why not? I still love the models and army and will play them. I have no issue adding this weird character.


Army need or not I’ll probably pick up one of these.



The problem is that his stealth does not stack with 'Styges' detachment rule, unlike the marines stealthy one

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