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Badab War One-Shot Minis - 08 December Update - Harath Shen, painted Thulsa Kane


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An ongoing project to knock up some kitbashed standalone minis from the chapters engaged in the Badab War, because Badab is cool and kitbashing is probably the part of the hobby I enjoy the most.


I had intended to start out easy with just my idea of what a standard tactical  marine from each chapter might look like and I did do a few of those already (pics to follow) but a particular combination of parts gave me an idea and so I went with it. Here's my rendition of Old Night himself, Thulsa Kane of the Executioners.




The basis is Tortuga Bay Studio's Myroslav Kado mini, with arms and axe from their Fortress Destroyer model. The head is from the new GW Terminator Chaplain, tilt shield from Fafnir Rann. There's also a dagger in a skull-encrusted scabbard from one of the GW limited edition webstore minis because "needs more skulls" was a definite consideration i had while assembling him!

Edited by Halandaar
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9 hours ago, SvenIronhand said:

Wonderful. I've always loved the Executioner's decorations, but I've always balked at painting their color scheme. 


I can't even decide exactly what the colour scheme is! In some panels it seems to be a gunmetal sort of colour with blue-grey shoulders, in others it seems to be a much brighter sort of silver, in a painting tutorial video Duncan presented it as a matte blue-grey, and then the accent colours for veterans seem to be either a bold yellow or a brassy sort of colour interchangeably.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is one of the first models I build for this project; a basic Tactical Marine built from Tortuga Bay's M4 armour




After looking back at a bunch of pictures I eventually decided the Executioners colour scheme is metallic blue-grey, so I had a crack at trying to work out how to achieve that. 


I started out with a basecoat of Iron Warriors over black, then used Stormfiend Contrast to get the blue tone. That felt too dark, so I then went back over it with a drybrush of 50/50 Iron Warriors and Stormfiend, which gave this look which i think looks alright! Was a challenge to get a half decent photo of it though, it's slightly odd in that from certain angles it reads as a lot more metallic than others.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Next named character: Harath Shen, Master Apothecary of the Salamanders





Obviously he requires a Salamanders pad for his left arm and maybe something to cover up the not-entirely-tidy join of the right arm with the torso, but overall pretty satisfied with how he came out.

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