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3k Raven Guard Decap Strike

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I have been mulling over how to run a decap strike list for my Raven Guard for some time now and a change to 3k points means I need some help.


I don’t want to go WAAC and like playing fluffy.


This is a first draft, advice and criticism wanted. There are a few points left over



pair of Ravens Talons, Corvid jump pack and melta bombs



Thunder Hammer


Apothecaries x2

jump pack on 1


Contemptor Talon

Kheres and Power Fist


Castra Ferrum Dreadnought Talon

Dual autocannons and Helical Targeting array

Dual lascannons and Helical Targeting array


Deliverers x5

Ravens Talons x4

Multi-Melta & Chainfist


Despoilers x15

Power Axe x3

Artificer and Fist on Sarge



Tactical Squad x15



Recon squad x6 

Nemesis Bolters


Tactical support x6

Melta guns



Dark Furies x10

3 choosers


Seekers x10

Land Raider


Heavy Support x5

Las Cannons

Augury Scanner


I don’t yet own Corax but will get sooner than later and am just building some Mor Deythan with combi-volkites. I don’t want to run multiple Dark Fury squads as I am really waiting for some actual Shattered Legion rules to go RG, Salamanders and Iron Hands as love the fluff behind the mixed force!

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I'm not a particular fan of apoes without AArmour (too many snipers here and there)


I've loved kheres (both aesthetically and on the tabletop) but it's just no use in the current edition :(


5 lascannons are enough to receive fire but not enough to scare the people with reactions :(

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46 minutes ago, suxdavide said:

I'm not a particular fan of apoes without AArmour (too many snipers here and there)


I've loved kheres (both aesthetically and on the tabletop) but it's just no use in the current edition :(


5 lascannons are enough to receive fire but not enough to scare the people with reactions :(

The apothecaries both have AA in the list, just missed them!


I had the kheres as, in previous games, it has been more effective than the gravis melta I have been using.


I agree with the comment re the las cannons, but struggling for ranged anti-tank. Have tried a leviathan but it needs a drop pod so gets expensive points wise!



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11 hours ago, Always check the Shadows said:


I agree with the comment re the las cannons, but struggling for ranged anti-tank. Have tried a leviathan but it needs a drop pod so gets expensive points wise!


What about some nice recons with melta bombs in a rhino with multimelta?

Edited by suxdavide
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What are your hard takes, and your I can leave this out units? Fluff vs in-game can be a tough balance, especially when you want certain staples.


Raven Guard in a Decapitation Strike offers a lot of boons many other RoW do not. One of the best things about them is you can use more generic units.


Personally I don't put a lot of stock in the Proteus Land Raider, it's pretty expensive for a non melee unit, obviously if that's your work around to get more heavy support slots it's fair game. 


A chaplain for a 15 man despoiler squad isn't really ideal and you are better off putting a jump pack on him and including him in your Furies squad.


Castraferrum, for me, are gravis lascannons or bust. This also makes up for only having a 5 man lascannon squad. They offer better overall coverage anyway.



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