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Why go to your local GW?

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@Dark Shepherd’s thread on GW gaming, or lack thereof, sparked some excellent conversation on the state of everyone’s local GWs and redshirts, and it got me to thinking—if, as is the case for many Frater, as it is for myself, your Local GW doesn’t have good spaces/attitudes for pickup games, or at least is overshadowed by third party FLGSs, why go?


What is enough to make up for larger gaming space, public bathrooms, easily-available snacks, multiple staff meaning the store doesn’t have to close for the manager’s lunch break, 3rd party models, paints, and tools, secondhand models on the cheap, and more amenities, such as a more convenient location?


When your FLGSs are strictly better, what still gets you in the door to see your friendly neighborhood redshirt? Are campaign events and challenges like Armies on Parade enough?



For me, personally, the answer is a long-standing rapport with the manager. My GW guy has been at our store for years at this point, and has outlasted every employee before him that I can remember combined. (Occasionally we’ll get one of the old ones in as an on-call, but thats very rare.) I know him fairly well, and he makes an effort to be engaged with old and new customers to keep you feeling welcome, despite the cramped store space. 

But the big draw is that he’s the best guy I know for recommending paints, techniques, et cetera. None of his paint suggestions have EVER missed for me—I was intent on getting a pot of Phoenician purple, and he told me to get a pot of Luxion purple contrast instead. Guaranteed I’d find it appropriate for what I was trying to do, or he’d swap me a pot of Phoenician himself. So, even though I was looking to REPLACE a pot of purple contrast (never have had much luck with Magos purple), I took his advice, bought a pot, and cracked it open to apply it to the model I was working on. And by the God-Emperor, he was right. It turned out pretty darned good. And when he doesn’t have something in stock, he’s perfectly willing to remind you of the stores in town that MIGHT have that paint in stock.

I don’t much go there to play anymore, especially since I’m not living full time in that city anymore, but when I have the time to visit, I like to drop in and buy paint, talk about what I’ve been painting, and get advice on the colors. Plus, I get to see the other guys I’ve gotten to casually know over the years. (Sometimes they’re even getting a game in themselves!)

So that’s largely why I go to my GW now, even if it’s not for gaming. What drives you to yours? 

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I don't go to my local GW. I will drop by if I'm in the area, but it's 15 minutes away from me (in another town) compared to the 2 FLGS that are only 5 minutes travel in my own town. The local stores also have a larger selection of GW models, more paints (obviously different producers as well as Citadel), and much larger gaming areas. 

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I got two within 35 miles but I don't go to them. The managers are friendly but at the end of my day I care most about the money in my wallet and if I can get it cheaper from elsewhere, I will. The ability to play there does not bother me because I have my own gaming table, mats and terrain. I also don't like playing with random people usually, mostly my brother and friends, or at least friends of friends that someone can vouch for. For every cool new person I used to meet and play against, I would have 1-2 negative experiences as well.


FLGS can offer other brands, other gaming systems and most importantly, discounts. Done deal for me.

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I used to go once in a while, for the same reason I go to FLGSs - they offer a space for painting and gaming that I feel is valuable to the hobby at large, even if I don't personally use it. Everything is obviously cheaper online, but I do feel like we'll rue the day when there's no more physical  hobby stores, GW or otherwise, so I make it a point to go buy *something* every once in a while.
That being said, I mostly buy other stuff than minis (both in FLGSs and GW, but I rarely if ever come near a GW store after I moved) and mostly as a "show of support".

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My local GW is pretty friendly, and often well stocked. There are a fair few other places to buy minis from, often for better prices, but for some things they don't have in stock or if I'm just near and have the money for an impulse buy I don't mind. The staff are really nice and whilst I probably wouldn't make it my main destination for playing games (mainly because of the large amount of non-GW models/parts I use nowadays) I will probably go there to learn Combat Patrol when I finally finish painting my 'nid patrol (as unlike 10th as a whole it actually looks enjoyable).


Also they have some very nice customer-painted minis on display which are always fun to see.

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The 2 GWs in my area are both literally a few hundred metres away from FLGSs.


As i experienced it there are 3 groups of people gathering in the GW Stores in my area.

First the beginners, who mostly played the Video Games and want to Dip their foot into the model stuff.

The tourney crowd, as most other people ignore them or have been told to leave after medling with the store owner.

The other group are the die hard Fans that only buy directly from GW und wouldnt never set foot in a non GW Store.


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Certain factors (kind staff, good community, whether a store is spacious and good to game in, etc) are going to vary from area to area, and can apply to any gaming store whether GW or FLGS. I'm sure there are some brilliant GW managers just as there are brilliant local store owners keeping their respective communities alive. I've built up a great rapport with some local stores near me, but I've also had great rapport with GW staff back when I used to frequent their stores, so it goes both ways.


The two reasons why I don't go into GWs anymore are pretty simple. One is pricing, because GW products are always priced at a premium and if I can get 20% or more models and hobby supplies for my buck, I'm going to do that. It's not like you're deciding between whether to get more expensive meat from your local butcher or cheaper meat from a supermarket chain where it's a conscious decision between factors like supporting a local business and getting higher quality food over more budget friendly supplies from a chain, you're getting the same product in this case, so saving money is a no brainer.


The other is that GW stores revolve entirely around GW products and GW rhetoric. GW models, paints, brushes, books - nothing else. There are so many competing hobby brands that offer great products - in many cases, I'd say superior, though everybody will have their preferences - and you're not going to find that in a GW store. A local store owner can give much more frank advice and recommendations and sometimes even order in other brands for you to what they've got available. In a FLGS I don't have to worry about whether I've got too many 3D printed components on my models (not a factor for me, but I know that matters to some), I can meet hobbyists and gamers from outside of the GW bubble, even if I'm a lifelong fan of GW's settings and games, and have easy access to a wider range of paints and supplies. Again, typically all for cheaper.


If there's a rare product only available in store or if I lived somewhere where a local GW was the only potential source of community or events, then I'd consider going into a store. Sometimes if I'm traveling and I see one nearby, I might wander in to take a look at any displays. That's all though.

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34 minutes ago, Marshal Loss said:

If there's a rare product only available in store

That's pretty much the only thing I've ever bought from my GW aside from paints- the store anniversary minis that I can't get except from going to a GW. Otherwise, everything the GW store offers is exceeded by the FLGS in my area.

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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I do most of my shopping online, usually Darksphere, element etc. Because it's hard to turn down that sweet 20% discount. 


However I was recently in London with some time to kill so thought I'd check out the big Darksphere store at Shepherds Bush... What an absolutely miserable experience, I've never been to a less welcoming store and the frankly enormous range of products were mostly hidden behind counters - I guess to prevent theft, but it made browsing impossible and the staff were so unfriendly - out of about 6 members of staff that day 1 was actually busy stacking shelves, 2 were looking at their phones and the rest were just stood around chatting. I actually got told off for trying to lean over the counter to look at the shelves! (I wasn't trying to grab anything, just getting my head a foot closer to see things better)


Contrast that to the GW store on Tottenham Court road, where the staff were genuinely friendly and welcoming, everything was out on display and they had an amazing range of GW amd FW products on the shelves. Honestly didn't care that it cost more, that's where I spent my money that day. Had a good chat about the new Tyranids and conversion ideas, paint schemes etc. 


I own a small retail business myself so I know how important customer experience and service are, I honestly can't say I ever want to give another penny of my money to Darksphere as they clearly don't care about customers - simply having the cheapest prices isn't always enough in my opinion. 

Edited by frankendoodle65
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I'm probably the odd man out here, but I don't really go to my local GW store for models or paints or to play games, I mainly go because it actually gets new Black Library releases on a pretty consistent basis.


For example, the recent Genefather release went Out of Stock fast on the webstore. I swung by the store in my area and *boop*, there sat a copy on the shelf.

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Once upon a time, I used to go to the local GW fairly often, a few times a week sometimes. We would sit around a large painting table, chat :cuss:, or maybe play mordheim or somethign on their tables. We had a mostly friendly community, and they were relaxed about us playing discontinued games. For the cost of a paint, I'd get to sit in peace and enjoy some idle bull:cuss:. 

Since moving, the store is so small it might only support one painter and perhaps a game. Waste

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I used to swing by my local GW a lot, mainly for the latest White Dwarf or BL release but loading up on hobby supplies or the occasional mini I was after but hadn’t picked up yet.  While there I’d check out the painters and ongoing games and have chats with staff and/or customers.  I’ve never had one particularly close to me but that was okay (and probably made it a bit of an adventure).


Nowadays, they are small(ish), under-stocked and, worst of all, under-manned.  Several times when I’ve been in the area, I’ve swung past to pick up something only to find the joint closed lunch/nature break, something I find aggravating (and not just a GW thing nowadays).  If they are open, I rarely find any painters or gamers on site as there is usually not enough for both.


To make matters worse, there is even a FLGS in the immediate area either.  Maybe I should have had a different set of priorities (instead of near schools or transport links) when I was house shopping! :whistling:

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44 minutes ago, Stitch5000 said:

If you are engaged in the GW hobby enough to have an account and regularly post on a forum such as this one, it is highly unlikely that GW stores hold anything for you. 


Why would that be? Long fangs that know cheaper ways to get things? I thinkdistance to store is the main reason for not going, followed by discount, again, influenced by pay where you play. 


1 hour ago, frankendoodle65 said:

Contrast that to the GW store on Tottenham Court road, where the staff were genuinely friendly and welcoming,


Been into that store also, friendly folks with an awesome range of stuff, I think they had FW items there last time I was in?

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36 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Zero reasons:yes:


Its just a propaganda centre these days to brainwash new gamers into buying as much as possible. 




What was it previously? 

For all this "nu-GW is bad and evil" rhetoric, it has ALWAYS been about making money and stores have always been a stage for selling. 

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  1. If it's the only local choice to buy warhammer in person
  2. When I visit a new town or city and pop into the local GW just for the novelty
  3. Occasionally they have freebies or give-aways that tempt me in
  4. The sprue recycling collection - This is really appreciated and I hope they continue it
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It used to be good if I need a few paints, but that's about it, I am so far removed from GW's ideal customer and over the last 12-18 months my opinion on them is a little more neutral.  


But now I actually don't use GW paints anymore there is no reason. I can get everything cheaper online.

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I no longer have one close enough to make it worth my while to go (50+ miles and brutal traffic in its area). But when I had one nearby where I used to live it wasn't worth it either as they had 1 table yo play at andamdated fully painted army's to play at that one table so could ot test any units and some of my slower to paint friends couldn't play at all. And the atmosphere wasn't worth it at that particular store.


That said I do pop by GW stores when traveling to see what they have to offer other places and get a peek at other communities gaming scene. And one day I do wanna make it across the pond to see warhammer world.

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I generally buy my stuff online, Ebay or whatever (I try to always get 25% off the GW price) but for smaller items where the cost of postage will wipe out any discount - things like paints, etc - then I usually pop into my local GW (Watford) when the missus has taken me with her to go shopping.


I dont know the manager especially well (honestly, his name slips my mind right now!) but he's a nice guy and good for a chat for a few mins, has occasionally provided some useful advice about products/techniques I haven't used before. :thumbsup:


Edit: if I'm in a new town and there is a GW there, I will usually pop in or look in the window, just to see if there is anything cool in their display cabinet!





Edited by Lysimachus
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I haven't been to my local GW in years properly (i.e. to make a significant purchase or spent time in there) with it being such a small space and with the way the staff can be (very pushy if you show interest in something, but not so open to what you're saying in terms of what you're looking to pick up) tied with the 'only available online' issue, which don't get me wrong I understand as there's only so much square footage in a given store and only x amount of stock can go in there.


The only reason I go into the local store now is if the free mini of the month is something interesting that I wouldn't pick up normally (last one being the Lizard man and Termagant, my friend is massive bug fan :) ), though it's also partly location as both my local stores are in very awkward to get to places in town, and unless I'm going that way I'll generally stick to online, as like people mentioned previously that 20% discount is hard to pass up :)

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2 GW's in my city, and they're both fine, I guess, but for whatever reason they're not set up for games, and certainly not 'bring your own models in for a game' stuff. They're small, sales focused, and only do the like, super basic teach-a-kid-to-roll-dice sort of games. 


I dunno, I pop in occasionally, usually for individual paints or, recently, because it's such a pain getting the Siege of Terra books elsehwhere. 


Nice enough people in them, though. No real complaints from someone who does most of his actual games at a 3rd party place with a bunch of BIG tables. 

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