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Precision ... only vs attached units


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So I just noticed an oddity.  Precision shots only comes into play against character units in attached units.  This seems to give a little extra window of protection option to certain leaders that come with their own chuds.  Like an Astra Militarum Command squad.  Only will have 5 men in it, but if you do NOT attached it to lead another unit... somehow that makes the commander safer from sniper fire.  So something to consider when you see your opponents force... he has some snipers deadly to your favorute character unit... maybe don't attach him if he has anyone else with him already that can have hits allocated to them. 


Of course this makes them more vulnerable to standard unit fire... but some sniper squad loadouts are super deadly to some character units that it could be worth it. 


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That still seems better than the Space Marine snipers my opponent has been fielding that take him out in one shot if he pokes up at 36" range.. (3 Damage precision shots) which is basically the whole battlefield.  Rest of his army is mostly melee so protecting against that is more effective than just worrying about general shooting.   

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