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7th Legion: Advice sought to finish this 3k PotL list

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Greetings Frater :smile: Although I'm a way off from this stage (still painting the 3k worth of stuff I got when the Age of Darkness set was released :sweat:), I'm looking at putting together a 3k take-on-all-comers, pick up sort of list - maybe to take to events (with an ever-so-slightly (emphasis on the slightly :whistling:) competitive bent). I'm deliberating what to include in Heavy Support as I feel I'm lacking a bit of anti-Tank/Heavies fire power in the list.  I'm planning on using Pride of the Legion rite for this Imperial Fists force. 


So the core is currently:

Praetor + Huscarl retinue (teleporting)
2x 5 Cataphractii (teleporting)
Contemptor talon (2 Dreads)
2x Veteran Squads (Drop Pods)
Tactical Squad
Tactical Squad (Rhino)
Support squad w/Meltaguns (Rhino)


That's just under 2.6k; I'm considering the following options:


Option 1 - 2x Sicaran Venators 

Option 2 - Cerberus


Or, I've another idea which will allow another squad to be added to the army:


Option 3 - Kratos (w/Flashburn shells), plus add an additional Support squad w/Plasma Guns


I'm erring towards the latter 2 options - the Cerberus has a the advantage in that it seems a bit tougher than the Sicarians.  The third option would be easier for me as I've already got a Kratos :laugh:


Any thoughts/suggestions on this are welcome, thanks for any input! 

Edited by firestorm40k
Forgot Sicaran Venators were available as plastic kits, whoops!
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The cerberus definitely the most competitive out of the choices I feel. 

Is the Kratos built with the battle cannon? Melta would be ideal vs vehicles. If you’ve already got the Kratos & planning to paint it anyway, I’d say go this route & see how it performs, get your money’s worth at least :laugh:

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I'd take a master of signals to make sure those reserves actually show up before the game is over. Melta supports are also really expensive and die fast - personally I'd swap them for a lascannon HSS, then the MoS can go with them to buff them to hit on a 2+. 


If you do that, then you can't have a second HS choice, so the answer is the Cerberus. Normally I'd would hope tat 2x of a smaller tank would put out more firepower than the larger version, however venators only put out the same or less firepower than a cerberus, at shorter range, so personally I feel 2x venators < 1x cerberus. In this thought process, I'm equating 1x cerberus to 2x venators to 4x blaster sabres, all of which favour the venator in firepoer, but the sabres in speed. The venator is the best looking, but in a weird middle ground where it's less mobile than the sabres, and less tough than the cerberus. 


Other comparisons are 2x melta preds v 1x kratos. The preds are vulnerable, but get 6 melta shots to the kratos' 4, so there's at least a trade off. I feel that the cerberus is straight better than 2x venators. 

Edited by Xenith
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Thanks @Heir of Sigismundand @Xenith :smile: It looks like a Cerberus is the best option in this case! :biggrin:


22 hours ago, Heir of Sigismund said:

Is the Kratos built with the battle cannon? Melta would be ideal vs vehicles.

I was planning on building it with the battle cannon, because it's counted as one of the weapons that benefits from the Imperial Fists Legion trait - it seems unlikely I'll use it with this list now though! :sweat:


21 hours ago, Xenith said:

I'd take a master of signals to make sure those reserves actually show up before the game is over.

Thanks for the advice - I'd not considered a MoS, but I'm sure I could rustle one up from my spare miniatures :biggrin: So, if I take him, drop the Melta chaps, I've just got enough points to take a Heavy Support squad with Missile Launchers; I don't have any Lascannon chaps and don't plan on building any for the time being, but at least it's a bit more firepower :smile:

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If you want to be really gamey, you can paint that Cerberus green & play it as a Salamanders unit in the Lord of War Detachment & suddenly it will gain It Will Not Die 6+ due to their legion special rule. This is helpful as the Cerberus can hurt itself.

IF & Salas are sworn brother allies after all & not alot of benefit from IF special rules

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