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I'm going to a GT in a couple weeks. I'm at a crossroads on which of these 2 lists to take. Itll be GW Leviathan Terrain maps with "GW-like" terrain on them. 


Demo TC w/grand strategist
10 Krieg
2x demo russ
2x1 scout sents
2x3 Ogryn
2x chimera 


2x Demo TC
10 Krieg
3x Demo Russ
2x Scout Sent
3x Ogryn
3x Chimera

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List 2, big tanks can be a trap, especially when there is lots of terrain:yes:


Also if your tagged this ed, all your weapons are -1 to hit, so if your big tank gets tagged in combat by a grot....


Demolishers however have a rule for that:thumbsup:


Not to mention 3 tanks can be in more places meaning better obj cover etc etc


Also the enginsser ability can be a trap, since if you loose first turn, the tank you plan to give the save too could die:yes:

Very much depends on terrain. If it's WTC style it can get quite dense, so moving a Banesword around can be tricky, and it'll basically be confined to one side of the board. Which can still work, it's just something to be aware of. 


You can also strat reserve it, which might catch people off guard. In this case, remember that it's wider than 6", meaning it doesn't fit the zone you have. That means it can't move, shoot, charge the turn it comes in. The way around that is to use Rapid Ingress, so it enters on your opponents turn and you're free to act when it comes to yours.


Other than that, both are solid lists with a lot of damage potential. List 2 is probably stronger overall, as you have more diversified threats, but you also have no long range threat, aka you're not killing anything beyond 24". Potentially think about switching the TCs for Executioners, for some reliable damage 3, and that hillarious Hellblaster moment, where your almost dead TCs dies from Hazardous and immediately gets to unload again. Your main issue will be contesting primary points as you lack push pieces with solid OC. You also should have a good secondary plan. Tactical is nice, but swingy, and you can't get the extra CP because Leontus. So think about what fixed secondaries might work. The Ghosts are great for Deploy Homers, and you can do it in the middle turn 1. 


Enginseer's not a trap, but it's also not essential. It's a nice to have and gives you another fairly safe action piece. Any tank will like the 4++, at any rate, so it's not suddenly useless just because one died. That was my experience last weekend anyway. Positioning is crucial though, as the ability procs in your Command phase. So plan ahead with him.


Finally, tank shock is your friend.


Edit: Finally finally, it's more important that you're practised with your list and that you know what performance you can expect from your units. Being solid when it comes to that is often the more important factor.

Edited by sairence
14 hours ago, sairence said:

Very much depends on terrain. If it's WTC style it can get quite dense


. List 2 is probably stronger overall, as you have more diversified threats, but you also have no long range threat, aka you're not killing anything beyond 24". Potentially think about switching the TCs for Executioners, for some reliable damage 3, and that hillarious Hellblaster moment, where your almost dead TCs dies from Hazardous and immediately gets to unload again.

It will be GW terrain maps. 


The Leman Russ all have plasma sponsons and lascannons. Left that bit out for simplicity. I like the executioner turret idea. 

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