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Unit of the Week: Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack


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Welcome to part one of the Blood Angels Unit of the Week series!

Following the release of the 10th edition Index, there is no better time to discuss all the units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield. Where part one will discuss the units from the units found within Index: Blood Angels, parts two to four will discuss Index: Space Marines, part five will be Imperial Armour, and part six will be Legends.
Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.
Without further ado, here's this week's entry:


sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack

What are you thoughts here folks? How best would you use a Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack?

  • To compliment a list, or to build a list around? 
  • Which Detachment
  • What unit is he leading, if any?
  • What delivery options are you using? 
  • What deployment options are you using?
  • Stratagem synergy of note?


Over to you.


Please note that the Sanguinary Priest on Bike and Sanguinary Priest Datasheets will be discussed elsewhere.


Edited by Jolemai
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Should you want your model on display here (or on another thread), then submit a photo here please.


(Once I work out how best to float it!)




As an aside, the thread setup may change over the coming weeks until I'm happy with them. This includes the photos.

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Agreed, he gives VanVets some much needed punch. He also makes them pretty durable as they become 3+/4++/5+++ if they have some Storm Shields in there.


I don't think he is too expensive really. If you compare him to the Jump Librarian (back when that was still in the Index), he is only slightly more expensive, provides the same boost of Ap-1 and provides a 5+++ which is probably better than a 4+++ against Psychic only. The only downside is the Priest is not particularly effective at fighting in his own right with just a Chainsword and Bolt Pistol. If running him in an SoS detachment then Artificer of War helps to boost his damage output a bit as well as improving his armour.

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An extra point of AP is probably better than +1S because the strength boost only kicks in against certain targets whereas an extra point of AP will work against almost all targets.


The free Stratagem is good for sure but a 5+++ is pretty good too (albeit less flexible). The good thing is that it does not have to be an either/or choice since the Priest can join a squad in addition to a Captain. Pricey for sure but could well be worth it.

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Have used with a 5 man squad of VVets a few times and with storm shields he makes them tanky as hell for their cost!  They also punch so much harder, especially if you pop Honor the Chapter for a sweet -3 AP (if in assault doctrine anyway) and Lance.  

I honestly think that the SP is what makes them a viable option at all. Without it they kinda suck, tbh

My remaining 5 VVets are on next month's painting docket and I'm really looking forward to seeing what ten VVets with priest can do! 

him giving a captain's power fist -3 AP (-4 with HtC) is also something I want to try. 

Edited by Paladin777
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Since "what character can join what unit" is strictly limited in 10th, when evaluating a leader character, their preferred unit need to be considered together.


Lemartes+DC have definitely better offence, and arguably similar or better defence, than San Priest+VV.

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7 hours ago, Tokugawa said:

Lemartes+DC have definitely better offence, and arguably similar or better defence, than San Priest+VV.


10 DC + Lemartes definitely have better offense. Free Power Fists and Inferno Pistols are hard to beat but they cost 370 points. 10 VanVets + SP cost 300 points. While their offensive output is less, they are slightly better against hordes as they have more attacks. I would argue that the VanVets have much better defensive profiles. Firstly the Invulnerable save makes them a lot more resilient vs AP-2 or better. Secondly their 5+++ is a lot better than the DC's 6+++.  The DC have the equivalent of about 25 wounds while the Van Vets have the equivalent of about 30. Lastly Lemartes -1 Damage rule only provides a benefit against 2 Damage attacks. Against 1 Damage or 3+ Damage, it has no effect while the Priest's 5+++ is effective against all attacks.


This means that VanVets are a lot tougher than Death Company which pretty much defines their roles. Death Company are a glass hammer unit while Van Vets are a fast-moving anvil unit.

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