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Hello, it’s been a while noble B&C members.


I’ve come to Show you my WIP Kitbashed Angron

this big fellow has started life as an overtly  large Taranis, then recently I started changing him up to represent a more 80’s inspired Russ, but the more I looked the more I started seeing Angron- 2 capes later and My Red Angel was taking shape! 

Now I’ve got a Kratos in my basket and I’m “Butchering”  a Dreadnought. I Want the Army to be a World Eaters force as soon as Angron Took hope of the Legion.







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Recently, I realised Angron's actually my favourite Primarch after reading more Horus Heresy era books.


And this is just imho, but I Brother Kronos's interpretation is closer to how he's depicted in the novels.


This just opinion, but more than any of his brothers, Angron is broken, like a broken toy.  The other Traitor Primarchs were all twisted, traumatised; Angron was just borked.  The best illustration was in Master of Mankind when the Emperor calls in Arkhan Land specifically to see how to "repair" Angron (Arkhan Land was like "ooooh, ouch, ya no, no fixing this, it'll kill him...but wanna try anyway?"), before the Heresy happened...like even back then he had always been messed up.


The official model interpreted Angron as Spartacus.  Here, now, I finally see him for what he was: Quasimodo.


TL;DR - conversion good, so good it's changing my understanding of the official lore.

@Naryn Thanks! I ReaLly appreciate that


@N1SB Thank you for that write up, really is appreciated. I’m glad that it’s had a turning moment for you. I do think Angron from ForgeWorld is a lovely sculpt, and indeed I think he is a phenomenal kit even now. But The Aesthetics don’t relay Psychotic Murder Monster broken by his enslavers and tormented by the Nails. I also always envisaged Angron as as an absolutely Blunt force instrument rather than a refined tool- but Undeniably Effective. 

I had this sort Lore moment you speak of, Not just for Angron, but for Space Marines, Of them not being these Holly Wood Adonis or A star Cast. They are meat into the machine of War, sent into the most unimaginable horrors of the Galaxy. Their scars and wounds complex and ghastly. 

The Eureka moment for me was when I saw @k0rdhal (on instagram) Thunder Warriors. His Take on what Marines and Thunder Warriors are just completely put a spin on my perspective of What Astartes/Cataegis/Custodes are. And if Any of them are going to be knotted masses of scar tissue and battle worn armour then Angron would take first Prize junping head first into conflict looking to Slay or be Slain. He is, Undoubtedly the most tragic of the Primarchs.



Angron is immense - in style, skill and execution. He's always reminded me of Gotrek from Warhammer and AoS in an odd sort of way; one who wants nothing more than to die and be done with everything but the snag is that he's just so good at butchering anything in his way that he just doesn't stand a chance:


'For the love of all that's Holy, can't someone just please kill me?'

@Montuhotep I completely get what you mean. I’ve thought it a few times before how he had a Dwarf Slayer attitude to life. Albeit much more melancholic due to his traumatic past and physical pain from the Butchers Nails.


@Brother Dallo Thanks, it’s much appreciated. 




I took the plunge and Finally got round to making the cuts needed to readjust the Drahons body, the leg was easy, the neck was absolutelynot especially As I split the scales away to use later to create a spine! I’ve got a bit more cutting to go but its just cm as opposed to inches. That was some chunky resin. 




Damn but that Surlak build is amazing. I love how rangey and twisted he's become. The simplicity of that butcher's blade is most fitting too, really matches the descriptions we see in the Siege book of the blood-crazed XIIth.


I very much agree with @Montuhotep. Angron is really an interesting character and much deeper than he appears on initial inspection. I think they did a pretty good job of exploring him.

@Pearson73 many Thanks, He wasn’t verybplanned and actually was made from 3 other conversion I had going but wernt going anywhere! 

Daemon Angron is starting to take more shape. The Collar is only blue tacked for now. Check out the tiny Death Korps at the base! 



@Naryn It was that Throne that made me think, that could very well be a collar Khorne - Maybe Angrons Khornate collar?

Sharing a little bit of concept work while I take some time to think about how to progress with the project. I’m settled on the head although thats just a proto type the actual one will probably be much rougher, just working on composition ideas. Also a bit stuck on what to do for Sword and Shoulder pads. I don’t 3d print so will either have to harvest, kitbash or scratch build. 


Edited by Kronos

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