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Very Tempted by the Christmas Deal


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So just before 10th dropped, I ebayed my World Eaters. It went for a good price, but I consider it one of my better painted Chaos Armies.


But I sold it not sure what happens to World Eaters (and close combat) in 10th. It really was an army I enjoyed painting and playing. Sure enough the mechanisms changed, and it is harder to get Angron back from the dead.


Nevertheless I feel like they have play in 10th. Probably not for the feint of heart and will take a few good lickings against anti-marine firepower, but I'm still considering it.


I haven't heard much about the new boxset but I can't be the only one feeling like this? I was hoping to see a few people jumping on board. 

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17 hours ago, Prot said:

Nice. The combat patrol seems to be an excellent compliment to the Christmas box. I imagine that combat box will be just as hard to find once this weekend's releases hit.

There's a bunch of Combat Patrols on eBay right now, going for retail prices. Dunno how long that will last.


Mine arrived today. Heavier than other Combat Patrol boxes.


Stared at the sprues for a while, wondered what painting power armor red is like.

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I got hold of one, the only Christmans box that got sold out in minutes in my Friendly Local Gaming Store, all the miniatures will painted Like Iron Warriors with a soft tint of red in the edges, so the Khorne alliance can be seen, the Berzerkers will not get the bunny ear helmets, and be mostly be proxied as Chosen in my Chaos Space Marine lists. The Eightbound will mostly stand in for possessed as they have the same bases and are almost possessed anyhow. Angron will OF Course be painted in proper World Eaters colours.


The Christmas box is almost a full World Eaters army with things I can borrow from my Chaos Space Marines, so I will try them out as World Eaters playing friends, and bring out a knight as heavy support.


Captain Danjou

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I failed to get it from GW (why did I even bother looking anyway :laugh:) ... but I may have been lucky with My FLGS :sweat:+:thumbsup:  fingers crossed, so that's the combat patrol (still half finished) and adding the Christmas Battle box should finish off nicely my small WE force !

sad to see you sold your WE army but that's life in the "Prot Lane" :tongue:



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  • 3 weeks later...

So I got the box finally.


What I didn't know was that Necrons were 2 weeks away. (A month or so at the time). Necrons are my only real Xenos army, and I have nearly every CSM army that I like.... and as mentioned I sold off World Eaters when they were super hot at the end of 9th. 


This was going to be my 'great return' to terrorize the weak minded corpse god followers. But instead I opened the box, made sure the contents were all there, and put it in a close. lol


I hope to revisit this project, but it was such a heck of a deal I had to order it. I had no idea it would be one of the most popular ones. (I was told when I picked it up from my local GW to watch out for someone jumping me in the parking lot as they had dozens of calls for it. ;) )


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