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Space Skaven?


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I know that there is a rat like race that lives on the planet of Orn (I think that’s the name?) but is there any other in universe Sci Fi Skaven? I was thinking of home brewing a faction of them. I was going to start developing lore and then rules for at home fun. Thoughts? Any other in game instances of space rats? Any ideas to add? Attaching some fun AI images for funsies. 






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When you look at this image, from the 3rd Edition rulebook (published 1998), you get an indication that there was an idea to make the Hrud the equivalent of 'space skaven':




(It's the tail :biggrin:


However, when the book Xenology was published (c.2005), the look was changed, a decision was made to move away the Hrud from being space-rats in 40k (https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Hrud). 


Since then, there has been no indication of bringing any 'Space Rats' to 40k; however, if you want some suitable miniatures to make your own alien rodent species, Mantic produce a range called the Veer-Myn, that are unapologetically Space Rats :laugh:





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As @firestorm40k has said, prior to the Xenology book the Hrud were always thought to be Space Skaven and there were even rumours that some miniatures had been mocked-up as a concept around 2nd/3rd edition.


Then you had the rubbish replacement concept in Xenology which can only be described as Swampthing wearing flares (if you haven't seen it)


We're doing a 30k/Scouring-era themed kill team campaign where all of the Xenos are coming back against humanity and are using the Mantic Veer-mym minis as 'Hrud' faction, I think really you can do what you want :)

Edited by Pacific81
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If you want a lore justification, maybe they are not true xenos but rather a stable mutant strain, like beastmen. We’re only swapping out goat for rat, then give them a few hundred or thousand years so they can multiply, develop their own culture and technology - and worship Chaos in some form.

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2 hours ago, Pacific81 said:

there were even rumours that some miniatures had been mocked-up as a concept around 2nd/3rd edition.

To be fair, a lot of GW staffers liked to spread this kind of rumour too - anecdotally, the staff at GW when I worked there loved to jokingly tell people that Space Skaven and Sea Elves were coming for 40k/WHFB respectively. Of course, Sea Elves actually are a thing now... :facepalm:


As far as the closest faction, for gameplay concerns Genestealer Cults definitely seem like the best option:

  • Lots of cheap fodder units (skavenslaves, clanrats; neophytes) with a few tougher units (stormvermin; hybrids) and some monstrous units (rat ogres; aberrants), and then vehicles and bikers (Jackals as Doom-flayers) for the more esoteric things
  • Sneaky stratagems and recursive hordes is very Skaven-esque
  • Lots of different characters for the various Skaven characters types

Maybe not quite enough variety of weapons to represent the many weird weapons Skaven have, but a fair amount can be represented (eg, poison wind globes = demo charge Acolyte Hybrids; Warp-lightning Cannon = Ridgerunner with Heavy Mining Laser; etc)

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1 hour ago, LSM said:

I've seen a... not uncommon... conversion of Genestealer Cults, kitbashing GSC and Skaven together to create "Cheese-Stealer Cults".

That is actually a fantastic idea.

I really like the general look of the Genestealer cult army.

I however HATE the heads. Not a fan at all.


Hmmm. New potential army idea?

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I think the Mantic Games Veer-Myn would work well, it just depends on how you model them. Unfortunately, their base infantry doesn't really have a lot of variety, so having them as proxies for GSC/IG/whatever may require some creative kitbashing so that you can get special/heavy weapons in the squads.

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I had bought a few clanrats and attempted some greenstuff mods that looked a bit rubbish (patience and practice are required and I'm short on both). Reading the GSC idea, I'm tempted to have a look at Imperial Navy Breachers - they fit my idea of void dwelling rats and the insignia could be removed fairly easily, I reckon. 


I had mocked up a few Kill Team ideas, maybe they could see realisation in 2024!

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6 hours ago, Valkia the Bloody said:

That is actually a fantastic idea.

I really like the general look of the Genestealer cult army.

I however HATE the heads. Not a fan at all.


Hmmm. New potential army idea?


That Evil One even does a full range




It's such a fun range 



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Thanks for all the replies guys! I got a couple ideas lore-wise where I can go. I already had a strike force of Veer-Myn from Mantic ordered, but I didn’t know about the cheesestealer cult stuff and some of those minis have been added to an Etsy shop list. Rules-wise, I think making them a similar proxy army to GSC might be a good start to the home brew of that part, but most of this is for the love of painting and stuff like that, so I don’t expect this to go too much farther than that, unless someone really want me to play them.


Edited by NerdDegrees
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The Space skaven thing went a little further than Hrud and just rumors, Jes goodwin had made at least some sketches, as the idea was being considered : http://realmofchaos80s.blogspot.com/2014/10/space-skaven-jes-goodwin-concept.html

I think that the Krieg = space skaven meme also hails from people knowing these sketches, as its quite clear Jes saw space skaven as something similar as to what krieg end up becoming ( altough I doubt there is any development connection.)


In the past I would have agreed we never see space skaven, but Im just not sure anymore XD... since last year I believe anything can come full circle.

Though personally I'd go away from the Mining theme and into vivisector labrat territory.



I really really love this thing by the way



Ive got a couple ready for conversions as soon as I know what I will convert them to ;)  I think something CSM ( with minimal spacemarines )

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