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Which core rules do you struggle with most while playing?


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It doesn't mention anywhere that you start with any, but it's in the Command Phase rules that you get one EACH Command phase (And also can only get 1 more per battle ROUND (Meaning each player's turn).

So basically, over any given ROUND (each player's turn), you'll have a MAXIMUM 3 CP, 2 of which you gain in the command phase of each TURN, 1 of which can be earned through a Unit ability (Or in VERY SPECIFIC Cases (IE Votaan), they'll outline if you can break this maximum).


(Word capitalization is there strictly cuz GW cares about words, not to emphasize any misunderstanding)

Edited by DemonGSides
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1 hour ago, DemonGSides said:

It doesn't mention anywhere that you start with any, but it's in the Command Phase rules that you get one EACH Command phase (And also can only get 1 more per battle ROUND (Meaning each player's turn).

So basically, over any given ROUND (each player's turn), you'll have a MAXIMUM 3 CP, 2 of which you gain in the command phase of each TURN, 1 of which can be earned through a Unit ability (Or in VERY SPECIFIC Cases (IE Votaan), they'll outline if you can break this maximum).


(Word capitalization is there strictly cuz GW cares about words, not to emphasize any misunderstanding)

Big difference but I like it since I never like strats there’s a lot fewer to use now.

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Agreed.  The dark days of 8/9th where you had to know 65 different ways of modifying your army are long gone, and having restricted CP doesn't make the remaining strats make or break.  they can definitely change outcomes, but if you totally ignored CP beyond Overwatch and Reroll, you're not automatically losing games.


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9 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:

Agreed.  The dark days of 8/9th where you had to know 65 different ways of modifying your army are long gone, and having restricted CP doesn't make the remaining strats make or break.  they can definitely change outcomes, but if you totally ignored CP beyond Overwatch and Reroll, you're not automatically losing games.


Yeah the only guard strat I know off the top of my head is reinforcements, and I don’t know any marine or BA ones off the top of my head lol

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I forget a lot of the rules for models / interactions.


I'm getting my wife into playing at the moment so we have played a couple of games together last weekend.  I stripped the rules down completely, no strats, and stuff like that. I didn't use a CP for the whole game on anything. Was much easier to play. Even though I did that, my wife said "the rules are too complicated" so it comes to show that people who have never played before can have a hard time just playing the game in it's most basic form..she wondered how children play if the rules are.so complicated.

Edited by happyslugger
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18 minutes ago, happyslugger said:

I forget a lot of the rules for models / interactions.


I'm getting my wife into playing at the moment so we have played a couple of games together last weekend.  I stripped the rules down completely, no strats, and stuff like that. I didn't use a CP for the whole game on anything. Was much easier to play. Even though I did that, my wife said "the rules are too complicated" so it comes to show that people who have never played before can have a hard time just playing the game in it's most basic form..she wondered how children play if the rules are.so complicated.

As a child I certainly had much more time/ headspace/ willingness to memorize rules. I could probably play a game of 3rd, or WHFB 5th without a rule book even today. Also, I suspect as a child I’d be more inclined to just ignore / roll off for strange rules interactions than most adults 

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2 hours ago, happyslugger said:

she wondered how children play if the rules are.so complicated.


Even in 3rd ed, people would have said 40k is complicated. I see it a lot with new board games, they take a few turns to get your head roud the rules/mechanics, but then get a lot faster.


WRT 40k, I learned through playing at GW stores well before I had a copy of the rulebook, and I find that even reading the book, people still don't know how to play, so best things is to play a few games. Just do movement, shooting combat, maybe one objective. 

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