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Considering Kill Team


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I'm considering returning to the gaming scene, but didn't want to start big. Unfortunately I didn't have that much time for the hobby nowadays, but the itchiness is strong, so a fast paced, easy to learn and easy to transport game would be great. I was looking at the skirmish games of GW, and there are two options at hand: Warcry and Kill Team.
Even as I have switched my collections on the Age of Darkness I still have some 40k models (mainly Sisters), and the new Cadian kits also seem lovely. Didn't want to build a complete army - I had one in the old days - but they seem perfect for a Kill Team.


Can I put a playable team from the Command and the Shock Troops box together? I was thinking on running them as Veteran Guardsmen.

How long is the learning curve on the "new" Kill Team? 

How much other (than the miniatures) investment is necessary, to actually play the game? Do I need the special rulers, or any special dice?


Thanks for all the advices for this old starter here ;-) 

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I would say go for it! KT is great as a low commitment game.


I don't know exactly what you get in the new Cadian boxes in terms of bits/variant builds, but I would guess that there is enough there to cover most of the special Operative types available to the Kriegers?


It's a little complicated to learn, and doesn't play quite as fast as you might want for a skirmish game to start with, but once you have got the rules down it is a good system. There are some good YouTube channels that do KT batreps, I'd recommend watching a few to help pick up the way things work?


Nope, as long as you remember what each of the symbols represents in inches, you can just use a regular tape measure. Dice are standard d6 (or d3) 

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It is the same idea i had. I needed a skrimish type game that is easy to transport and doesnt take up too much time to play. The alternating action makes it fast pace. 


No idea if u have all the models check the kill team roster to see what type of models you need for veteran guardsman. 


The learning curve is not high if you play the kill team lite rules. 


You dont need special rulers, dice. But you will need 3 barricades. 3"x1" size.



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On 11/18/2023 at 11:08 AM, Lysimachus said:

I would say go for it! KT is great as a low commitment game.


I don't know exactly what you get in the new Cadian boxes in terms of bits/variant builds, but I would guess that there is enough there to cover most of the special Operative types available to the Kriegers?


It's a little complicated to learn, and doesn't play quite as fast as you might want for a skirmish game to start with, but once you have got the rules down it is a good system. There are some good YouTube channels that do KT batreps, I'd recommend watching a few to help pick up the way things work?


Nope, as long as you remember what each of the symbols represents in inches, you can just use a regular tape measure. Dice are standard d6 (or d3) 


The Cadian Shock Troops combined with the Command Squad has so many options, so many weapon choices... Maybe the sniper rifle is the only one that I didn't saw on the sprues, but I only looked through them on the main GW website.


Many thanks if you recommend some channels! In the last years I wasn't watching any batreps, so any channel would be welcome with a nice Kill Team coverage.


Then the only one in need is the main rulebook. Do I need other sources? Do the Kill Teams have their rules also in the boxes like Warcry?


On 11/19/2023 at 12:52 AM, Brother Navaer Solaq said:

It is the same idea i had. I needed a skrimish type game that is easy to transport and doesnt take up too much time to play. The alternating action makes it fast pace. 


No idea if u have all the models check the kill team roster to see what type of models you need for veteran guardsman. 


The learning curve is not high if you play the kill team lite rules. 


You dont need special rulers, dice. But you will need 3 barricades. 3"x1" size.




That's what I was thinking. Unfortunately the local gaming community is to small and also very fragmented, if you look the gaming systems they play. Interestingly WH40k or AoS seems to have nearly no following and I didn't want to jump in other games where I didn't like the miniatures... With Kill Team (or Warcry) I can have my team in my backpack and travel through country without worrying about them :-)


Why do we need the barricades? 


In the last days I was also considering to buy a CSM Legionary box - it seems to have everything in one go, and I could have also more options to run.

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32 minutes ago, TheDreadfulSagittary said:

Many thanks if you recommend some channels!


I would say Glass Half Dead has done some good vids explaining how KT works and the strengths/weaknesses of various Teams.


I think one of the better channels for batreps is Mountainside Tabletop. They explain what is happening really clearly and have excellent maps, which also makes a big difference. Watching their vids really helped me to pick up the rules, order of the activations, etc.



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2 hours ago, TheDreadfulSagittary said:

Why do we need the barricades? 

They're part of the deployment process, at the start of the game each player sets 2 and a possible third one.

If you like the game, I'd strongly advise you to buy the Kill Team Essentials kit that includes them, the measuring gauges and the tokens. It's an one time tax, but it's very convenient and practical (no doubt as GW intended)

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7 hours ago, TheDreadfulSagittary said:



Why do we need the barricades? 


In the last days I was also considering to buy a CSM Legionary box - it seems to have everything in one go, and I could have also more options to run.


The barricades is part of the deployment step in the game. You need 3 in total (as stated by Iansalt)


The CSM legionary box is good if you want a flexible kill team. It can be played as following proxy type of kill team ( based on base size of model 32mm):

* night lord

* legionary 

* death guard

* intercession squad (i know its hersey... but you can say it is a renegade chapter)


Most of these teams are 6 models so you should have enough spare to represent other models.

Edited by Brother Navaer Solaq
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