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And the new Crusade setting is... Pariah Nexus?


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I'm not entirely sold on the new model of Crusade book as it is, and Pariah Nexus feels dialed in. Having said that, Pariah does include Sisters, Deathwatch, and Inquisitor Kyria Draxus at least... But still, it does feel like it's all been done.


In the 9th campaign books, you got a lot of stuff that made a difference- sometimes an Army of Renown, sometimes a sub-faction supplement, often faction specific Crusade extras. Now it's just "Here's a bunch of "Story" which, good or bad has ZERO effect on the game. Here's some battle honour unit upgrade tables, a handful of Crusade relics, a handful of Agendas and a stack of Missions."


Now don't get me wrong: one book instead of two hard-backs and two mission books per season is AWESOME. But there isn't enough of the type of stuff I like in the new format- missions don't matter all that much to me. I HATE the fact that I'll be paying for the "free core rules" a SECOND time, and I suspect that they may actually reprint the core Crusade rules in the new format too.


There's a chance that this Pariah book will establish the TRUE paradigm for campaign seasons, and that Tyrannic War was an anomaly by virtue of being the "Core" Crusade book. I eagerly await the Goonhammer review that will tell me whether or not it's worth buying.

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On 11/19/2023 at 12:14 AM, ThePenitentOne said:

Now don't get me wrong: one book instead of two hard-backs and two mission books per season is AWESOME. But there isn't enough of the type of stuff I like in the new format- missions don't matter all that much to me. I HATE the fact that I'll be paying for the "free core rules" a SECOND time, and I suspect that they may actually reprint the core Crusade rules in the new format too.


There's a chance that this Pariah book will establish the TRUE paradigm for campaign seasons, and that Tyrannic War was an anomaly by virtue of being the "Core" Crusade book. I eagerly await the Goonhammer review that will tell me whether or not it's worth buying.


Are you conflating Crusade, as in narrative gaming, with the Seasons, which were matched play modifications every 6 months? This is narrative only, which is why it contains "story" and won't have anything that affects matched play. 


They will absolutely reprint the crusade rules, because they're not included in the standard rulebook, and take up like 10 pages. If you got the special edition Leviathan rulebook, then you got the included leviathan Crusade supplement which had crusade rules included. Anyone with the normal non-leviathan rulebook, will need a copy of the crusade rules also. Maybe a pain getting them repeated if you bought the leviathan supplement, and then this one, however the repeated content is just those 10 pages.

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14 hours ago, Xenith said:


Are you conflating Crusade, as in narrative gaming, with the Seasons, which were matched play modifications every 6 months? This is narrative only, which is why it contains "story" and won't have anything that affects matched play. 



No, but I can see how I might have given that impression.


To be clear:


In 9th edition, each season consisted of one matched play mission pack (and I didn't buy ANY of them), two hardback campaign books- which were marketed to Matched players but did frequently contain  Crusade material as well, and two Crusade mission packs (whose Crusade content in some cases was inferior to what was in the hardbacks). That's two harcovers and three mission packs per season, and each season covered BOTH Crusade and Matched.


By comparison, in 10th it appears that all Crusade content is in a single Crusade-only hardback book. Matched content is handled by a deck. It remains to be seen whether some sort of updated missions/ rules will even come for matched each season, or whether they're just going to stick with the deck and the FAQ/ Munitorum/ digital update train.


Now, the 10th method is nice, because if you're a Crusader, you're buying one book instead of four... But based on what I saw in Tyrannic War, it worked out to a lot less of the type of material that suits my preferences- things like Armies of Faith, bespoke campaign/ faction based Agendas and Requisitions and Battle Honours. However, since Tyrannic War was not only a "Crusade season" it was also the inaugural Crusade rules, which means that the next Campaign book might have a higher percentage of the type of content I'm seeking.

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18 hours ago, ThePenitentOne said:

But based on what I saw in Tyrannic War, it worked out to a lot less of the type of material that suits my preferences- things like Armies of Faith, bespoke campaign/ faction based Agendas and Requisitions and Battle Honours.


Currently there are only Leviathan Campaign based agendas and battle honours (weapon upgrade aside).


The only generic Crusade ones (p276 - 291) are: Basic Requisitions; Basic Battle Scars; Weapon Mod Battle Honour


All the other Monster/Hunter requisitions, battle honours, faction based agendas, relics, blessings missions etc are in the Leviathan supplement section of the BRB (p294 - 330), and will presumably be replaced when pariah nexus comes out. 


On top of that, each codex will bring additional faction based agendas, requisitions, honours and scars. 


I do understand what you mean about the matched detachments and rules in th crusade books, but I assume they will be gone, based on the one in one out rule - they only ever seemed broken anyway. I presume additional armies of renown will be in white dwarf?

Edited by Xenith
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17 hours ago, Xenith said:


Currently there are only Leviathan Campaign based agendas and battle honours (weapon upgrade aside).


The only generic Crusade ones (p276 - 291) are: Basic Requisitions; Basic Battle Scars; Weapon Mod Battle Honour


All the other Monster/Hunter requisitions, battle honours, faction based agendas, relics, blessings missions etc are in the Leviathan supplement section of the BRB (p294 - 330), and will presumably be replaced when pariah nexus comes out. 


On top of that, each codex will bring additional faction based agendas, requisitions, honours and scars. 


I do understand what you mean about the matched detachments and rules in th crusade books, but I assume they will be gone, based on the one in one out rule - they only ever seemed broken anyway. I presume additional armies of renown will be in white dwarf?


The campaign content from Tyrannic War isn't exactly replaced- it's just that you have to be in a tyrannic war game to earn it. Once earned, it can be kept, but it can only be earned in that campaign.


Dex-based Crusade content looks good this edition- Tyranids mostly held onto their cool factor, while marine content IMPROVED for 10th, which it needed to do, because Crusade content for Marines was pretty weak in 9th. From this week's warcom, Necrons and Admech look good too.


Neither Armies of Faith, Chaos Undivided nor Torchbearer Fleets were detachments under 9th ed, but if they were to be redone for 10th, that's definitely how GW would do it. And one-in-one-out doesn't prevent them from putting campaign based detachments in these books- it's just that if you chose to use one, that's what you'd use instead of your Index detachment or Codex detachments (if you're lucky enough to have them).


Unlike Battle Honours, detachments aren't earned, which means they might only be legal for use with the campaign rather than remaining available for use in other campaigns. Octarius gave bespoke Crusade content to Rogue Traders, and campaign books are great places to provide content to Imperial Agents. As you mention, White Dwarf is another potential source of this type of material.



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