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13 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I was just thinking a guard equivalent of a light scout helo could be interesting like a 40K version of a little bird.



M 20” minimum T6 Sv4+ W8 LD7+ OC 1


ability spotting aircraft

If this unit can see an enemy unit being targeted by an indirect fire weapon, that indirect fire weapon can reroll 1s on the to hit roll.


or something similar.

Isn't that what the Scout Sentinel gives us.

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On 11/24/2023 at 9:20 AM, Santaclauswitz said:

To compare Leman Russ tanks on the stat line of the main weapon only is daft and will lead to daft conclusions like the ones here. To me there are 3 components that must be looked at: the stat line, the standard rules attached to that weapon blast, ignores cover, heavy etc and finally the rules that are specific to the variant of the Russ. 


Let's take the battle cannon variant as a starting point. It doesn't have an amazing stat line. Blast is handy but situational. But then we have the special rule "Armoured Spearhead: Each time this model makes an attack that targets an enemy unit, re-roll a Hit roll of 1 and, if that unit is within range of an objective marker you do not control, you can re-roll the Hit roll instead". Please note that unlike all other Russ special rules it does not specifically tie the rule to the main weapon fully or partially. What this means is the lascannon gets rerolls, the sponsons get rerolls, the hunter killer gets rerolls, the heavy stubber gets rerolls and even the blooming armored tracks get rerolls. This makes the battle cannon variant much more independent than other variants. Wherever that makes it a good choice is up to whoever is building the list. 


The other 2 variants with special which partially aid other weapons are the demolisher and the eradicator. Which both are able to fire their non main weapon without a penalty whilst in engagement range. Not a great special rule. In fact a lot of people will choose to run the demolisher as a tc to benefit from the tc's fire on death special rule. 


So by this understanding does that mean I view the eradicator as the weakest russ? No not at all, because I view Russ' as different not better. Different points costs etc. So the eradicator has the most reliable amount of shots amongst the random number of attak Russ' with its d3+6. It is also the only Russ main weapon that ignores cover without the aid of a hell hound. Like the battle cannon variant it can act a little more independent of buffs. It's all a matter of horses for courses. 


Agree.  I actually like the way the LRBT works right now.  It's a pretty clever design that makes it feel like it's pretty okay against everything except 2+ saves.  You'll force a lot of saves with the sponson weapons, lascannon, and battle cannon and the 3 damage really makes it hurt when they fail their saves.  I think it's probably my favorite variant on the board right now. 


On 11/24/2023 at 12:09 PM, Strasgard said:

I’d like them take a fresh path with guard in general. In my anecdotal experience GW seems to struggle to balance guard both internally and externally.


We seem to flip from hoard guard (when infantry were cheaper) to overwhelming firepower to knock our enemies off (without having much board staying power imo currently).


I personally don’t enjoy meta’s that focus on spaming one type unit. Its boring for play & painting.


I’d love to see them come out with something to build on combined arms tactics. The current unit abilities are a step in the right direction (e.g. heavy weapon teams encourage to support nearby units from deepstrike), but units are not costed in a way to encourage this. I’d like to see more rewards for taking a variety of units such as tanks, infantry, and flyers all working in coordination. Imo that’d capture the spirit of the guard as their faction is based on a WWI / WWII British & US (German for Krieg) vibe.


Yeah, this is a 10e game design problem.  They should come out with something that limits the number or ratio of different types of units you can take.  Like a Chart for the Organization of Forces or similar. 


4 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Commissar wargear options. That would be nice…


Commissars are so sad right now.  Rules as written they don't even stop units from failing battleshock tests when it matters because you can only BLAM people at the start of phases.  Is GW not aware of this problem?

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On 11/25/2023 at 3:03 PM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Nor does the scout Sentinel ignore LoS blocking terrain

It gives indirect fire the ability to reroll 1s and ignore the penalty for no LOS.

Pretty much what was asked for other than FLY

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10 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

If they can see the target. Which is a kind of a big if

Which is what was said in the original post


"ability spotting aircraft

If this unit can see an enemy unit being targeted by an indirect fire weapon, that indirect fire weapon can reroll 1s on the to hit roll."


The same rule the sentinel gives us

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49 minutes ago, casb1965 said:

Which is what was said in the original post


"ability spotting aircraft

If this unit can see an enemy unit being targeted by an indirect fire weapon, that indirect fire weapon can reroll 1s on the to hit roll."


The same rule the sentinel gives us

Yeah but the whole point of a spotting aircraft is it can ignore obstacles in the way of the target because it has a bird’s eye view. The ability could have a range i.e. anything within an 18” radius of the plane can be spotted regardless of intervening terrain. The Sentinel would still need to be able to draw a line of sight to the spotted target, but an aircraft could spot from any direction.

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50 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Yeah but the whole point of a spotting aircraft is it can ignore obstacles in the way of the target because it has a bird’s eye view. The ability could have a range i.e. anything within an 18” radius of the plane can be spotted regardless of intervening terrain. The Sentinel would still need to be able to draw a line of sight to the spotted target, but an aircraft could spot from any direction.

Not sure you'll get the "regardless of intervening terrain " part of your wish. That'd basically open up the entire table allowing indirect fire indiscriminately without penalty.

Might as well bring back the old Orbital Bombardment  rule in that case.

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20 minutes ago, casb1965 said:

Not sure you'll get the "regardless of intervening terrain " part of your wish. That'd basically open up the entire table allowing indirect fire indiscriminately without penalty.

Might as well bring back the old Orbital Bombardment  rule in that case.

It would have to be more subtle than “anywhere on the table.” You’d have to get the flyer into the right position on the table to spot the unit. Reduce the spot range to 12” if you like, but it would make sense. 

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2 hours ago, casb1965 said:

Which is what was said in the original post


"ability spotting aircraft

If this unit can see an enemy unit being targeted by an indirect fire weapon, that indirect fire weapon can reroll 1s on the to hit roll."


The same rule the sentinel gives us

…aircraft can see over LOS blocking terrain. They can see everything on the table.


scout sentinels cannot do that…


not sure why you’re having trouble with this…

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1 hour ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

…aircraft can see over LOS blocking terrain. They can see everything on the table.


scout sentinels cannot do that…


not sure why you’re having trouble with this…

Fully understand the difference,  all I'm saying is Scout Sentinels give a similar effect but you asking for indirect fire to have no penalty at all because a flyer can see the entire board. I highly doubt GW would give that.

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1 hour ago, casb1965 said:

Fully understand the difference,  all I'm saying is Scout Sentinels give a similar effect but you asking for indirect fire to have no penalty at all because a flyer can see the entire board. I highly doubt GW would give that.

This is why I suggest the compromise of having the ability have a limited radius e.g. 12” all round.

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I think the BC LRBT is well designed, and headed in the right direction.  There's just too many factors holding it back

  • It's supposed to have Orders (usually BS), but it doesn't (too expensive and too few)
  • it gets re-rolls, but only sometimes
  • it gets LETHAL HITS, but only if it stands still and the enemy walks into it's firing lanes
  • it works really well with combos (Hellhounds, Exterminators, etc.) but the combo is just too expensive

if the tank had a BS3 or AP2 base, it would wreck faces.  But BS4+AP1 coupled with all those above limitations just makes it 'meh'.  Even the time I got (ya, anecdotal evidence here...) full re-rolls, ignored cover and +AP1 from the strat (cancelled by AoC), it killed 3 marines.  Wow...



These are the same problems that hamper all the non-arty/Sentinal units. 

  • Infantry is better in 10-man squads, but to get the value from rez you need to take 20-man (it's just a tax)
  • Leontus is 300+ points when you include the tax to get him range on his orders
  • Infantry "gaining a CP" with a vox is useless because Leontus already grants a CP...



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If they changed the Vox CP to either not count towards the 3 CP limit per turn or my preference, any time a unit with a vox caster is issued an order, they can issue that order to one more unit with a vox caster (Non repeating so as not to get stupid broken), that'd go a long way to making them worthwhile.  Some fun shenanigans with that.


I get there's the idea of redundancy and Leontus can get killed even if you take a lot of bubble wrap, but it is kind of a non-bo with their faction leader, which seems silly.

Edited by DemonGSides
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I'd like to see the return of heavy weapon squad designations, Anti Tank (lascannons and missile launchers,) anti infantry (heavy bolter and autocannons,) and mortar squads. Three heavy weapon squads ain't enough! Also give them Lone Operative or something while we're at it.

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20 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

If they changed the Vox CP to either not count towards the 3 CP limit per turn or my preference, any time a unit with a vox caster is issued an order, they can issue that order to one more unit with a vox caster (Non repeating so as not to get stupid broken), that'd go a long way to making them worthwhile.  Some fun shenanigans with that.

For me the whole point of the vox should be to extend the range at which orders can be issued - it’s a radio … thing is we used to have to pay the points for the privilege; now everyone gets one for free.

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1 hour ago, SteveAntilles said:

I'd like to see the return of heavy weapon squad designations, Anti Tank (lascannons and missile launchers,) anti infantry (heavy bolter and autocannons,) and mortar squads. Three heavy weapon squads ain't enough! Also give them Lone Operative or something while we're at it.

I wouldn’t mind that, but there’s no reason to give them lone operative.


just give them a rule that boosts their durability as long as they remain stationary.

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6 hours ago, TheArtilleryman said:

For me the whole point of the vox should be to extend the range at which orders can be issued - it’s a radio … thing is we used to have to pay the points for the privilege; now everyone gets one for free.

I don't hate that either. I thought of it like "we got our orders, let's let the next squad over know what's good."


Either way, the current version kinda underwhelming. 

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5 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

Yeah either giving a bonus to hit or maybe like sustained 1 on top of their morale chicanery getting fixed would make me more likely to buy some. I love the look, the rules are kinda meh. 

Yeah idk, about even that much.

just make him an ever so slightly, but notably more effective warrior than a sgt.

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