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Illustrations from Crusade: Pariah Nexus to come


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OK, might looks like some kind of wish listing as the codex is to be released soon and I hardly see GW introducing new models associated to a campaign book so closed of main codex issuance. But I cannot help thinking there are some nice concepts disclosed in these 2 illustrations shown on WarCom:


1. the Noctilith mining zone. This techadept/priest with a mining laser is a nice stuff. same aout tese lasers crawlers in the background. Although they look like Necrontyr in some aspects (the marble like generator) I do not see any panic among the AdMEch, so I suppose it might be a kind of machinery used by the adepts of the Omnimessiah. And as everythhing they use can turn out being a war machine...




2. The pitched battle scene. A usual classic. we have msot of stuff related to the existing range f miniature except a flying drone/stuff (we see only the usual tentacles/bottom cables) and a kind of priest/Vanguard skitarii weaving an... autogun?




I do not think we will get any flying/antigrav chair Priest or Mago soon; neither drones. But the silhouette of this guy and its gun is very puzzeling to me. Edit: or is it a sicarian infiltrator princeps with studcarabine and pwer sword?...


What do you think? May we hope/wish for new models associated to this image credit or is it something already published from eras? I have the feeling that recently (a couple of years or so) the images presented have been rather "contractual", i.e. depicting things declined in the range of products and avoiding getting off-roads. Might be the case too this time?


But As I told as introductory words - wish listing ahead...

Edited by Bouargh
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Has a non SM faction ever gotten a model release after the codex?


Love the art but trying to not get my hopes up. Some of these could just be the artist putting in their own flare, 1st pic could be a dunecrawler despite the massive gun, think there was a floating techpriest with tenticles in an older art that turned out to he so. 

If I was going full hopium? The fist pic is out new heavy/low tank


Spoiler for genefather..


Cawl has a chronomancer locked up who he's trying to convince to work with him, maybe this is the result of him "borrowing" her knowledge 


Edited by Mechanicus Tech-Support
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The codex is now on preorders, meaning that influencers, youtubers and instagramers of all hairs, furs and feathers have it in hands and have started sharing reviews, comments and so on.

So I guess we have all our answers about new units in the codex, where except the sidonian character sniper, there is nothing new... Nothing new but a split of the sidonian dragoons into 2 DS if I understood it well. 


12 hours ago, Mechanicus Tech-Support said:

Has a non SM faction ever gotten a model release after the codex?


Hum... sometimes campaign books get some limited release of miniatures. I doubt Crusade will have...


So, to summarize nothing new that has not been teased previously


PS: and Servitors looks like they have disappeared too. One more unit phased out into Legends I guess.


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Good eye, Brother.  I think of this as inspirations for conversions.  Like a Techpriest that came from a Hive, grew up with autoguns, it's just what he was most comfortable with, so when he's pulled into war duties he just takes an autogun he modded and tweaked over decades, it's how he manifests his beliefs.

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2 hours ago, MoriyaSchism said:

The flying drones are a bit similar in layour to the Necron Plasmacytes.


They remind me more of Star Wars Imperial Sondes deployed on Hoth and galaxy wide...


I wonder if I would use my spare EngineSeer to try to convert it as a junior Techpriest with a GSC mining laser - this illustration of an AdMech miner party is inspiring indeed... :ques:

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