Galron Posted December 1, 2023 Share Posted December 1, 2023 (edited) Ever since I saw the original paint scheme of the Red Scorpions Angstrom Incident camo scheme I have wanted to do some. Well among my many other projects and with the release of the new terminators and cool looking assault intercessors I decided to go for it. Given the entire episode is pretty light on actual fluff aside from the camo scheme, the fact the world has shifting red light and black shadows, and the Red Scorpions made some sort of long term deal/oath with the mechanicum there in exchange for siding with the allies instead of remaining neutral. This was also obviously before the silly fluff change of Red Scorpions not using camo, which I am completely ignoring. This list uses Shrike although the model is customized, which is why I have it in the Raven Guard section. I have an alternative version simply using the new jump captain. 2k Vanguard Shrike Ancient in Terminator Armor Libby in Phobos Libby in Phobos execute and redeploy. Libby in Terminator armor Assault Intercessors x5 -T-hammer Assault Intercessors with jump packs x10 Eliminator Squad x2 with las fusils Inceptors x3 with plasma Infiltrator squad x2 5 dudes each Terminator squad x2 x10 dudes with 2 cyclones Ballistus Dread The idea is mechanicus has called in its favor and the Red Scorpions have responded with an infiltration force and will call in the terminators and inceptors once they need to destroy a target as a deep striking fast deployment force. Painting the terminators in standard Red Scorpion colors while the rest are in Angstrom approved colors. I found a pretty easy way to do the crazy red and black scheme. I took the execute and redeploy as I had 20 points to spare. Edited April 23, 2024 by Galron Dracos and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted December 4, 2023 Author Share Posted December 4, 2023 duz_ and Dracos 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted December 4, 2023 Share Posted December 4, 2023 That looks like a fun color scheme Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted December 15, 2023 Author Share Posted December 15, 2023 A couple more done. I found a slightly better way to do the black. Really tempted to just order some black air paint to save me time having to thin it. Note the white dot on the jump dudes shoulder is a piece of dust I didnt see at the time. I'm pretty much doing three guys at a time. I need 5 more assault intercessors for the squad and need to build 5 more terminators and toss ten in my Awesome vat to get repainted for the 4th time back into red scorpion colors like they were 10 years ago. On a side note I hate how pictures let you zoom in and notice things you missed lol. duz_ and Dracos 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted December 19, 2023 Share Posted December 19, 2023 This is great! Love the scheme and all the detail you've put into them! Can't wait to see more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted December 19, 2023 Share Posted December 19, 2023 I think the Phobos Librarian is my favorite so far Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted April 23, 2024 Author Share Posted April 23, 2024 (edited) Thinking about attending a small tournament if I can get enough units painted up. I have recently diagnosed myself as being extremely goal oriented and needing to have an end goal to get me motivated to work on things. So I decided to work on these guys and I have two weeks roughly. Here is the list as is: How does it look for a 1k event? Vanguard- Shrike Biologis Blade driven deep 6 aggressors 10 Assault Jump pack intercessors 5 incursers 3x Plasma Inceptors 3x Eliminators with Lasfusils Devastator squad with lascannons I think I have most bases covered. I have the phobos dudes for bouncing around to objectives. Devs for the few armored targets I would anticipate running into. A dedicated assault unit that is hard to hit, and a mass lethal shooting unit as well as a mobile medium power shooting unit. As far as builds go: Other options Option 2 Shrike Biologis blade driven deep Phobos librarian with shadow war vet 6 aggressors 10 assault jump ints 5 infiltrators 3 eliminators 5 devs with lascannons OR the minimalist approach Option 3 Shrike 10 Terminators with 2 Cyclones 10 Assault Ints with jump packs 5 Intercessors 5 incursers 3 eliminators 5 devs with lascannons Any help would be appreciated although I am leaning towards option 2. Edited April 23, 2024 by Galron W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted April 23, 2024 Share Posted April 23, 2024 I like option 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted April 24, 2024 Author Share Posted April 24, 2024 I have actually changed it around again. I ditched the Devs and inflitrators and added a Ballistus Dread and Incursers. Last game I played with my Dork Angels I had a Ballistus and it did really well in a multi-role function and survived a lot of fire that would have killed a 5 man dev squad who have no rerolls. W.A.Rorie and DemonGSides 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jpwyrm Posted April 24, 2024 Share Posted April 24, 2024 I like Option 2 also. Lone Op is a very good ability, it will definitely help you move around the board and score objectives. I have played Shrike for a good amount of time now and I have to say his worth is probably not as a beatstick. I've played him with 10 Vanguard Vets with a mix of Shields and pistols and they will do okay against MEQ and such, but they're not the powerful assault units they used to be. This is also true for Assault Intercessors with jump pack. My advice would be to split the unit in two, have one run with Shrike for the extra protection and use them as Assassins and skirmish unit. This will also help you get the best of Hammer of Wrath since it can be hard to get 11 models in engagement range at times, but squeezing 5-6 is a lot easier and you can do it on two separate targets if you have two squads of AssInt. Also, cut a Lasfusil on your Eliminators to get the carbine. It is worth loosing a powerful shot to get the ability to move back into cover after shooting, or move further to get on an objective or score Engage/behind enemy line. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted April 24, 2024 Author Share Posted April 24, 2024 (edited) Half tempted to get rid of the Librarian and replace him with the Combi-LT with the same enhancement. Interesting idea on the Assault intercessors. I would have to pull some arms off a dude to make a new power fist sergeant. In theory, I could drop the librarian for a jump pack captain with a thunderhammer as well. Not sure how effective smash captains are this edition though. Sitting here looking at the stats after having been working on HH stuff for the last couple months and going wait, he only has a 3+ save? He is a captain, where is his artificer armor? Could give him the Ghostweave cloak too and when and if the 2nd Assault intercessor unit dies he now gets Lone Op. This means I would get to upgrade the incursors to full Infiltrators although now that I am comparing the two, incursors seem like a better force multiplier. I honestly dont see too many deep strike forces in my meta although I am sure there will be some Blood angels. Not sure if I have a carbine sgt built for the eliminators. I have a practice game set up for Saturday. We will see how it does. I am still on the fence about the Librarian with shadow war vet making the incursors pretty much untargettable or Smash Captain with ghost weave(spare points) for the extra damage and free CP use. I'll probably roll a dice to see which I use Edited April 25, 2024 by Galron Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted April 27, 2024 Author Share Posted April 27, 2024 (edited) Wow. That was two sets of ass-kickings. Whoever says aggressors is on crack. Maybe in Gladius where there is enhancements and strats to make them useful, but in Vangaurd they are worthless. Not enough volume of fire to make lethal worth it, they have to get too close to really operate. I am going to try a 5 man terminator squad. Most opponent played a 10 model bug army. 2 hive tyrants, 2 squads of 3 floating brain bugs that never die, one big gun bug and one maloceptor? -Ballistus was worth its weight in gold on this one. I wish I had an extra. -Aggressors useless wastes of points. -incursors did well with the libby -Shrike is useless in combat and the 4 chain swords in the intercessors with him were more effective. -Eliminators didnt do much either. 2 lasfusils are not enough firepower to threaten anything. Now granted, whoever wrote the nid codex was on crack giving everything 4++ saves, 10+ toughness, 10+ wounds, a lot of means to heal, multiple 0cp options, no bracketing and so on. Why these guys are not the top of the tournament scene is beyond me. So I am thinking adding a terminator squad and either a Lancer or another Ballistus and dropping the aggressors and the biologis. Then using the last 15 points to upgrade the incursors to infiltrators. Try to avoid combat with Shrike because he is horrible. If it wasnt for Lone operative he wouldnt be worth it. I might try with Gladius also. I lose the free armor of contempt and -1 to hit for my range guys but gain the lance strat on my assault intercessors meaning they might actually hurt something. Just a quick rundown now that I have time: Game 1: Corner Deployment. He had everything as far forward as he could and got first turn. I had things in cover or behind cover and against my board edge as much as possible. He advanced forward and nuked Skrikes squad leaving 2 guys. On the bottom he managed to kill 5 of the 6 aggressors. I managed to drop his brain bug down to four wounds with an oath of the moment. Dreadnought, 5 intercessors, eliminators, 5 incursors, the lone aggressor. My entire army remaining minus Shrike and his two guys didnt even kill one model in his ten man force. When my 5 man intercessors failed their 5" charge even with a reroll, I conceded the game and we reset. Game2: Played from short end to short end. I had pretty good set up spread out. He set up on his deployment line. I got first turn this time. Oathed his big gun bug. Moved aggressors , incursors, eliminators to be in range of the big gun bug.. Everything together dropped it to 2 wounds. He moved forward and killed 2 incursors in with a poor volley with the big gun bug. He managed to get his hive tyrant into close combat with my aggressors and killed 4 and took 6 damage in return. MY T2: On my turn I withdrew the aggressors. brought Shrike up, Oathed the big bug. Moved the other intercessors up to the 3 neurothropes(?) which for some insane reason they bumped an already hard to kill unit to T5. I hope they fired the writer for the nids, or at least put him on a Personal Improvement Plan. Shrike's squad had a chainsword do 1 damage to the hive tyrant. I think the Ballistus did something, cant remember what. The intercessors managed to do 2 damage to the Neurothropes. HIS T2: He disengaged with the neurothropes and in a wierd show of fluffage, he missed or failed to wound with almost everything and did 1 wound killing a wounded intercessor. Shrikes team wiffed again and did nothing to the hive tyrant who then ate them all. He charged my assault intercessors with his Neurothropes and I killed one with no damage in return. MY T3: Oathed his gun bug with 1 wound left. I figured I could take both the gun bug and the hive tyrant. News Flash, Ballistus failed with everything or he saved. I did get a wound through with my eliminators finally killing the gun bug who didnt deadly demise. My itercessors killed another neurothrope and 2 damage on the last one. HIS T3: Now the shenanigans kicked in. He did the whole everyone takes a battleshock test. Of course the assault intercessors failed. He followed this up with the roll 6 dice and take a mortal on every 3+ and my 4 turned into 2 who then got leached and took another wound. He killed the incursors but not the librarian with them. The Hive Tyrant charged the Ballistus and I overwatched and got him with a stormbolter. MY T4: I fired my ballistus at the giant bug in the center. Wiffed with everything thanks to the ridiculous T11 and 4++. Edited April 28, 2024 by Galron jpwyrm and W.A.Rorie 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted April 29, 2024 Share Posted April 29, 2024 Ohh that sounds like it was a rough day of gaming, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted April 29, 2024 Author Share Posted April 29, 2024 I knew it would be. He is a buddy of mine and we typically try to avoid playing each other as he is extremely hyper competitive. He is nice about it though, but when I want a "that guy" to bounce my list off of, he is who I call up. Even though he doesnt get near as many games in as he would like, he knows the system and can calculate what are the most broken combos even when they arent meta. He came from a national circuit Magic competitive background and at the time wouldnt think twice about sinking thousands in a deck to keep up, but typically again saw the combos and power cards and would buy them in advance by the dozens and then 9 times out of 10 his theory would come true and he would make thousands from selling them. He does speculative real estate for work lol. We had a team league and he was the beat stick on my team for dealing with a DB player on a team I knew we would butt heads with a "Mr. I AM THE NUMBER 5 DG PLAYER IN THE COUNTRY RA RA RA..." the kind of person who brought a Plague Burst Crawler to a fun, mostly new person 500point league with death shroud and as many pox walkers as he could pile in and Mortarion to 1k. Point Eli and say "Sick em!" and drive the DG player nuts, So I have another game with a much more casual player set up for this coming Saturday so maybe I will get a chance to actually use some strats other than armor of contempt and get to play off my back foot. I am adding a second Ballistus, a terminator squad with cyclone, upgrading the incursors to Infiltrators, and dropping the aggressors and Biologicus. Weirdly I have no need for blade driven deep. So my unaugmented firepower gets upped a bit, and a little better staying power on the back line with a DS bubble. The goal is to simply try and avoid close combat and cap objectives while my dreads kill things. Knowing there are new players I will play with the teleport homer and hold off on the terminators just to mess with them. W.A.Rorie and jpwyrm 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jpwyrm Posted April 29, 2024 Share Posted April 29, 2024 Yikes! That's rough gaming weekend. I know the feeling though, I faced Monster Mash Nidz last year in an event and got stomped too. I totally understand the sentiment of "But why do you have T10, 2+ SV, 4++ AND good shooting and Melee?!?" Now you understand what I meant by Shrike not being a beatstick! Someone pointed out a very good way of looking at Shrike + 5 VanVets (or Assault Intercerssors, they do the same job really) : that 205 pts unit can't go toe to toe with a 205 pts melee unit. What it can do though, is consistently punk around 100 pts worth of models each turn and score objectives or deny your opponent objectives. From what I can understand from your games, it looks like you tried to take down high Tougness targets with Shrike and Coy and that is a mistake - they just can't do it. On the other hand, he would've been great against the Nerothropes (?), T5 vs Shrike's Str5 twin-linked claws is nice, plus the Mortal Wounds on the Charge from the unit and all the Chainswords attack will add chip damage. For high T 3+/2+ saves with or without Invulnerable saves, you want better quality attacks. In your updated list, this comes from the Balllistus. When a big beasty is reduce to 5 Wounds or less, then it becomes worth it to approach with Shrike and Assault Intercessors with jump pack. Get close, throw grenades at it and if still alive, then charge and deal more MW with Hammer of Wrath. If the big beasty has more wounds than that, scoot arount it and don't engage with Shrike, you will loose the unit for nohing. Even with two Ballistus, the issue is volume of wounds vs a 50-50 chance to deny wounds from your target and then probably some Feel no Pain saves to further reduce damage. If you have the model, try playing with a Vindicator. They have the potential for massive amount of damages and will attract a lot of attention from your opponent. Especially the first time you roll 6 for the number of shots and now there is 7-9 hits rolling to wound a big beasty! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted April 29, 2024 Author Share Posted April 29, 2024 (edited) Ugg lol I totally forgot about the mortal wounds when I charged Shrikes unit. That hive tyrant only had like one or two wounds left which was why I charged it. Weirdly I remembered it on the other assault intercessor unit that charged the same turn lol. DOH! He had his other Hive Tyrant close enough he probably could have tried a charge though if not blown them up with his gun bug. This is why I need practice. I thought about a Vindicator as I actually do have an unpainted one sitting around. Problem even dropping the infiltrators down to incursors, I am still short 30 points. I can drop the eliminators which will leave me with 65 points. So maybe a scout squad? I am pretty sure I have some old scouts with shotguns lying around I can rebase. I have heard they are pretty good. Or I can keep the Two Ballistus and add a Vindicator and drop the Terminators for an even swap. Weirdest scouting force ever. Edited April 29, 2024 by Galron W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted May 1, 2024 Author Share Posted May 1, 2024 Got a more relaxed game set for the weekend so hopefully I will be able to try out more than just Armor of Contempt. I think the final list will be Shrike, phobos libby, 2 5 man jump intercessers, 5 man infitrators, 2 Ballistus, 1 vindicator, 1 3 man eliminator squad with carbine and las fusils(maybe they will pop a destroyer or two, as I know there is at least one new player doing hypercrypt). Now to expand this force, I am thinking to switch to Ironstorm and go MSU hell on it. Shrike Captain in Gravis Armor-powerfist,- The Flesh is Weak Libby in Phobos LT with combi weapon Techmarine with adept of omnissiah Heavy Intercessor squad 5 guys with a heavy bolter Intercessor Squad with a thunder hammer 2 5 man assault intercessors Devastators with lascannons and a razorback with lascannons 3 plasma inceptors 2 5 man infiltrator squads 5 man scout squad with shot guns 5 man terminator squad with cyclone missile launcher 2 Ballistus Dreads 1 Vindicator I have to put a few dudes together from my pile of shame(darn) and yank some guys from old armies that havent seen the board in years(again, darn) but I already own the entire list so it makes expanding cheap and easy at least. Main idea will be heavy intercessors with captain towards a no mans land objective while the infiltrators and libby go after the least attractive to the opponent objective and the regular intercessors get an initial sticky at home and move to grab another. Terminators and jump dudes are there to screw with my opponents head while the big guns kill things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted May 6, 2024 Author Share Posted May 6, 2024 (edited) PLayed another practice game. Very different game. My buddy played a horde ork army from the new book. He had Green Tide detachment(5++ on ork boyz, probably something else) 2x20 boyz with painboy, odd nob. 10 boyz bare 5 riders The named dude on the shark Dawn of war deployment, basic take the objectives, mission rule was sticky objectives. He deployed a 20 man blob on each end of his zone, the 10 man on the home, the riders next to them. I deployed infiltrators toeing the center objective, vindicator on my home objective, a Ballistus on either aide of it in position to move over and take the big hordes under fire. The Eliminators had a bead on the right side with the riders in. The two jump units were on either end of the field towards the corner. I forget the secondary objectives but I did get every single one throughout the game. T1: I wont roll off with a 6. Infiltrators popped the Booby trap strat on the center objective. The left jump troops jumped forward and toed the left side objective for the secondary. Ballistus both moved forward to get each of the hordes in LOS. The Vindy moved forward enough to get his home obj boyz in range. My shooting phase wiped the home objective boyz. Eliminators killed a rider and moved back. Right side Ballistus killed a couple boyz. Left side killed like 5 or six. His T1: His painboyz were a thorn in my side all game, 5++ 5+++ is nasty when rolling over and over. Oh and the pain boyz orderlies brought back all the dead guys on the right and a few on the left. He moved his riders onto his home objective so he could take it. Everyone else advanced forward. I bounced Shrike's team off. My T2: He popped Waagh(Has to be done at beginning of turn now) I decided to try and take down one horde at a time. I bounced my Shrike team 9" from the left side horde. The other jump squad moved up to 1.1" away along with the Ballistus. The center units and other Ballistus held position. Eliminators held still as well. Left side managed to wiped the horde down to about 8 boyz, nob, and two characters. The center group took out all of the riders except the HQ dude. Killed a couple dudes on the right side. Shrikes group failed the charge twice. Ballistus and other team made it and killed all but 3 boyz + characters. I popped armor of contempt and only took 2 damage on the Ballistus from the Painboy. HIS T2: His HQ failed his battleshock from all the shooting. He passed on the left side unit unfortunately and did a strat to bring back boyz and got three back. He advanced his right side horde to the center and tried to charge the infiltrators who used the strat to let them run 6" away. He took 2 mortals from the booby traps. Combat on the left had me take out all the normal boyz and I think the nob. Ballistus took more damage. I lost two of my assault dudes. Shrikes group bounced again. My T3: The now three man intercessor group was free of combat now with no one in engagement range. Vindicator moved up. Ballistus moved towards the center. Eliminators moved to get the center horde in LOS. Shrike landed 9" from center horde. Shot up the center horde but results were less than stellar. A bunch died but I think he still had 9 left and had some item on the nob that made them count as 10. Shrike once again failed both charges this time with double 1s. Both the vindicator and the Ballistus made the charge though. Vindy even did the tank shock thing ad caused 3 mortal wounds that got through. On the left side the 3 man team killed off the last two guys there. Ballistus and vindy killed one or two boyz and took a damage or two in return but they werent going anywhere. His T3: His character rallied and ran up and charged the vindicator as it was the only thing he could get to. He managed to do 3 damage to the vindy and a few to the Ballistus. Infiltrators bounced. MY T4: Shrikes team finally got their act together and bounced around the opposite side of the orks from rider boss. Infiltrators walked into his back right quarter giving me engage. My shooting dropped his boss down to 2 wounds. Shrike got his charge off and wiped everyone except the painboy who went to 1 wound. I got a ton of secondaries this round. I controlled all objectives minus his home. His T2: He did more damage to the vindy but didnt kill it. The ballistus surivived. I killed the last boy. My T5: Infiltrators took the home objective. Vindy backed up. Everyone surrounded the rider and thanks to his 4++ he kept saving. Finally I overcharged some plasma pistols from the three man squad and the big ork went down. Score was alot. I hit max primary of 10 every round + 5 at the end along with minimum 5 secondary every round if not more including round 1. It was fun, got to use some strats besides AoC. My opponent is notorious for 5++ saves and getting to do it 5+++ per wound made his boys ridiculously tough. I think Vanguard is good for low points games like this but lack the outright damage support marines need at higher levels. Pictures: 1: taking the center with vindicator support 2: battle on the left side after the first round of combat 3: glorious charge of the two non-melee units while the melee units just watch. 4: we have you surrounded. Halt and be destroyed. Edited May 7, 2024 by Galron W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted May 12, 2024 Author Share Posted May 12, 2024 (edited) Played the tourney. Came in 3rd. Funny enough my opponent was a guy I played at the top table in my last tournament and had similar results. Ill post pics at some point. I didnt win best painted, grrr. I think they didnt want to give me both the prize for 3rd and best painted. Im not going to turn by turn these. Game 1: Vs Knights I expected this one to be tough, He had a Crusader, 3 armingers, and a Helverin. He got buttloads of rerolls for hits and wounds. Mission was a typical mission to capture objectives. He set two armingers on the right, one on the left, crusader in the center and helverin on the home. I set my infiltrators on the left objective, eliminators on home guarded by a Ballistus behind a building. Vindy, Ballistus2, and Shrikes team on far right corner and another assault intercesor squad where I thought they were safe behind a building. He got first turn. He moved everything forward. Managed to get Ballistus2 barely in LOS of one of his armingers melta lances and did 6 damage. The left side arminger managed to move to the far edge of the board and instead of going for the infiltrators, he went for the assault intercessors and just barely got the edge of a base in LOS and killed three. On my turn the infiltrators booby trapped the left objective and advanced away. The left infiltrators bounced out on his fight phase. I managed to drop the left arminger to 1 wound with Ballistus1 and eliminators. B2 and Vindy dropped the close Armi on the right to 3 wounds. I made his rotate ion shields strat cost an extra cp after that. Shrike held position. He hurt B2 down to 3 wounds when he charged with his close Army and did decent damage with the follow on arminger to the vindy. Lone op to the rescue, he wasnt able to hit the infiltrators by .5" with his crusader so the Ballistus took the brunt of both it and the helverin. He charged the infitrators who repositioned back 6". I think I lost B1. On my turn b2 backed out and the vindy managed to kill the follow on right side arminger with its storm bolter and charge and tank shock the wounded one and did a total of 2 damage. The eliminator sergeant after the Fusils failed to wound, got round through and killed the left arminger. On his turn I forget what happened, I know he did heavy damage to the vindy and I pulled shrike out. I pulled some good secondaries and my 2 man jump intercessors landed on right objective and investigted signals. Shrike and co landed on the opponent's home objective giving me 8 more. My Ballistus did heavy damage to the Helverin. On his turn he killed the Ballistus and moved the Helverin back to home, killed 2 intercessors with shooting and another in close combat, Shrike and the powerfist sgt finished it off. His turn 5 he tried to get my home objective by charging the eliminators but failed the charge when they scooted off. I got two more secondaries. FInal was 85 to 56. Not sure how he got 56 but oh well. First three pics. My deployment, his deployment and I think his turn 3 or 4. This was a fun game and I was a bit worried I didnt have the firepower I needed, it turned out I did and playing the scoring game as per the plan worked out great. Game 2: Vs Dreadmob Orks Corner deployment He had a morkanaught, a gorkanaught,, a bubblechukka, 2 mobs of grots, 3 big mechs, and a mob of boyz. I knew I had this one. He got first turn and moved the two naughts forward. I started my infiltrators on the far right objective. His shooting surprised me and he got LOS to one of my assault intercessors with the anti-infantry naught and killed 3. That was his high point. I boobytrapped the infitrator objective and moved forward. I oathed the anti-vehicle naught in the middle. The two man intercessors jumped to a hidden location on the left side objective. EVerything opened up and killed the AT Naught which also killed 3 boyz. Those were further whittled down by the infiltrators to 4 + a mek. Infitrators charged and killed the grots. He tried to recover but I killed Naught 2 the next round along with the boyz. Shrike landed behind his objective but failed his charge twice. He almost just conceeded but decided to stick in. I won 85 to 24. 4th pic right after I blew up one of the Naughts and the remainder of his boys went after my infiltrators. Another game where the battle went according to plan, all my various tricks worked the way they were supposed to. I didnt enjoy this game and despite this guiy somehow coming in 4th place and winning best painted which really pissed me off because I thought it was crap, single coat, no weathering, no decals etc. I still felt like I was clubbing a baby seal. I didnt lose a single unit. Game 3 Vs Bully Mob, short edge to short edge. Sweep and clear, and SERVO SKULLS. UGGG Remaining pics. He had a mob of Nobs with a warboss, 2 mobs of Meganobz with mekboy, 3x3 bikerz, grots. In short I cleared the bikers and the grots, I captured his home, and ended in control of 3 out of 5 objectives. I could not scratch the mega nobz. I couldnt just ignore them like I did the crusader in game 1. He had waaagh for two turns, he had a 2+4++. 3W. bring a model back AND heal a wounded model each turn. EACH UNIT. Plus a feel no pain during his two Waaagh turns. I tried one turn to fire a vindicator and a Ballistus at an oathed meganob mob and killed 1. I knew this guy was going to be tough, but I my game plan was deal with the action monkeys, do secondaries, and concentrate heavy fire on the meganobz. I accomplished all of that. Didnt work. He was a bit more resilient than I expected and the action monkeys took til turn 2 to mostly wipe out. This was frustrating. I got crap for secondaries despite capturing his home objective, wiping all of his action monkeys. At the end when it didnt matter, I sent both full strength assault intercessor squads, the Ballistus at an oathed, down to 4 guy squad. I killed 2 including the mortals from charging. So my final score was 26 counting 10 points for painted. He had 62 and was killing me on primary. The problem was sweep and clear requires you to hold an objective in the command phase to sticky it. My army doesnt survive by standing still and his big bricks of meganobz could just roll with the servoskulls with impunity. There is no Primary score for holding objectives. This battle was like the battle between the Mountain and the Dornish prince in Game of Thrones. I could dance all around him and take swipes here and there but couldnt comes to grips with him. So the tournament ended with me at 3rd place. Some how the ork player from game two got 4th place. My opponent in game 3 got 2nd despite us being top table going in. Edited May 13, 2024 by Galron Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted May 21, 2024 Author Share Posted May 21, 2024 (edited) I think for the Vow I am going to finish off my Angstrom force before I restart my Night lords, just to be a completionist lol To do this I will need to white out some existing minis in my Star Phantoms. They are already white which is the prime color for my Angstrom dudes anyway so what I will do is remove any decals or simply paint over them. Just off the top of my head, they are all on the shoulder or knee pads so its not that big a dead to use a few thin white layers. I have a couple of dudes in my current list I did that with. So in my list of dudes to do: Gravis captain 5 intercessors + adding a thunder hammer to one These are from my star phantoms A squad of devastators from my howling griffins 5 base painted infiltrators 2 primered inceptors 5 primered scouts 9 Infernus-currently unbuilt(the missing one was my original test scheme model) 5 Heavy intercessors - currently unbuilt I'll have the unbuilts built and maybe primered by the end of the week. With the new reveals for the Pariah Nexus, I think Vanguard has even more play so I am going to push that angle. I really like the idea of my Infernus marines coming out of strategic reserves to fry enemy home objective guys. I kept them as a ten man so I could use the 1CP strat to pull them off the board to do that even though I will likely start them in strat reserves. I will have three units with lone ops, two that can pop-tart on their own, decent anti-tank, and one unit that can drop inside 3" naturally. EDIT: With my typical ADD, Im going to skip on the Infernus and add a second Phobos Libby and a Captain with jumpack with ghost weave cloak, shield and thunder hammer. I already own the models, just a matter of painting them. That will make the second Infiltrator squad lone op, and will add some punch to the second assault intercessors and when and if they die, he gets lone Op and stealth, Edited May 22, 2024 by Galron W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted June 14, 2024 Author Share Posted June 14, 2024 Playing a game tomorrow with an unknown opponent so have no clue what I have to deal with. My list however will consist of: SHrike Captain in gravis armor- blade driven deep(vow) Libby in phobos- execute and redeploy libby in phobos Lt with combi Heavy intercessor Intercessor 2 5 man jump intercessors Dev squad with lascannons Inceptors x3 with plasma 2x5 infiltrators Scouts with shotguns + sniper rifle(I would bring a heavy bolter too, just dont have the model) Terminators x5 cyclone outriders x3 2x Ballistus Dreads Vindicator Looking forward to playing with this mass of numbers. Depending on what my opponent is bringing so the plan is subject to change, the phobos and heavy intecessors start on the no mans land objectives and I booby trap one. If the opponent tries to rush them(again, army dependent) Ill do the whole move back. Intercessors at home to sticky it and there should be enough of my support in the rear to prevent enemy units from coming in for the first couple turns as he will likely go after my scoring units first. Scouts and Shrike bounce whereever needed, followed up by the Inceptors and the terminators on T2. Might drop the 2nd jump squad on T2 as well as have the Outriders in reserves to come in where needed as kind of a fast punch unit to fix something. W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted June 15, 2024 Author Share Posted June 15, 2024 (edited) Mother of all.... Well my opponent was a Storm Lance Space wolves with 2 full size wolf cav units 2 wolf LTs(whatever they call them) one with a super thunder hammer the wolf cav captain that give devs Logn grimnar and his stupid sleigh 2x5 wolves infiltrators scouts redemptor Ballistus Both named dreadnoughts 2 Iron Priests We deployed in diagonal corners. Vox interuptions-so reroll Costs 2 cp In a nutshell, I wont go through the whole turn by turn in detail. Turn 1 I killed Murderclaw and managed to kill his scouts on the center objective(despite it taking both infiltrators with libbys and the combi-LT) and took the center and left objective. The heavy intercessors with captain managed to kill a lone scout on the right objective, this and the other scout debacle were a sign of things to come. His turn came around and he maxed out both advances with the wolf cav units, and managed to block off most of his end of the board with minor units. He did fail his charges with the wolf cav thanks to me using the feint strat leaving them both in the middle of the board in the open. One would think that was awesome with 2 Ballistus, a vindicator and a lascannons dev squad in LOS. In Turn 2 I oathed one of his wolf units that had the captain and he promptly used a strat that made me -1 to hit and wound. So with my entire force shooting that one unit I dropped it down to captain, LT and one chode. My infitrators on the left managed to kill 4 wolves in close combat and his lone wolf did not pile in. My gravis dudes were forced to charge the scouts on the right objective and wipe them. On his turn he charged logan into my intercessors wiping them and consolidating into my vindicator. His battleshocked 3 man wolf unit had no issue taking down one of my ballistus. His ballistus and iron priest charged my left side infiltrators and libby and the the booby trap did 3MW to the IP. Bjorn and the redemptor wiped the remaining gravis off the right objective. My rolling was poor to start with. It got worse, much worse. Like horribly worse. Like 3 Inceptors shooting a scout unit and rolling 4 ones and then rolling 2 ones to wound, 3 terminators shooting point blank at a lone wolf and getting 1 wound through and then charging 2 infiltrators and only killing one. A turn where 5 units charge and not a single one makes it and most die as a result of being left in the open. 4 Oathed lascannons and an overcharged smite on a dreadnought does 4 damage total. My 4th turn saw no secondaries and no primary points scored as I was unable to kill or take anything despite having plenty of units with shots and charges to do it and perfect secondaries which should have been easy to accomplish. Two inceptors should have been able to do one wound on a wolf on the charge one would think. I conceded. Our points were close but Logan had finally killed the vindy in close combat with the ridiculously undercosted wolf unit which still had him, the LT and two guys and my rolls were ticking me off to the point of getting really angry. If I hadnt paid so much money to Baron of dice for custom dice, these would be melted slag right now. Oh and the Iron Priest was insane and fought on one wound the entire game eventually wiping out the infitrators and my combi-LT and phobos LT couldnt do a single wound to him in 4 combat phases. Edited June 15, 2024 by Galron Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted November 23, 2024 Author Share Posted November 23, 2024 Got around to painting a model I picked up back when the edition came out. Got a 1000pt game tomorrow vs voltrons tomorrow. Thought I would try him out instead of the eliminators. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted November 26, 2024 Author Share Posted November 26, 2024 On the heels of the above guy here is my new list I am testing for 2k as I bring in some of my dark angels to be repainted. Vanguard 2k-using Imp fists but I am still calling them red scorpions and Vanguard is still the Raven Guard detachment Lysander Apothecary- The Blade Driven Deep- goes with Sterngaurd Captain with Jump Pack- hammer and Shield Libby in phobos armor LT shield and relic weapon- goes with hell blasters. LT with combi weapon 2x 5 Assault intercessors with jump packs 2x plasma pistols and a power fist 5 hell blasters 5 infiltrators 5 scouts sniper and shotguns(its the models I have) 10 Sternguard 10 Terminators 2x cyclones with chainfists, 8x power fists 2 Ballistus 1 Vindicator 1 Hailstrike (general buffer for the various light weapons) No real opponent at this time I am prepping for. I figure it should work well for a TAC list for the time being. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jpwyrm Posted November 27, 2024 Share Posted November 27, 2024 21 hours ago, Galron said: On the heels of the above guy here is my new list I am testing for 2k as I bring in some of my dark angels to be repainted. Vanguard 2k-using Imp fists but I am still calling them red scorpions and Vanguard is still the Raven Guard detachment Lysander Apothecary- The Blade Driven Deep- goes with Sterngaurd Captain with Jump Pack- hammer and Shield Libby in phobos armor LT shield and relic weapon- goes with hell blasters. LT with combi weapon 2x 5 Assault intercessors with jump packs 2x plasma pistols and a power fist 5 hell blasters 5 infiltrators 5 scouts sniper and shotguns(its the models I have) 10 Sternguard 10 Terminators 2x cyclones with chainfists, 8x power fists 2 Ballistus 1 Vindicator 1 Hailstrike (general buffer for the various light weapons) No real opponent at this time I am prepping for. I figure it should work well for a TAC list for the time being. Interesting take on Vnaguard Spearhead. From my experience, I would definitely try to bump the Hellblasters to 10 man unit. They're so effective against a wide range of opponents. Sternguards are nice but so swingy. I would love them to be more effective but unless you can reliably reroll their wound rolls, their mortal wounds output will vary wildly. Don't get me wrong, sometimes they will wipe a whole unit of Parangon Warsuits in one volley and leave Morven Vahl bleeding or dead. Sometimes they'll only plink a couple of wounds and be left quite vulnerable to the clap back. W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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