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Its more of a I have the models and havent used them since the edition started kind of thing and I am closing down my Dark angels. This isnt meant to be hard core competitive. I think with the support of the Hailstrike they should be pretty decent vs infantry. Yes they do need some sort of reroll wound buff but I cant think of anything off hand. I threw the apothecary in there because he was the cheapest points that could still bring the infiltrate enhancement. IF I get my game in this weekend, plans are now up in the air thanks to my 16 year old rottweiler having some issues, Ill try and remember to take some pics even though about half the army is different schemes lol

I get that. I love Sternguards and remember when they were a powerful unit to Infiltrate with Lias Issodon. As a Raptors player, I love them. Against Infantry and with either the Hailstrike buff or Strike from the Shadows, they can be very powerful indeed. Except against Deathwing Knights, but everything struggles agains those! Nothing will allow you to reroll Wounds except 1st company taskforce once per game super Oath of Moment or Anvil Siege Force stratagem against Vehicles or Monsters. So if you want or need to inflict Mortal Wounds (ex. against C'Tan), make sure you are in Rapid Fire Range and maximize your hit rolls so you get the most out of your reroll 1s on Oath target.


Have you considered an Ancient instead of the Apothecary? Extra OC might make them a good Objective taker unit.

I havent actually. Probably have the points. Think I have one around here somewhere if I didnt convert it into something for heresy lol.



Post game edit:

Kept thing as is. Ended up going against an IG armored group. Was a bit worried at first, he had, a Baneblade, a Doomhammer, 2 Rogal Dorns, an Executioner, the lord Solar, 20 kreigsmen and a command squad.


It was corners deployment and Burden of Trust mission. He got T1

He filled his deployment zone. I had an infiltrator squad on my end table NML obj and infiltrated the sternguard behind a building on his NML obj. My combi LT was 5" from that obj as well. All my guys were mostly out of sight although he moved forward and one rogal got a Ballistus in LOS and I Armor of contempted and avoided damage. His executioner moved forward and actually got my infiltrators in 12" and LOS and killed two with bad shooting. MY T1: I Oathed his DoomHammer. Moved my Vindy and both Ballistus into LOS of the DH and the Sternguard into the building shielding them from the DH and onto his NML obj. The Vindy and two dread damaged the DH and it was finished off by the Sternguard with mortal wounds. The Hellblasters did pretty decent damage to the RD in the center of the table putting it below the bracket level. The speeder moved up and split fire and managed to drop both of his enginseers to one wound each. (thats what I get for splitting fire)


His T2: He moves his Executioner further forward and completely wiffs his shooting on my infiltrators doing a single wound. Note they were within 12" and not in cover. The undamaged RD moves forward getting within 12" of a Ballistus and I pop AoC and he does two damage to it when its all done. I brought my 10 terminators and Lysander in 12.1" from the Baneblade. He managed to kill one and drop another to 1 wound. The wounded RD killed a Hellblaster.  My T2: I Oathed his Baneblade. Terminators and Sterngaurd dropped it significantly and termies killed it in their assault. The 2 Ballistus and Vindy killed the undamaged RD. The Hellblasters did a little damage to the midboard RD. I brought my scouts on the board behind the 1 wound engineseer and an assault squad behind the other one and shot both.


His T3: He drives the Executioner onto My end NML obj contesting it and killed another infitrator.  His middle RD killed 3 out of 5 assault jump intercessors and all of the hellblasters. His infantry blob attempted to kill my terminators and failed miserably. My T3: Oathed his Infantry Blob. Shot with the skimmer on the blob and killed a few. Terminators and scouts blasted all but Solar. Lysader killed Solar easily in assault. Sterngaurd and Balistus and LT went after the middle RD. Damaged dread, Vindy and 2 man aault intercesors went after the untouched Executioner. I dropped the RD in middle to 1 wound and did like 2 damage to the executioner.


Game was effectively over but we played it out for S&G. The Executioner actually managed to kill the Ballistus but did die in the end. Final score was 80 something to 29. My opponent doesnt play guard, he just wanted to hit me with something of a surprise force not know ing what I was playing. My force being my of a TAC list did far better than I expected, especially given he plays book terrain, not tournament terrain so first floor is not LOS blocking which is tricky vs that much firepower. I was fortunate to be playing Vanguard and getting the quasi-stealth and cover thing for most of my units from most of his big guns.

Edited by Galron
  • 2 weeks later...

Alpha and Bravo terminator teams. Differentiated by the shoulder pad scorpion. For some reason I have been fixated on finishing the bravo team this week despite having far more pressing things to work on. I don't do them in red since they don't trudge around in the mud like the rest of the vanguard force and teleport in when the gropos find something worthy of their presence.



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