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If you use the crested sergeants (2 per sprue), the crested command squad bolters (2 per sprue) and the vexilla command squad bolters (1 per sprue), you can give yourself a base of 'veterans' (I'm going to use them as tactical squads for now) in addition to everything else in the box.

However, in order to do so, you have to make your Command Squad either a 3 piece (Commander, Herald, Apothecary), or add the spare Terminator and Missile Launcher sergeant to the base.

I've gone down the 3 model command squad route after clearing it with my regular buddies. 


If my maths is right, 5 sprues in total will gain you an additional Assault Squad base, additional Terminator base, additional Missile Launcher base, and 5 additional tactical bases over and above the infantry box contents if you use the 3 HQ model method. 

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I had a similar thought while building stuff yesterday. I already had the odd apothecary mixed into my tactical units, so i decided to continue that with the more generic command squad units getting mixed in.


I think they kinda realised people might stretch out the units a bit too. I did an extra Terminator base and an extra tactical and still have 2 more free bases from the box. People definitely don't need to make 2 command squads every time they get an infantry box.

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I honestly feel you could sprinkly in tons of 3-4 mini bases and either no one would notice or care. So long as the models on said bases are what you are playing and are about the right size i feel few people are even going to start counting the per base mini ratio. 

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Ive considered reducing the number of legionnaries per base myself here and there, i'm collecting Raven Guard, who didnt exactly emerge unscathed from their battles. The Rulebook does however state it should be the assigned amount of models per base, for line of sight purposes. Most opponents likely wont care but it should be born in mind should you have a local scene that are strict on rules.

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What do people think about stretching out your heavy weapons: so there are still 5 models per base, but only 2 - 3 have heavy weapons, the rest are boltguns or sergeant with close combat weapon?


I’m asking because my 3d print shop mixed in some nice samples of other heavy weapons, but only 5 of each.


I think in original epic they were “devastator” squads so 4 heavy weapons across 2 stands?

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I think the Assault guys, terminators, are a bit of a squeeze for 5 on a base. I can understand if someone is taking the micky or something with a single mini on a base, but if someone said that they didn't want to play you with a 4-mini Ravenguard base, I think TBH you've dodged playing someone that wouldn't have been an enjoyable game anyway.

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2 minutes ago, LameBeard said:

What do people think about stretching out your heavy weapons: so there are still 5 models per base, but only 2 - 3 have heavy weapons, the rest are boltguns or sergeant with close combat weapon?


I’m asking because my 3d print shop mixed in some nice samples of other heavy weapons, but only 5 of each.


I think in original epic they were “devastator” squads so 4 heavy weapons across 2 stands?

This was actually the format of devastator squads in the original game, with 2 heavy weapons for 3 bolters, and I think only really changed with the Heresy artwork and miniatures. I would say if you have at least 2 heavy weapons on a stand, and can see clearly that's what it is, I certainly wouldn't have a problem with it.

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I saw a single base painted with a single Apothecary and it looked pretty good.


However I don't like 4 models. Hurts my brain :laugh:


3 works for me, either as a leader and a bodyguard or a trio of Elites. 


Or 1 for a "character".


Not sure why this is but might be geometrical? Or I'm broken?


Anyway, if you're not playing in events or the event organiser doesn't mind, go for it! Do what looks good to you and we'll be happy to see and support them on here!

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I’m trying to think what infantry units in the 28mm heresy are legal with just 3 or 4 models.


So far I can think of:

Command Squad+character=4

(includes terminator variants)

Deathshroud 2+
Enigmatus Firewing Cabal =3 jump pack


I really like the idea of veteran (or recon) squads being 7-8 models spread over 2 stands, and with their buffs being equivalent to 10 tactical. That might be how I squeeze in (say) the extra powersword or heavy flamer marines I’ve got.


My rulebook is still under the Christmas tree. Can I check - what’s the minimum number of tactical stands in a tactical detachment? And when I buy an upgrade does that come in pairs of stands? (Tactical, heavy, assault, terminator)?



Edited by LameBeard
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I definitely going to think there has been a period of adjustment for those of us who have come from the 'wild west' of basically being able to do what the F we want over the past 20 years, in terms of miniatures, rules, whatever and now suddenly.. there are books with rules, and expected codes of play and stuff.. :biggrin:


For anyone old enough to understand this, I will save everyone's eyeballs by not posting an image here, but I feel like Tim Curry coming from doing the Time Warp and then being asked to put on some pressed corduroys and going to meet my in-laws for a a formal meal, while we listen to Radio 4. I'm glad to see so many new players here but... this talk of making sure there are 5 (GW official!) minis on official GW bases(!) and WYSIWYG for a gun 3mm long is killing my soul a little :biggrin:


Going to go and retreat into my cave for a bit :biggrin:

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Having just finished assembling 4 sprues worth of astartes infantry I think they should have gone with slightly larger base sized for the squads, especially the assault marines and terminators feel cramped with 5 models per base.  Also where are my terminator heavy weapons at.


Out of those 4 sprues (2 astartes infantry boxes worth) I was able to assemble the following, with 1 missile launcher dude to spare.


Command Squads x6

Terminator command squad x1 (4 terminators)

Assault marine command squad x1 (4 assault marines)

Tactical squads x10

plasma support squads x4

missile support squads x4

assault marines x4

terminators x4

Veteran Squad with plasma x4

Veteran Squad with missile launcher x3

Contemptors x8


realistically all the veteran and special command squads can just be extra tactical or specialist stands, but this netted me 5 extra stands above

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On 12/4/2023 at 1:21 PM, Pacific81 said:

For sure - I think this has been a pretty common thing to do since Epic first appeared: doing little diorama bases, terrain on bases, or even some units that suit having less minis or if they are a bit of a squeeze etc. all perfectly valid ways of sneaking out a few extra stands :happy:

I was wondering of doing objective bases with remaining bolter models. So in essence wounded marines being scattered among the battlefield which needed to be retrieved. 

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On 12/9/2023 at 7:26 PM, Remain_Indoors said:

Ive considered reducing the number of legionnaries per base myself here and there, i'm collecting Raven Guard, who didnt exactly emerge unscathed from their battles. The Rulebook does however state it should be the assigned amount of models per base, for line of sight purposes. Most opponents likely wont care but it should be born in mind should you have a local scene that are strict on rules.

I love this idea as the infantry are so fiddly

4 per base for non command squads would definitely maybe have the same effect as 5 for line of sight purposes

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The number of models on a stand is just an aesthetic question and doesn't affect the gameplay in any meaningful way. The community has played Epic for decades with all sorts of crazy variations from sparse bases to dozens of swarming models like nurglings or hormagaunts on one base. You should do what you personally find pleasing.


I for one prefer scenic bases, where fewer models packed with breathing space allow for far more interesting modeling than everyone standing shoulder to shoulder like fish in a can. Terminators in particular have broad shoulders and look much better with 3-4 men per base. My older prints have three men on larger 40x20 mm bases, for example :D


See for example Adam Stephen's tyranids here:




Some are full, some have a few, some only one. All of these are the same in practice for gaming purposes, a token to represent a statline. Not worth stressing over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've encountered a small problem with my method - bases! 

By doing 4 models per base you run out, and I foolishly thought GW made a set of small bases but the smallest they do is 40mm.

As I've already started basing models for an army, I don't want to change base styles - so any links to 3d printed 2mm high bases? I've looked on ebay to no avail and that's about the limit of my expertise!

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You have a few different options @Valkyrion


Some un-marked ones (which I take it will be no good if you are using the industrial-type GW ones?) https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/25mm-round-plastic-bases/


These ones might be closer from Bitz Blitz (this place prints the 3D designs available if you don't have a 3D printer, I have used several times before and they are good quality) 



There is also a holed set, with a slightly different design https://www.mighty-minis-uk.com/product/25mm-round-bases

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