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Predators and sicarans weapons ?


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Like many of you, I need to assemble my little tanks and paint them asap to play them.

But I have no idea how to arm them: which sets of weapons are all rounders for those tanks? I've read elsewhere that lasercanon are ok. So, full laser? What's about plasma?


I tend also to go all visual, as they are so tiny and tell my oponent on the table that this or this squad is armed with this weapon (independantly to the real build) and of course, this is set with an additional card on the table (and the detilled army list). Is this ok with the LI comunity (and/or Epic)?



Edit: PS: Do they all have to be the same setup in a squadron?

Edited by BolterZorro
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what's annoying me is that:

1. I can't magnetize: too little for me and my big fingers.

2. we don't have the already known (revealed) miniatures and we don't even have the rules and datasheets of some important of them (like fast attacks etc...)

3. we can't build a list yet for sure at even 2K points knowing that we shortly get few new options in the very near future (rapiers? drop pods? leviathan/deredeo?... which are very likely to be out soon)


So, atm, I think that I'll go full lascanon for an half and canon/daka for the second half.


I can't see the use of the plasma: what is it for? useless or not?

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22 minutes ago, BolterZorro said:

what's annoying me is that:

1. I can't magnetize: too little for me and my big fingers.

2. we don't have the already known (revealed) miniatures and we don't even have the rules and datasheets of some important of them (like fast attacks etc...)

3. we can't build a list yet for sure at even 2K points knowing that we shortly get few new options in the very near future (rapiers? drop pods? leviathan/deredeo?... which are very likely to be out soon)


So, atm, I think that I'll go full lascanon for an half and canon/daka for the second half.


I can't see the use of the plasma: what is it for? useless or not?


As far as I can see the Sicaran plasma is only slightly more useful as a dedicated Super Heavy/Titan Hunter. But while that might for now we will be getting units that are better at that in the future for sure so personally I wouldn't build a plasma sicaran. So lets hope they errata that one a bit, for example AP-3. That way it would be better than the autocannon against all vehicle classes while still being worse against smaller targets


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The good news is both the Sicaran and the Predator can swap their turrets out depending on the situation, so you’re not dedicated to the loadout like you are with a Kratos. I think I’m going to stick with Las sponsons on all of mine, though. 

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11 hours ago, Matrindur said:

I made a damage sheet with all the weapons of the six available tanks against various targets, it may help in deciding which weapons to use for what job:



That's really helpful. There are one or two mistakes in there I think, like the kratos' melta, but mostly it's a great indication of how effective things are.


My plan is to equip some tanks for anti-personnel tasks and give them heavy bolters and others with lascannons for anti-tank. The Sicaran already has a hull heavy bolter and it seems to make sense to double up on that. 

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10 hours ago, Mandragola said:

That's really helpful. There are one or two mistakes in there I think, like the kratos' melta, but mostly it's a great indication of how effective things are.

Kratos Melta is fixed now, the Coaxial Autocannon sneaked in there. Tell me if you find anything else that I missed and I will fix it.

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