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Units on top of objectives.

Go to solution Solved by Lord_Valorion,

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Hi everyone. 

So was playing a game and my opponent parked his Land Raider on top of an objective thus completely covering it.

I told him the rules say you can't end a move on an objective and showed him the page in the brb. He said that rule was changed to work differently. I later looked for the change in the faq/ errata but didn't find it.

Does this change exist and where can I find it?


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If they can't show you the rule in the rulebook or FAQ, then it effectively doesn't exist for that game.


The app is the best place for this and contains the most up to date rules - which in my version still say you cannot end a move on top of a marker, so your opponent knowingly, or unknowingly, deceived you, sorry. I'd ask them to snd you the link to the FAQ they claimed to have the change in. Likely they will say they misremembered and apologise. 

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hlF8WKv4gJpXPZha.pdf (warhammer-community.com)


Is the Leviathan Tournament Companion FAQ where it states it. As above, if you weren't running a game under those conditions, then it doesn't count. Simply using the Leviathan card missions as random draws doesn't follow the above FAQ.

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1 hour ago, Jolemai said:

hlF8WKv4gJpXPZha.pdf (warhammer-community.com)


Is the Leviathan Tournament Companion FAQ where it states it. As above, if you weren't running a game under those conditions, then it doesn't count. Simply using the Leviathan card missions as random draws doesn't follow the above FAQ.

Ah, cool. Thanks for the link.

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8 hours ago, Lord_Valorion said:

That rule was changed in the official GW tournament pack for their tournaments. So, if your game was not at a tournament, he was cheating.


Cheating is probably too strong a word. A lot of players simply assume the latest FAQs are in effect unless stated otherwise.

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I play in several different places and no one abides by the not standing on objectives rule, most of us forgot that was even a thing. It would throw me off if someone said that was still a rule mid-game. So I dont think he was cheating, just playing differently under the same assumption I and many others would have.

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