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Warhound Weapon Cards on WHC

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Ah, there we are! Thanks for the link.


I agree: swarmer missiles appear quite decent, and shudders range in the "possibly fun" sector. In certain lists (Regia, Arcus...?), a shooty grav/conversion+swarmer hound might be worthwhile. Actually, dual swarmers would strip shields better than a warlord's Apoc, leaving the heavy hitting to colleagues. Definitely cheap for 10P, although not necessarily what hounds are made for.


On second thought, the melta might have its niche next to the PBG, given that it can be targeted. Along with S bonuses (ferrox, side/rear, coordinated strike) and fusion, it might help softening up larger targets. I'd try a squadron of two, with PBG+Bolters on one to strip and warm up any location and Melta+Bolters on the other to follow up and maybe finish.

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Twin Swarmer missiles makes for a very cheap, and crucially long range, shield-stripper.

  • Their inclusion would add versatility to a Venator Light Maniple and bump up the speed and frequency of free shots.
  • Also be good in a Regia Maniple – normally the short range of the Warhounds' other guns proves non-synergistic. 
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Double Swarmer missiles is very handy indeed. They'd be good in a Venator, stripping shields from a distance and with First fire as well, it's not something to sniff at. It's just they suffer from the same weakness as double Mega Bolter hounds. Still, a very reliable shield stripper for 200pts.


The Melta I'm also not so sure on. It's only going to feature in aggressive lists like a Ferox, but then it doesn't really need a strength boost. -1 to hit sucks but 2 shots make up for it. It's comparable to the Beamer, which I like very much. I think we're so used to the Plasma Blast gun being SO good everything else pales in comparison. 


The Shudder missiles I might have to try out. You're basically paying for quake but I'm not sure where I need that. Maybe against Knights? I dunno. 


It's also nice to see they've updated the Volkite to have the Beam [2] rule. 

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I know that one of mine will most likely be armed with a Conversion Beam Dissolutor and Swarm Missile Pod, I think both are quite complimentary and the Swarm Missiles are very capable at the Conversion Beam’s most powerful range… it’s the other one I’m trying to figure out. 

I’ve been considering Graviton and I want to use a similar weapon or one that compliments it well in both games. My original plan was an Inferno Gun, but while it’s pretty good in LI it’s kinda bunk in AT. I’ve also considered the Volkite Eradicator but its range is only half of the Graviton. The Melta would be nice even though the ranges are on the opposite ends of the spectrum, but the power output is quite nice for AT (while being quite lacking in LI). Kinda hard to find a good mate for this one other than another Swarm Pod. 

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Ah, good call on the Venator! That's obviously a good place for a shield stripping swarmer hound. It could work both for a long range (volcano) or mid/short range (melta) reaver, depending on gusto. Camping a hound may not be the most exciting thing to do, but I've always liked the look of arm mounted missile pods.


One thing to consider is that swarmers need los, so you'd still have to maneuvre a bit.

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Yeah, having a hound with 2 Swarmer Missile Pods is a very good shout. I usually take 1 hound with 2 Vulcans to strip shields but the Missiles at least give me an alternative in lists rather than just spamming Vulcans. 


Shame we can't take them on Warlords and Reavers :D

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Not a lot to add to this. Swarmers are clearly the interesting new weapon here, either with another long-ranged gun or just as a pair for shield stripping. We know about the others, and FWIW I've had good experiences with volkites on hounds. They are very effective finishers.


The Melta does have the advantage of being able to target locations, unlike the PBC. It also has no implications for heat. I think it's possible to imagine them being used in Ferrox maniples and/or Vulpa battlegroups. I think they're about where a warhound weapon ought to be in terms of power, but unfortunately that does mean they're way behind the PBC.

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