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Tactical Support Squads - Loadouts


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Hey everyone,


I'm looking at making a couple new tactical support squads, and I was wondering which loadouts are viable or tactics in general about them.


I've only ran plasma tactical support squads in 1E, and in 2E only with plasma and the WB squads with warpfire blasters. What other loadouts have you found useful or viable? I know some folks use rotor cannons for pinning, but I haven't done that, as the warpfire ones also have pinning, so I never needed it in Word Bearers.


I also never upgraded them with power weapons or anything like that before. Anyone had any reason to ever do that?

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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I’ve used rotor cannons frequently, but if you have pinning elsewhere, as you say, their value diminishes. I’ve also used a Meltagun unit on occasion, as I wanted some mobile anti-tank. However, they are *so* expensive (more than any of the Heavy Support weapon options!), that you need to get them into the perfect position at the perfect time to get their points back. As a result I’ve been using them less and less as my other anti-tank options have broadened out. So I wouldn’t advise them.


Otherwise, I’ve seen flamer units do really well in Zone Mortalis, as you’d expect, but not in open battle. Plasma can have its moments, but honestly, I’ve not seen them do as much damage as you’d hope. But legion-specific plasma variants may well be more reliable.


I’ve never fielded or played against Volkite units other than the larger heavy support variety. But they might be worth a look?


In short, it sounds like your Warpfire Blasters might be the best option for you. I’m not sure the other weapons are bringing a lot to the table for you.

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It really depends on what else you are running and what kind of RoW you are using. Tactical support squads are a tool squad which shores up a weakness in your army. They have one job and do not have the flexibility to do more than that one job, but they do that one job fairly well. They work great in lists where they have some way of getting to their target and killing it be that drop pod, land raider or rhino. Need anti-heavy infantry, bring plasma. Need anti-vehicle, bring melta. Individual legions have their own uses, like dark angels who can turn them into expensive plasma flamer units. Night Lords can get benefit from rotor cannon units but its not optimal.  Aside from melat, plasma and specialist uses the other options are sub-par. Rotor cannons are more efficiently replaced by recon squads with Nemesis bolters. I dont see the point of flamer units aside from looking cool and being a cool burninator theme squad, unfortunately most units outside tactical squads can simply ignore them.

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Well, thats depends a lot of you army, the RoW and what against you play.I like using rotor cannons, volkite chargers and melta rifles in my Tactical Support Squads. Plasma rifles are a classic, of course, but I really enjoy  using the other 3 thanks the new plastic kits.


Rotor cannon and Volkite Chargers are for using in mass. 10 members with these weapons. Rotor cannons are great to try to pin squads (and is funny to say "contaaaaaacccct" when you shot with them) and usually are a good complement to use with other Assault oriented squads. Volkite chargers are very cheap (0 points) and quite effective, so I usually try to give chainswords to the squad to make it more polivalent and effective, so they can work alone if it is necessary. But in both cases, it is highly recommended a full squad. You will need every member to be effective.Meltas can better used in smaller squads with a Rhino transport for vehicle hunting, or even small elite squads.


For sarges always artificer armor and a power weapon or a power fist. And the same weapon of the squad, don't buy pistols.


Edited by AGRAMAR
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Thanks everyone. I'll keep the Warpfire support squad for Word Bearers, and maybe look at some of the other options for other Legions.


I want to do some Sons of Horus, so I might do some rotor cannons or volkite for them to add some variety in there.

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