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7+ saving throw on Elecro-Priest

Go to solution Solved by TrawlingCleaner,

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Maybe a useless question as I am still refering to the index and not to the recent codex (I do not have it yet), but I recently noticed that electropriest have de 7+ saving characteristics.

How do you technically solve this kind of dice roll? (I know they have an invul save, too but let´s say we forget about it) 

In previous editions there were instruction with a first roll, keep all the 6 and then reroll these... But I did not manage finding anything in the 10th Ed Rules or Clarifications... So I imagine there is nothing such under 10th and that any 7+ should be synonym of "none" (unless getting benefit of a rule granting bonuses such as a max +1 in case of Svg...)?


Thanks for any input.

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There's a couple of units like this, the long and short of it is that you don't get an armour save most of the time! The only way to get an armour save is if you're getting the benefits of cover (+1sv) and the weapon firing at you has no AP.

7+ armour saves should have really just been a dash, there isn't anything that ignore invuln saves so it's pointless! :laugh:

Edited by TrawlingCleaner
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dash means no save whtsoever, and would mean that even in cover they would get no chance to save. The 7+ is the score you need on the dice, and while impossible on one dice still permits a save roll (even if an auto fail on a d6), and as above is achievable with cover etc. I recall nurgle plague zombies and maybe grots have the same?

Edited by Xenith
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