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4 hours ago, Black Cohort said:

it would probably need to be in a kit with a few other units, like the 4 unit packs that both astartes and solar auxilia are getting with dreadnoughts, rapiers and such.

It’s possible they might be sold together with the Heavy Sentinels. Right now those are only available in the boxed game, right?

Well, my fervent hope is they keep it simple. They're struggling to get their supply and distribution for this game anywhere near right, they certainly don't need to make it worse.


As much as we need the second wave asap, we really need the first wave minis to be available somewhere sometime soon. Playing with half an army for months isn't ideal.

On 12/31/2023 at 11:34 AM, Interrogator Stobz said:

Well, my fervent hope is they keep it simple. They're struggling to get their supply and distribution for this game anywhere near right, they certainly don't need to make it worse.


As much as we need the second wave asap, we really need the first wave minis to be available somewhere sometime soon. Playing with half an army for months isn't ideal.

This. Since release, I think I’ve only seen a single restock on GW’s website and it was sold out fairly quickly. While eBay was a good source within the first week or so, everything has since become so obscenely overpriced that IMO it’s not even a viable option. 

Games Workshop needs to get their act together when it comes to supply vs demand or people are going to lose interest. 

Yeah I wanted an Acastus Knight Porphyrion but ebay thinks I'm paying £50+ for one. I'm not.


It's kinda funny how ebay sellers are going to be hurt more than GW by 3D printers :laugh:


A solid core game is essential. What's in the rulebook should always be available and we're all itching for those Spartans and some Astartes super heavies.


These things are core before any new armies.

GW's inability to keep product on shelves stretches far beyond LI.  I just took a quick look at their website, maybe 20% of their marine line is out of stock, 30% of their other imperial stuff, 25% of chaos, 25% of xenosHH is probably more like 35% out of stock.  Now granted I suspect a bunch of stuff that is "temporarily unavailable" will never return, but if that is the case prune your webstore, it can't take that long to remove store entries and it should have happened when they transferred to the new website.  That actually seems like an improvement over most of 2023, which is sad.  Maybe stop releasing new product if you can't keep your existing product lines in stock?

21 minutes ago, Black Cohort said:

stop releasing new product if you can't keep your existing product lines in stock

LOL, new products are what makes the hype and people buy some stuff...to compliment later with things ....that of course are out of stock hahaha

This is not a software company: this is real things, made by them (plastic) and (mostly) outsourced (in china at least for books, boxes etc...). And managing big stock of big boxes like our LI starter is a hell, especially when houtis are attaking cargo ships in red sea, making even more time to deliver.

And some of their boxes sell well above their best expectation. So, reprint & restock take a lot of time.

It is not a matter of if but rather when.


There has a been an international shortage of containers for a while now I gather (I am not sure whether it was ever resolved, post pandemic), but recent world events will certainly not have helped.


This is a great thread. One thing I did notice from the organisation charts which is not, to my knowledge, reflected in the yet to be released units was light tanks. Predators are listed as tanks, rather than light tanks, interestingly, so the slot does not appear to be filled by them. I am not sure if the Sabre is a light tank, but what else might be?

Yeah I think you're right on that. Sabres will have to be the light tank role unless Astartes don't have any, because there's just no more options. The Predator would fit the bill but isn't.


Actually there's no "Super Heavy" vehicle yet, despite there being rules which explicitly mention them. Those with 2 wounds are all listed as Vehicles, therefore there's a little gap on Super Heavies too.


I presume Fell Blades etc will be Super Heavy potentially, but they're only the size of Baneblades so very much maybe not.


It might be a future option that isn't a Knight or Titan, one we don't know about eh.

Edited by Captain Idaho

The icon for Light Armour is literally the Sabre sihouette while the one for Artillery is the Arquitor so we can most likely be very sure that those will appear in those two slots.


As for super-heavies, the Baneblade is a super-heavy vehicle(3).

Ah you're right about it being super heavy. The wounds still 2 which suck somewhat for a super heavy.


Likely Fellblades etc will be similar in stats.

Edited by Captain Idaho

I believe that, when they came out, Fellblades were set out as being the Space Marine super heavy and they do have a lot in common with classic Guard super-heavies. Sabre makes sense as the light tank, but I hope that they also release some other armour options for the factions in each slot. Shadowsword and Stormsword for Guard, for example.


At the moment the frustration is very much that you can't buy the stuff that there are already rules for, like the Xiphons and quite a few of the other air and armour options. Their supply issues are making it feel rather abandoned...

Fellblades and typhons were both in betrayal as lords of war; both are valid super heavy class tanks. I could also see javelins and Proteus as light or even vanguard; they only stopped being a vehicle in summer 2022.


Also hard to call the game abandoned when we know gw loves to stagger releases to maximise sales, and the specialist games all compete with each other for slots. Old world is getting pushed out, then I'd assume it's back to LI with a trickle out of the flyers until the full 30k solar aux reveal.

As I’m sure most of you may have seen in the News & Rumors section, The Great Slaughter has been announced as being released later this month. 

The article mentions dedicated armies for Knights and Titans, up to 6,000 points. I have to wonder if going forward these will be their own armies or if it’s just for Titandeath scenarios. I had a feeling we would eventually get Knights as their own faction seeing as they can technically capture Objectives, but the Titan excerpt was a bit of a surprise, especially considering how expensive and kinda weak they are overall. 

1 hour ago, DuskRaider said:

The article mentions dedicated armies for Knights and Titans, up to 6,000 points. I have to wonder if going forward these will be their own armies or if it’s just for Titandeath scenarios. I had a feeling we would eventually get Knights as their own faction seeing as they can technically capture Objectives, but the Titan excerpt was a bit of a surprise, especially considering how expensive and kinda weak they are overall. 

If it is only a titandeath scenario thing, it doesn't forbid a later suppliment with all the maniples and households of knights and titans, which is what we reasonably can expect.

The positive thing is that we have really soon -this month - something to build titans armies "the official way".

Pretty cool to see the first supplement so soon, and to see that it is the first, which confirms what was coming out in rumors a while ago that there would be a wave of supplements.


I do wonder though how much this adds for me as they already did Titandeath supplement for AT, and I have that book.


Also hard to call the game abandoned when we know gw loves to stagger releases to maximise sales, and the specialist games all compete with each other for slots. Old world is getting pushed out, then I'd assume it's back to LI with a trickle out of the flyers until the full 30k solar aux reveal.


Yes, absolutely, and, just to be clear, I don't think it has been abandoned, but the issues with supply are extremely frustrating. As somoene returning to the fold who didn't experience this issue with Titanicus, it is something of a surprise! :D


I am pleased that the Great Slaughter has been announced and that there are some new formations and units within it - all good news. I find the whole point about multiple maniples of titans a little odd as surely that's the entire point of Titanicus and is something that game does exceptionally well, so why do it here too unless you intend to mix in the other units too??

1 hour ago, Taliesin said:

Pretty cool to see the first supplement so soon, and to see that it is the first, which confirms what was coming out in rumors a while ago that there would be a wave of supplements.


I do wonder though how much this adds for me as they already did Titandeath supplement for AT, and I have that book.

Well while both technically cover Beta-Garmon, they’ll probably be from different perspectives (Titandeath being the Legios and Great Slaughter being the Astartes and Auxilia). Obviously the rules will also be different and while it’ll be interesting to field a bunch of Titans, they’re little more than walking gun platforms in Imperialis and thus kinda boring, especially when compared to Titanicus. 

Yes the interesting thing for me in the new release is the additional units: land speeders, bikes, drop pods, artillery for Solar.


Not too fussed about the Titan mega games as the rules for them in this game leave me a bit cold (compared to AT and previous Epic versions) but I guess it's to help build crossover for people with large AT collections and get them involved in the new game, so I can see why they have done it.

Yes, it makes sense in that regard in trying to pull us AT players in. But at the same time, having super-heavies and titans together might have been a better first step (although you suspect in that scenario the super-heavies might not do so well...).


Very much looking forward to the speeders and artillery and should give some clearer differentiation between the marines and guard armies, which will be nice. Interesting that there doesn't sound like there is anything more specific rules-wise about sub-factions (Emperor's Children, Cthonian Headhunters, for example).

Artillery is sorely needed, I'm hoping there's something limiting or requiring artillery to stay still in order to fire or gives an incentive not to go on first fire ect. The idea of basilisks moving and firing seems a bit silly, It's already straining credibility a bit that holding still does little of value to basically all units so far. It's not the end of the world but if units are going to have granularity down to weapons mountings and arcs, i really hope basilisk like quadgun has a direct fire and barrage fire options and maybe just maybe there's some incentive for the barrage fire mode to not move. 


Solar aux getting dracosan will be very welcome, just got rhinos for my marines and solar aux are really feeling only having air transport, 

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