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On 8/7/2024 at 8:56 PM, Crablezworth said:

drills/sabres and another box of russes with lascannon/autocannon turrets

Also the Knight/Titan Battlegroups that are fast approaching their one year anniversary of their announcement 

4 hours ago, Matrindur said:

Also the Knight/Titan Battlegroups that are fast approaching their one year anniversary of their announcement 

lol whatever happened to those? My buddy was waiting for the Titan Battlegroup to jump into AT but then just gave up. 

  • 2 weeks later...

There are still a few knights could be made into plastic kits, armigers, moirax, atrapos, asterius, I wonder if any were in the pipeline and they perhaps delayed the knight boxes to coincide with release closer to like end of the year/holidays. 


There are still a few knights could be made into plastic kits, armigers, moirax, atrapos, asterius, I wonder if any were in the pipeline and they perhaps delayed the knight boxes to coincide with release closer to like end of the year/holidays. 

Don’t even start me on Armigers… I want to get myself some but at $60 or whatever for 3 it’s just not worth the investment, especially since I’d be looking at using them in AT more than LI. 

I hope they do intend to move the resin Knights over to plastic, but the best time to do that would have been with the Beta-Garmon campaign IMO and they’ve missed that boat. Just another head scratcher in a long line of them. 


There are still a few knights could be made into plastic kits, armigers, moirax, atrapos, asterius, I wonder if any were in the pipeline and they perhaps delayed the knight boxes to coincide with release closer to like end of the year/holidays. 

Don't forget the Styrix and Magaera. Basically all the Mechanicum version of each class expect the normal Armigers. Thats why them moving to plastic when Mechanicum is coming is the likeliest choice

Edited by Matrindur

You got the half baked part right :biggrin:


I’d love for Knights to be their own faction, I just don’t see it happening anymore. Especially post-Great Slaughter, where it would have been a perfect opportunity to do so. I guess you could technically do it anyhow, there’s nothing stopping you. 


Knights to be released as a full half baked faction in the next book, with the battle box and plastic armigers as a sweetener, maybe?


Hope not, that isn't to say I'd be opposed to them getting some sort of formations, provided it's still a 30% thing. 


I had messed around with one before, a way of fielding armigers as their own detachments instead of locked at the hip. 

knight household spearhead formation.jpg

I still think they should be their own unique faction and it certainly wouldn’t break the game. I tried making a list using the Open Gameplay mode in BattleScribe, but there’s no real way to do it considering how their points are structured in the app. It’s a shame because I think it would be a fun way to play the game, even if it’s completely optional and at your opponent’s discretion. 

I found it pretty straightforward to knock up a pure knight list a while back, didnt get around to playing it as mordheim fever struck our group :D I do have a whole buttload of knights to play with though. 


I found it pretty straightforward to knock up a pure knight list a while back, didnt get around to playing it as mordheim fever struck our group :D I do have a whole buttload of knights to play with though. 

You’re telling me, I’ve got over 60 and I still haven’t nabbed the Mechanicum ones in large quantities yet. 


60!? We need one of those “astounded”

emojis as a reaction!

They’re not great pictures, but just behind my Death Guard and in front of the Titans are my House Makabius. 




Amazing collection duskraider! Very impressive, I wish you lived closer, would love to play against any of that. 

Thanks bud! To be fair, this is six years worth of collecting and when I first started playing there were a lot more people in the game as well (AT that is). Sadly, it’s died out but I am getting my one buddy into both LI and AT (kicking and screaming lol). 

AT is great, but the extra space it needs for sideboard just sorta made it a hard sell. LI though I think has more potential, not that it's a better game but, if you ignore tracking breaking points, it uses space pretty well. 


AT is great, but the extra space it needs for sideboard just sorta made it a hard sell. LI though I think has more potential, not that it's a better game but, if you ignore tracking breaking points, it uses space pretty well. 

I didn’t mind the space needed, I have smaller folding tables to accommodate the terminals or we use the remainder of the table since it’s supposed to be played on a 4x4 and my buddy has an 8x4. 

I hated keeping track of breaking last game. It made things much more tedious and dragged the game on longer than it should have been. I think from now on we’re going to ignore that rule. 


I didn’t mind the space needed, I have smaller folding tables to accommodate the terminals or we use the remainder of the table since it’s supposed to be played on a 4x4 and my buddy has an 8x4. 

I hated keeping track of breaking last game. It made things much more tedious and dragged the game on longer than it should have been. I think from now on we’re going to ignore that rule. 


My problem with it is its like a non-starter for events, because, its not like there are little flags or guidelines or special transfers for tracking identical detachments from different formations. So from like TO/third party's perspective, if they get called over to help untangle the count, and like everyone has their one unique system of saying what model belongs to what formation, you basically just have to trust them. But having to have all these separate dead piles and not real way to untangle things if both sides have just noticed one or the other or both were off their count in terms of dead per formation. It just seemed like the most insane accounting for a game where life is so cheap/deadly. Especially at scale and especially in the context of a very loose army construction to begin with where one can spam pretty much any formation. Since just stopping to track break points all together, the games have been much better for it, its a pointless time vampire. It also really seems silly having to do it/done it for a game that someone taps out early anyway. Demoralization ritual basically lol


The fluff excuse used for not tracking break points is like everyone on both sides is like ready to die for the cause/determined and morale is high so like even falling back just means tactical withdrawal and regroup not retreat. The other thing is, when we were setting up our armies on sideboard for pre game pics, the amount of time we'd spend trying to get all the formations in proximity etc was just eating too much time, but so was tit for tat deployment. Since we use reserves, it works pretty well, whoever deploy their army first shows their hand in terms of what is going in reserve. But it's built for speed if we do an event, like losing break points it just sorta trims the fat and sprays garlic on the time vampires. Reserves looks intimidating but its mostly just because its trying to cover every base. It's a bit cumbersome because it exists alongside outflank/deepstrike and still allows for both to be like choice, so long as those detachments are in addition to the 1/3 reserves and not part of it, otherwise they'd roll for when they arrive. It's easier for opponents to swallow, because they're not robbed of all agency if they're use to having total choice of like when their terminators arrive. 


eternal war crusade legions imperialis scenario v6pg2.jpg

Edited by Crablezworth

So with the confirmation that everything in 28mm will eventually get released in LI, what's left for Marines and Solar?



  • Breachers
  • Destroyers
  • Despoilers
  • Reconnaissance Squad (would they brake these down by the different loadouts they can have?)
  • Flamer support squad
  • Meltagun support squad
  • Rotor cannon support squad
  • Volkite caliver support squad
  • Heavy Bolter support squad
  • Plasma Cannon support squad
  • Lascannon support squad
  • Multi-melta support squad
  • Volkite Culverin support squad
  • Techmarines (Techmarine with Servitors?)
  • Seekers
  • Dreadclaws
  • Predator Support (could be 2 more boxes?)
  • Vindicator
  • Sicaran Venator
  • Whirlwind Scorpius
  • Arquitor
  • Cerberus
  • Typhon
  • Fellblade
  • Glaive
  • Falchion
  • Mastodon

Solar Aux:

  • Veletariis with volkites
  • Light Sentinels
  • ?
Edited by Deschenus Maximus

A lot of those are pointless/redundant without weapons re-writes. If plasma cannon is gonna be all of 12 inch range, it doesn't add much. Meltaguna/flamers just too short range, there is a core problem here with any weapon shorter than 10 inches because you're often or very often better off just charging. 

You could probably throw in Despoiler Squads as well for Astartes, but I have a feeling we won’t be seeing a lot of those specific units. 

They make mention of Legion-specific plastic upgrade kits for 28mm and there was a hint that it could transfer to LI, but at this scale I don’t know if it’s worth it. Maybe for some units like Deathshroud or something, but if their plan is to put out alternative Tacticals or something pedantic at this scale, it’s a waste of time. 

The thought that we are stuck with these two specific factions for a few years is depressing, and I can’t help but feel people will lose interest or not even bother starting the game in the first place.


I won’t lie, I don’t see the point of an entire faction devoted to Custodes or Sisters of Silence either, but to be fair I’m very biased towards them, and not in a positive way (particularly Custodes). 

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