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New Hachette Magazine Combat Patrol

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I wouldn't be so sure. I expect the Terminators to be spread across two issues. I was putting some together today and they are spread across two sprues

Was that the push fit ones from the starter/Leviathan set? Could have sworn they were one sprue but fine if not. The termagants will be spread over two issues by virtue of being twenty of the buggers.

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I'm not sure if there will be enough issues to split kits up? 9 combat patrols, split between 90 issues, 


Some don't even contain models, like 4 I think, is just 3 paints:ermm:


Then each combat patrol has an extra model:ermm:


The guard one is just a commissar...what a joke:laugh:

Being a massive nerd with little to do on a Sunday afternoon other than avoiding the pile of shame, I've just been through all the contents of the magazine in terms of minis, worked out how many sprues are in each, and then worked out how many issues that could be spread over.

So, first thing to be aware of is GW sprue sizes. While there are some exceptions, GW kits generally fit into one of three sprue sizes that I like to call "Character", "A5" and "A4". The A5 and A4 sprues are the half size and full size sprues GW uses, which are close in size to an A5 and A4 piece of paper in my eyes, hence the name I give them. Infantry kits tend to be on one or more A5 sprues, whereas vehicle kits are commonly on A4 sprues and then sometimes have A5 sprues for extras.

Next thing is to think about how Hachette tends to split kits. Again there are some exceptions but in general Hachette only includes a maximum of two Character or A5 sprues per issue, or one A4 sprue. They avoid layering multiple sprues on top of each other in MOST cases. Additionally, they avoid mixing sprues from multiple kits in a single issue.

For example, if a normal multi-part Intercessor Squad was going to be included, Hachette would spread it across two issues, as the Intercessor kit is made up of four A5 sprues.

Based on those approximate ground rules, Hachette has enough kits to spread sprues across 79 issues, leaving 11 for paints and tools. which is close to in line with previous magazines.

On the other hand, if Hachette started layering multiple sprues so they avoided splitting kits too much, they'd have enough to spread sprues across 69 (nice) issues, leaving 21 for paints and tools. That's possibly a little high so I expect it won't be this.

The Termagants are a good example of where there could be some variation. Each Termagant kit is made up of three A5 sprues. If Hachette follows it's normal formula, that would mean it would take four issues to get all of the sprues. However, Hachette may instead decide to layer the sprues for each kit, putting three per issue meaning it would only take two issues. Alternatively, they could break their other rule and include sprues from both sets in one issue, which would bring them to three issues. Any other infantry kit that's made up of three of the A5 sprues and is included twice in the subscription could also be affected by the above, including Cadian Shock Troops, Neophyte Hybrids, Khorne Berzerkers and Ork Boyz.

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It can depend, they've definitely fit more than one sprue in a particular magazine before. The 'ard boyz issue of Stormbringer had the full sprue and a half in it. They might not want to do it ao early though, that issue was towards the end of Stormbringer.


I wasn't aware they did that. I guess considering the other stuff they pack in top of a single full-size frame (paint, etc.) it wouldn't be all that tough to pack in an additional half-size frame rather than kicking it to the next issue.

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Arent paint issues normally 1:4 though? Not been subbed for a while but im sure i remember at least one paint issue per delivery, always subject to change obviously.

During Conquest, there were about 13 issues that were solely paint, out of an 80 magazine run.

There were also a few issues that included a paint alongside a miniature which bought it up to about 17-18 issues with paint.

I didn't subscribe to Imperium or any of the AoS ones so not sure exactly how those went.

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I would think termagants would be 10 in 1 issue which would be the 3 small sized sprues but we will wait and see.


They did split up the necron warriors previously In imperium.


If they do decide to split up the basic infantry into seperate issues that will be a hard pass.

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At nearly 1k cost, they really should be giving us all the info rather than vague releases:facepalm:

It's the same with all part works though, you know what's coming but never an order to them.

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Based on those approximate ground rules, Hachette has enough kits to spread sprues across 79 issues, leaving 11 for paints and tools. which is close to in line with previous magazines.



Very helpful, thank you. Do you have a list of the sprues breakdown you can share please (would be helpful for working out per faction, for example).


The promotional images for the collection shows 31 paints, so c. 10 issues at 3 paints per issue makes sense. 6x 18ml pots, 25x 12ml.



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I was thinking of doing something similar with my soon to be in hand captain, especially with the thunderhammer as I wanted to try and make then a salamander. Where did the hammer come from?

Haha I have literally no idea because it was a random bit in a huge eBay pile… I don’t even know if it is a GW part. In fact, the hammer head and the shaft are two different pieces and the head was in some kind of yellowy plastic, so it’s a huge mystery lol

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Well, on one hand, bugger as I was literally about to sub so I can at least get one copy of issue 2. On the other hand, it arriving later isn't much of a pain. My question would be does it affect the window for cancelling :huh:

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Deathwatch captain?


In terminator armour?


With a thunder hammer? 


I did not think any of those were an option anymore:ermm:

In a world where so many of our previous options have been written out of the rules, I don’t care anymore. Build the models how you like cos the stats are the same regardless. I used to hate proxying stuff but now I do it all the time.

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