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Greetings one and all.


I am lucky enough to have a few friends spread over the globe that can and will get together with me and roleplay every saturday evening. Over the soon three years of this we've played around in various fictional worlds, but one we often come back to are the Warhammer world in both flavours space-y and fantastical. All of them are on some level fans of the grimdark galaxy of the far future, but none of them has ever managed to break into the hobby. One or two have tried, purchasing a box and the paints and brushes but it's not gone anywhere. One common fate seems to be some manner of mistake done in the priming step and then when it doesn't look great they do not dare try again.


But that is neither here nor there.


Another one has physical disabilities which makes the painting part of the hobby difficult. And in short they're all interested in Warhammer 40.000 but have never been able to play or get into the hobbying aspect. But late last year we all settled on getting together for the first time from our various corners and go to England. Mostly because one of us lives there, but I also then quickly pushed for a stop at Nottingham and Warhammer World as I have never been and all involved quickly agreed.


It had me thinking of how I could possibly make it so that we could play a game there. I do not own four seperate armies, nor would the logistics of getting what I have there and back appeal to me. So that had me turn to the various skirmish games, and in the end I decided that I would make an experience and a gift out of this opportunity. I settled on Kill Team (2018) as the game as that is the one I am the most familiar with, and also I feel gives them the an experience closer to big scale Warhammer than the current Kill Team. It also means I do not have to hunt down various codex, rather the Core and Elite book will suffice fine.


So in short I will be putting together and painting three different Kill Teams to gift my friends once we go on the hallowed journey to Warhammer World. Maybe they'll catch the bug, and if nothing else I imagine it to be nice personalised gifts. I decided that I will make a log here to try and add motivation to getting them done in time. Luckily as none of them really do the miniature part of the hobby for now, it's unlikely they'd catch it here.


So the teams will be Imperial Guard, Eldar and Dark Eldar. With the first being the one I have started with already. I rushed through them with a speed that is quite unlike me, painting them to the level you will see below in about two days. It's a total of 16 miniatures in that team, and I now only have decals and basing left to do. The photos turned out a bit dark too, will try again once they are truly done.







Once they are done I imagine Eldar will be next. A mix of Rangers, Dire Avengers and Howling Banshees.

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Sounds like a nice idea. :smile: If some of your friends are having issues starting painting, I'm wondering if they can make use of the tutorial sessions GW stores run? 


The images seem appropriately "gritty" for Death Korps :wink: :laugh: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova

Finished my first Kill Team today. The decals and basing held me up for awhile.


263rd Company Krieg from Red Batallion












The largest Kill Team by a margin with 16 soldiers. I expect I shall be trying Eldar next, which will be more varied with Dire Avengers, Howling Banshees and Rangers. I've never painted any Xenos before, so will be a first.


  • 1 month later...

After finishing the krieg I procrastinated a fair bit, so shall need to put my mind to it if I am to paint it all up for April. These Dire Avengers are my very first Eldar, and my first venture into contrast paints. Are a few more details I could go over, there usually is. But I think I've attained a tabletop standard.



  • 4 weeks later...


Some more haphazard photos, as it approaches the trip. I've finished the Eldar Kill Team as well, adding in rangers and Howling Banshees.








Dark Eldar next.

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
Fixed image :)
14 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Making good progress - how much more have you got left to do?


I've got five wyches done as well the other day, just no photos yet. Then it's 5 kabalite warriors and a wrack. All needing to be done by Friday morning.

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