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Advice for a returning player....help me obi wan

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Hi Morgrim, welcome to Titan.

Grey Knights are a great army to play, difficult to master, but so much fun.

All the infantry units are solid, particularly Brotherhood Terminators and Paladins. Purifiers are very good against infantry, especially with Crowe and Strike Squads are an excellent utility unit for jumping around the board and scoring.

Kaldor Drago and the Librarian are probably our best HQs although Brotherhood Champions, Chaplains and Grand Masters are good too. I have no experience with Voldus, so I don't really know there. As I mentioned above, Crowe is really good with Purifiers, but they're a bit of an all-or-nothing combo. 

Sadly, our vehicles are all in a bit of a bad place at the moment. Most don't really fit in with the teleport assault theme Grey Knights have right now although the Land Raider is pretty good, and Razorbacks can be fun if used well.

Dreadknights are just too many points for what they do and a bit too easy to kill (which just means they take more skill than I have, to get the most out of).

This is all, of course, just my opinion.

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Psycannons are awesome.


A grand master leading a unit of terminators REALLY kills things. 

Stormravens are such amazing models but in recent games with them they have been really badly hurt due to flyers being much weaker and vulnerable to enemy fire than they used to be.


I would take as many lascannons as you can on your vehicles. Without them you will be sorely lacking in anti-vehicle firepower, especially as vehicle toughnesses have been buffed in 10th.


Other thing worth noting is that in the index there is no distinction between the different nemesis force weapons - whether you are carrying a daemon hammer or a pair of falchions, the profile is identical. Which sucks. I am desperately hoping that they change this in the codex, but as they didn’t change it for vanguard veterans, I’m not holding my breath.

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