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Misprints and errors - our findings

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This isn't relation to balance per se, but obviously there are links.


I was reading through the rules and noticed the following under "Splitting fire" on page 76:




The problem we know about Plasma Blastguns is they are 2 shots hitting on 3+ at range 20", which compares poorly to a Turbo Laser hitting on a 4+ but with Accurate and superior range.


The usual feelings of "why oh why" aside that I modelled my Warhounds this way, if the example is to be believed this is an error. However, it's an error repeated in the Warmaster stats too.


So there's definitely a mistake here but which is it? I want it to be the example being correct as that would make a Plasma Blastgun more interesting and worthwhile a choice (3 hits are always better than 2) but there's no FAQ to save us.


Anyone else notice anything?

Edited by Captain Idaho
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The plasmas are underwhelming indeed. I get that they may have been a bit too good in titanicus, but what a missed opportunity to have a weapon with either variable output or some sort of gets hot mechanic. There's nothing balancing any of the titan weapons, some are just objectively better than others especially given so many can be taken twice.  



Apparently the sicaran omega has 2 shots on the gw unit cards that they sold. 



Space marine flyers's heavy bolters definitely need a faq, for one, unlike solar aux ones, none of the marine fyers boltes have light at, so they can't even target other planes... which is awkward because they hae skyfire. Also, the mounting on some of the bolters makes no sense, the wing botlers on the thunderhawk are clearly turrets.  



Absolute side note but I really wish they'd faq overwatch to only be on first fire, it would greatly de-clutter things and make first fire more appealing. There are special rules like ripple fire and siege weapon that give detachments benefits for not moving/first fire but for the most part because no weapons require that the unit hold still, the majority of orders end up being advance or with the odd charge or march. Advance order is a bit too flexible given u can still overwatch IMO.  

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