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Welcome to part three of the Blood Angels Unit of the Week series!

Following the release of the 10th edition Index, there is no better time to discuss all the units we have access to. Each week a different unit will appear, with the idea being that we discuss how best to use that model on the battlefield. Where part one will discuss the units from the units found within Index: Blood Angels, parts two to four will discuss Index: Space Marines, part five will be Imperial Armour, and part six will be Legends.
Note, this isn't to lament any nerfs, etc, from previous editions; the rules are as they are so try to unlock its potential for those who wish to use them all the same. Similarly, this thread is only for using the option being discussed; it matters not if you feel something is a better choice as such comments aren't constructive to the topic and shall be removed.
Without further ado, here's this week's entry:


sml_gallery_62972_10568_1098.jpg Bladeguard Veteran Squad

What are you thoughts here folks? How best would you play an Bladeguard Veteran Squad?

  • To compliment a list, or to build a list around? 
  • What size squad are you using?
  • Which Detachment are you using?
  • What delivery options are you using? 
  • What deployment options are you using?
  • What Leader are you using, if any?
  • What weapon options are you using?
  • Stratagem synergy of note?


Over to you.

Should you want your model on display here (or on another thread), then submit a photo here please.


(Once I work out how best to float it!)




As an aside, the thread setup may change over the coming weeks until I'm happy with them. This includes the photos.

These were significantly better with our old rules I think, but they don’t suck now either. 

thematically they’re interesting for us because they imply a more restrained defensive fighting style which actually makes a lot of sense for our veterans.


functionally, they’re still relatively tough, albeit not as much as they were, they do have decent enough melee too. I feel like a unit of 6 is more interesting than a unit of 3 now, but also means they don’t get supported at all. 

if you’re putting a unit with them it basically has to be the judiciar, though if Mephiston ever gets the chance to join them he’d be a good alternative 

I agree, normally you will want a unit of 6 with Character support to maximise their bang for buck. They have a bucket load of high quality attacks and will really do the number against most Elite infantry although they will struggle against any Monsters or Vehicles with T10+. Their offensive output is similar to Sanguinary Guard but they trade the speed of the former for better durability with an extra Wound and a 4++.


Several Characters can bring good benefits leading them. My top picks would be either the Chaplain for +1 to Wound and the Judiciar with First Strike. Both of these abilities are really strong on BGVs due to their large volume of high quality attacks. I think which Character you go for depends on the role you want the squad to play. If you want an aggressive unit to spearhead your assault then putting them in a Land Raider with a Chaplain is the best approach. In an SoS detachment, they will be wounding even T5 infantry like Terminators on a 2+ on the charge! If you are playing a bit more cagily and want a unit to hold the centre Objective then I think the Judiciar is the better pick. Fights First is a really strong ability and is a strong deterrent against any enemy wishing to charge them. If you can afford to keep a couple of CPs handy for Heroic Intervention, even better.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking of running them with Lieutnant for hitting harder (Lethal Hits) and better mobility (charging after fallback). Haven't tried it yet but looks promising and with such a big unit event anciet may be worty addition

5 hours ago, Khorneeq said:

I'm thinking of running them with Lieutnant for hitting harder (Lethal Hits) and better mobility (charging after fallback). Haven't tried it yet but looks promising and with such a big unit event anciet may be worty addition


The Chaplain makes them hit slightly harder than the LT since +1 to Wound has a slight edge on Lethal Hits.


However a LT probably has the advantage if you are running Sons of Sanguinius as Fall Back + Charge means we can maintain our charge bonuses. Of course that assumes the combat goes on for 3 rounds and your opponent has not fallen back.


Overall I think I still prefer the Judiciar but I can certainly see the benefit of an Lt in SoS.

1 hour ago, SnorriSnorrison said:

If you want to bring BGV and also bring support, I’d say you’d have to put them in a Redeemer since the Impulsor doesn’t carry them and their superiors. 


A Land Raider of some flavour is good although a Storm Raven is also a possibility.

Just now, SnorriSnorrison said:

I’ve heard the SR could be useful, but I don’t really know how yet. It would be a lot better with assault ramp, that’s for sure


Assault Ramp would be good but the -1 Damage rule makes it a bit more durable than its stats suggest.


Prevailing wisdom seems to be load it up with 6 BGVs + Judiciar + Heroes of the Company and the sling a Brutalis Dreadnought underneath. This is definitely all your eggs in 1 (flying) basket. Start in Hover mode making use of any cover you can. Turn 1, hurtle forward 20" and disembark the contents with the BGVs screening the Heroes and Dreadnought. You won't be able to charge but the Raven, Dread and Heroes can put out quite a lot of firepower and charging the BGVs is a bad idea as they will strike first anyway thanks to the Judiciar. The Company Heroes can Heroically Intervene for free thanks to the Captain's Rites of Battle ability.


Anything that survives your opponent's turn will then be perfectly placed to take Objectives and generally go on a rampage. Is it a guaranteed game winner? Probably not but it is fun and a great way to put a lot of pressure on your Opponent on T1. With luck, he will be so busy trying to deal with this speartip assault that the rest of your army can quietly get on with scoring Objectives, shooting and generally winning you the game.

12 hours ago, Karhedron said:


Assault Ramp would be good but the -1 Damage rule makes it a bit more durable than its stats suggest.


Prevailing wisdom seems to be load it up with 6 BGVs + Judiciar + Heroes of the Company and the sling a Brutalis Dreadnought underneath. This is definitely all your eggs in 1 (flying) basket. Start in Hover mode making use of any cover you can. Turn 1, hurtle forward 20" and disembark the contents with the BGVs screening the Heroes and Dreadnought. You won't be able to charge but the Raven, Dread and Heroes can put out quite a lot of firepower and charging the BGVs is a bad idea as they will strike first anyway thanks to the Judiciar. The Company Heroes can Heroically Intervene for free thanks to the Captain's Rites of Battle ability.


Anything that survives your opponent's turn will then be perfectly placed to take Objectives and generally go on a rampage. Is it a guaranteed game winner? Probably not but it is fun and a great way to put a lot of pressure on your Opponent on T1. With luck, he will be so busy trying to deal with this speartip assault that the rest of your army can quietly get on with scoring Objectives, shooting and generally winning you the game.

That sounds a lot of fun in more casual games! I don’t have the company heroes (but my made-to-order champion has been finally sent after almost a year of waiting) but sounds like a good way to get stuff up the board if not playing in hyper-comp environments. 
also, the SR is just cool.

  • 1 year later...

We need a couple of updates on these guys as a lot has changed in the last year:

  • New BA Codex which widens our choice of HQ options
  • Price drop
  • Impulsor capacity getting increased to 7 meaning we can now fit BGVs + Character

The bottom line is that Blood Angels love these guys particularly in LAG (they are not bad in AI either but you will want to run them permanently in Shields of the Chapter).


Most Chapters use BGVs in an anti-elite infantry role and they are pretty good there. Our easy access to +2S and Lance means ours can really punch up and threaten vehicles and monsters effectively too. With Red Rampage we will be wounding any unit in the game on a 4+ at worst which is pretty good considering those attacks are 2D, AP-2 and a full squad kicks out 30 of them on the Charge.


We are really spoilt for choice with HQs since we have several good options but we can also use Stratagems and Enhancements to make up any gaps. Here are some good possibilities

  • Fights First - Available from Judiciar and Speed of the Primarch Enhancement
  • Fall Back and Charge - To keep our LAG charge bonuses active. Available from Lieutenant and Relentless Assault strat
  • +1 to Wound - Helps to punch up into tough targets. Available from Chaplain and from Red Rampage strat
  • Lethal Hits - Helps punch up into tough targets. Available from Lieutenant and Red Rampage strat

Chaplain, Lt and Judiciar all bring a lot to BGVs but I think I lean in favour of the Lt for a couple of reasons. Firstly, both of his special rules synergise really well with the squad but secondly you can also a add a Captain Rites of Battle meaning that the squad gets a free Stratagem each Battle Round which helps keep the Red Rampage or Savage Echoes flowing. You will probably want to give the Lt Speed of the Primarch as a once-per-game Fights First will really make the enemy think twice about charging you with their own elites. For the Captain you have a couple of good options. Icon of the Angel will really punish an enemy who tries to fall back in order to expose the BGVs to shooting while Rage Fuelled Warrior is just 50 shades of killy. So my ideal squad looks something like this:


115 Captain with MCPW, Shield and Rage Fuelled Warrior

 90 Lieutenant with Power Fist and Speed of the Primarch

160 6 x BGVs


In an ideal world you can add a Land Raider for delivery. If you feel that 600 points is putting all your eggs in one basket then 6 BGVs + Lt in an Impulsor is only 320 points and is almost as good. You can also use Aggressive Onslaught allowing you to Disembark + Advance + Charge for an average 19.5" threat range.

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