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"for every X models" upgrade rules clarification

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Didn't see anybody ask this already. In regard to wargear options that say "for every X models in this unit 1 [insert model name] can take 1 of the following"; which is the correct interpretation?


Assuming in both cases that available options are A or B;    

Case 1) I have X models in the unit. 1 model can take A, and 1 (different) model can take B, OR

Case 2) I have X models in the unit, 1 model can take A or B, period, and if I want to take both A and B I need twice X (whatever X is) models.


For a more specific example, I was wondering if the following was rules legal: 

"five-model terminator squad including 1 with assault cannon, 1 with heavy flamer, and 1 with cyclone missile/bolter combo, rest with default fist/bolter".  I know historically that hasn't been allowed, but it also hasn't historically been allowed for tactical squads to have two special weapons in the same squad; so I'm not going to just assume the prior status quo was the intent.    

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In the Specific case for Terminators:


It would be Case 2: per 5 models 1 terminator can choose 1 of those options. You could have 1 Assault Cannon or 1 Heavy Flamer or 1 Cyclone Missile per 5 marines in a squad (basically how it used to be)


It really depends on the wording as some unit entries are differnt, for example:




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9 hours ago, sal of manders said:

Case 2) I have X models in the unit, 1 model can take A or B, period, and if I want to take both A and B I need twice X (whatever X is) models.



This one. For every 5 models, ONE model may take... If you were allowed both, ir would say "one model may take A and one model may take B. 


Check the Death Guard Plague marines datasheet in the app to see how it looks when multiple models in the unit are allowed to take special weapons. 

9 hours ago, sal of manders said:

it also hasn't historically been allowed for tactical squads to have two special weapons in the same squad;


Sallies could in 3rd I think, and any chapter could in 4th, but those were exceptions rather than the rule as you say. Termies are capped at 1 special per 5 models. At 10 models, you can take 2 of the same, or 2 different specials. 

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I've always understood it as Case 2.


It's an older quote, but still relevant,

"Some rules are so well established and understood, that sometimes GW forgets to make a point of them."


Which means when new edition drops, GW doesn't always write the Rules like its the first time they've ever been seen, and make a point of things, sometimes they write the Rules with assumed knowledge and spell everything out.

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