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1st Nervian Shock Division

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On 1/15/2024 at 1:45 AM, Orion said:

Love the warm wash over the grey. Gives a nice contrast.


Good old Seraphim Sepia, it just hits the spot :thumbsup:


Thanks for your comments, everyone! I'm already working on a new infantry unit and I have one or two more tanks on my sights, so I hope I can post new pictures soon... ish :thanks:

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8 hours ago, Terminatorinhell said:

These are awesome, I'm loving the helmets with masks. 


It was seeing those helmets on the Puppetswar webpage that made me want to start an IG army. But it was when the Rogal Dorn came out that I realised I had to start one ^^

Edited by Arianod
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  • 4 weeks later...

Currently in the works:


1) Prepping the Company Banner for painting





2) Painting a bunch of Penal Troops to trudge along with the Nervians (these will count as Krieg infantry)





3) Waiting for the Leman Russ to become available again on the website :')




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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

The first squad of Penal Troops is ready! Ready to get slaughtered as cannon fodder for the Master of Mankind, that is.




Badbatch 12.png

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I had a lot of fun painting these bastards, but it was a ton of work too. So many nooks and crannies, so much fine detail. I love the miniatures and I'm planning on having 20 or 30 of them, but I think I'll wait a bit before starting with the second batch.

Edited by Arianod
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