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Any chance we get a new scout bike type unit?

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I'd rather see Veterans on Bikes first. Something like Ravenwing or Thunderwolf cav.
I would call them Stormguard Veterans to keep with the 'x-guard' theme they have been giving veteran squads.


But before even that I would like Captain and Librarian on bikes.

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I imagine at some point they will arrive but they are probably a long way off yet. They are always going to be looking for new Space Marine kits to sell after all. Hopefully GW has the common sense to get the Captain & Lieutenant (and ideally the Librarian and Techmarine too) on Bikes released this decade at least. 

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On 1/17/2024 at 1:31 PM, Karhedron said:

Given that GW have sent them to Legends while redoign regular Scouts, my hunch is that we will not see new Scout Bikes. Not in this edition at least.

They still may bring them back in. I think at this point they'll pretty shamelessly send something to legends that they'll end up bringing back as a new kit in a future edition. We've seen it a couple times, notably with characters on bike, and with CSM, the rumored Chaos Lord with Jump Pack. So that it's gone essentially means nothing as far as whether it'll exist again at this point.

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On 1/18/2024 at 8:20 AM, AutumnEffect said:

I'd rather see Veterans on Bikes first. Something like Ravenwing or Thunderwolf cav.
I would call them Stormguard Veterans to keep with the 'x-guard' theme they have been giving veteran squads.


But before even that I would like Captain and Librarian on bikes.

And I would expect new vanguard before any of this. New scout bikes, while a potential, feel soooo very distant right now.

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30 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

And I would expect new vanguard before any of this. New scout bikes, while a potential, feel soooo very distant right now.

Scout Bikes are not particularly thematic for any of the GW Developed chapters.  Veteran/Special Full Marine bikers are thematic for at least three chapters - Wolves, Ravenwing, White Scars.  Filling out the Command options, and expanding the kit/rules for them should be higher on the priority list than scout bikers. 

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19 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

And I would expect new vanguard before any of this. New scout bikes, while a potential, feel soooo very distant right now.


I'd actually kind of surprised if we got new Primaris Vanguard Veterans as Bladeguard fill the slot of 'melee veteran unit' quite nicely. Sure they aren't the same thing and I wouldn't be disappointed to see Vanguard vets, but...
Well, we'll just have to see.

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3 hours ago, AutumnEffect said:


I'd actually kind of surprised if we got new Primaris Vanguard Veterans as Bladeguard fill the slot of 'melee veteran unit' quite nicely. Sure they aren't the same thing and I wouldn't be disappointed to see Vanguard vets, but...
Well, we'll just have to see.

Perhaps. But having units that overlap is nothing new. Especially not in the era of primaris were introduced. Perhaps the biggest factor against renewed vanguard would be that the name has been coopted by phobos regiments. But there could still be a veteran melee unit with power/special weapons using jump packs down the pipeline.

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Just now, Marshal Reinhard said:

Perhaps. But having units that overlap is nothing new. Especially not in the era of primaris were introduced. Perhaps the biggest factor against renewed vanguard would be that the name has been coopted by phobos regiments. But there could still be a veteran melee unit with power/special weapons using jump packs down the pipeline.

I do hope so.

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32 minutes ago, AutumnEffect said:

I do hope so.

Plus we've still got the Blood Angels Release.  I think we're getting a new VV release because we already got a new SG release with the Ultras.

If you go all the way back to 2E Angels of Death/Ultramarines codex - 

Ultras = SG/Tacticals

BA = VV/Assault Marines

DA = Terminators and only Terminators. 

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4 hours ago, AutumnEffect said:

I'd actually kind of surprised if we got new Primaris Vanguard Veterans as Bladeguard fill the slot of 'melee veteran unit' quite nicely. Sure they aren't the same thing and I wouldn't be disappointed to see Vanguard vets, but...


I was thinking the same thing and I was (pleasantly) surprised to see Vanguard Veterans survive into the new codex. I assumed they would get punted off to Legends like several other entries from the Index. I guess Tactical Squads and Devastators are still around as Primaris don't have a direct equivalent for those yet. I would quite like to see new VVs but I will make the most of my squad for this edition without holding out too much hope that they will survive into 11th.

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35 minutes ago, Karhedron said:


I was thinking the same thing and I was (pleasantly) surprised to see Vanguard Veterans survive into the new codex. I assumed they would get punted off to Legends like several other entries from the Index. I guess Tactical Squads and Devastators are still around as Primaris don't have a direct equivalent for those yet. I would quite like to see new VVs but I will make the most of my squad for this edition without holding out too much hope that they will survive into 11th.

VV and SG are pretty much linked in the "Alternate Load for Veterans" category.  They came in at the same time, generally have changed at the same time, etc. 


I'd say Tacs and Devs do have a direct equivalent(s).  Intercessors and Tacs are pretty interchangeable (2 AuxGLs vs a Heavy and a Special pretty well wash) - Assault Intercessors vs Blood Claws/Crusaders.  Devs have Desolators, Eradicators, Eliminators, Hellblasters, Interceptors, and (sort of)Infernusators, Aggressors and Heavy Intercessors - Depending on if you mean threat band. damage output, or shoulder badge. 

I suspect the "replacement" for Devs will be 6 or so (elemental) Flavor of The Month specialist squads - Grav, Las, Plas, Melt, Heavy Bolter, and maybe flame.   I suspect the only reason(s) we kept Devs are:  We don't have Primaris Grav yet, and the Assault Squad Squat and Replace is a test balloon.  I think the test baloon thing is the only reason we still have a Tac Squad - it was more important/significant/etc to replace the Jump Punchers for Raven Guard and Blood Angels than it was to just delete the Tac Squad otherwise Tacs probably would have been the test balloon.


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  • 1 month later...
On 1/22/2024 at 6:31 AM, Tacitus said:

Scout Bikes are not particularly thematic for any of the GW Developed chapters.  Veteran/Special Full Marine bikers are thematic for at least three chapters - Wolves, Ravenwing, White Scars.  Filling out the Command options, and expanding the kit/rules for them should be higher on the priority list than scout bikers. 

You contradicted yourself…


scout bikers full under marine bikers, and it would make absolute sense for WS to utilize scout bikers more heavily than any other chapter 

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If anything I wouldn't be surprised to see Bikes for Phobos and Gravis down the line, perhaps even before we see another character on bike. If done smart a scout bike squad could use the same bike model as a theoretical phobos bike squad.


On 1/23/2024 at 7:23 AM, AutumnEffect said:


I'd actually kind of surprised if we got new Primaris Vanguard Veterans as Bladeguard fill the slot of 'melee veteran unit' quite nicely. Sure they aren't the same thing and I wouldn't be disappointed to see Vanguard vets, but...
Well, we'll just have to see.

Vanguard Vets in Phobos armour, calling it now. Gotta have a shooty vet and a choppy vet per armour sub-mark.

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13 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

You contradicted yourself…


scout bikers full under marine bikers, and it would make absolute sense for WS to utilize scout bikers more heavily than any other chapter 

No they don't, they fall under Scout Bikers. WS are not known for their scout use like RG are.   Assuming we saw any scout biker releases I'd see them as if not more more fluffy in RG than WS. 

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On 2/24/2024 at 7:42 PM, Nephaston said:

If anything I wouldn't be surprised to see Bikes for Phobos and Gravis down the line, perhaps even before we see another character on bike. If done smart a scout bike squad could use the same bike model as a theoretical phobos bike squad.


Vanguard Vets in Phobos armour, calling it now. Gotta have a shooty vet and a choppy vet per armour sub-mark.

Gravis on a bike seems weird but I think gravis on an ATV or something similar would be interesting 

21 hours ago, Tacitus said:

No they don't, they fall under Scout Bikers. WS are not known for their scout use like RG are.   Assuming we saw any scout biker releases I'd see them as if not more more fluffy in RG than WS. 

Scout bikers are marines.


WS aren’t known for their scout use, but they’re literally the premier bike using marines…like it’s literally their only thing.

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I'd be absolutely shocked to see Gravis or Terminators on Bikes.  The fluff reason would be they're too heavy for the bike motors.  The game play reason is that would make Gravis Mv 10-12, T7, W5ish models.   They're not going to hand out that statline very often.


And Scout Bikers are not Marines.  They're scouts.  Both in the fluff and on the tabletop they were different.  They had Carapace Armor not the Black Carapace.  They had a 4+ not a 3+ - in some editions they hit on a 4+ not a 3+.  And they hit different themes/builds/flavors.  

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22 minutes ago, Tacitus said:

I'd be absolutely shocked to see Gravis or Terminators on Bikes.  The fluff reason would be they're too heavy for the bike motors.  The game play reason is that would make Gravis Mv 10-12, T7, W5ish models.   They're not going to hand out that statline very often.


And Scout Bikers are not Marines.  They're scouts.  Both in the fluff and on the tabletop they were different.  They had Carapace Armor not the Black Carapace.  They had a 4+ not a 3+ - in some editions they hit on a 4+ not a 3+.  And they hit different themes/builds/flavors.  

Space marine scouts…what’s so hard to understand about that?

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On 1/17/2024 at 11:20 PM, AutumnEffect said:

I'd rather see Veterans on Bikes first. Something like Ravenwing or Thunderwolf cav.
I would call them Stormguard Veterans to keep with the 'x-guard' theme they have been giving veteran squads.


But before even that I would like Captain and Librarian on bikes.

I'm actually expecting to see some more HQ's on Bikes for the Stormlance.  Right now we only have the Chaplain on a Bike for the mounted Enhancements.  Since we didn't get them with the Ravenwing during Dark Angels Week hopefully we'll see them in White Scars week.  Probably Kor'Sarro on Bike, Captain on Bike, maybe Lieutenant on Bike.   Or we have to wait for 11'th for them since White Scars week is probably closer to the end of 10th.  GW did box themselves into a corner doing Armor/Gear theme Detachments right after Squatting all the HQ's in non-standard armor/gear. 


Edit to Add:  There's a SLIM possibility of seeing them in Space Wolves Week with their history of Swift Claws.  But I wouldn't expect it.  If we get anything new in Space Wolves Week (That isn't SW only like a new Bjorn, upsized Terminator Epic Heroes and Rubicon Crossers- Logan, Njall, etc)  - 


Wow, Just looked at the SW PDF.  I suspect they're going to lose a ton of Epic Heroes.  Their bespoke pack squads may get Primarisized. Wolfguard Terminators get the Deathwing Treatment for Mixed Weapons. 


Space Wolf Week could be wild, or it could be full of generic SM Filler.   I suspect they're going to lose a lot going from PDF to Codex.  Bjorn being a Redemptor with a weapon arm upgrade sprue is pretty easy.  Murderfang as a Brutalis is even easier - add a sprue for the axe and shield Wulfen Dread.  Of course fluffing the following conversation will be ridiculous:


Ulrik: Mighty Bjorn, we can return you to life with the new Primaris Organs.

Bjorn: Really?  The Primarchs are returning, Russ cannot be far behind.  And I would dearly love to get out of this sarcophagus, and smell the frozen air of the Fang again.

Ulrik:  Whoops.

Bjorn: What?

Ulrik:  The surgery worked, but you're still dying.  So we had to put you in a new Dreadnaught. 

Bjorn:  Stasis.  And don't wake me up unless the Fang is on fire. 


All that aside - Dark Angels got two resculpted characters, 1 new Unit, and 1 Resculpted unit, plus the usual (Codex. dice, datacards, Combat Patrol repack). 


SW Get:  Dreads Consolidated - (one body box + Upgrade arm sprues)?  An existing -Pack crossing the Rubicon, and a new Unit - Swift Claw Pack (Outriders with Upgrade Sprues)   So potentially Generic Captain on Bike drops here.  Still a long shot. 

Edited by Tacitus
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  • 2 weeks later...

As someone who's slowly building up a White Scars army:

I'd rather get Bike Characters back before getting Bike Scouts back.

(Also because at this point my White Scars list has so many Jump Packs in it you'd think it's a white coloured BA successor...)


In the same vein tho, we need Ko'sorro Khan on Moondrakken back.

Him being on foot made sense at the time (since no Primaris Bike during his development), but now we have Primaris bikes, let's pull an Ahriman and have him get a Bike profile too.

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5 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:

As someone who's slowly building up a White Scars army:

I'd rather get Bike Characters back before getting Bike Scouts back.

(Also because at this point my White Scars list has so many Jump Packs in it you'd think it's a white coloured BA successor...)


In the same vein tho, we need Ko'sorro Khan on Moondrakken back.

Him being on foot made sense at the time (since no Primaris Bike during his development), but now we have Primaris bikes, let's pull an Ahriman and have him get a Bike profile too.

I'm pretty much expecting that when they get their supplement - I'd also expect some other named character to drop for White Scars.  They're one of the last two? supplement chapters with only the one named.

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