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10 hours ago, CCE1981 said:

Looks good that we can deal with one C’tan, now what about the other 5 in the list?  That would be the Three named C’tan then 3x Transcendants?


Same as with any other list that spams a handful of overpowered units. Only engage the ones you have to and play for the Objectives.

24 minutes ago, Tokugawa said:

Wait for GW rules team to nuke them in next patch.

Meh, 6 C'Tan runs somewhere north of 1500ish points making them unlikely to do well from a scoring standpoint. 


Baby Knights do it better cheaper I'd guess.

On 1/30/2024 at 8:01 AM, Karhedron said:

Much to my surprise, C'tam have not had a points hike in the January MFM. :blink:


EDIT - But Aggressors have apparently. :facepalm:

Ctan already had a sky high price.  The Aggressor hike wasn't that big of a surprise given the lasting popularity of the Aggressor bomb. 

2 minutes ago, Tacitus said:

Ctan already had a sky high price.  The Aggressor hike wasn't that big of a surprise given the lasting popularity of the Aggressor bomb. 


C'tan shards are about 50 points less than an Avatar of Khaine and have very similar capabilities. The Avatar is slightly tougher (T12 vs T11) but the C'tan have a 5+++ FNP and also regain lost wounds. You can field 6 C'tan and only one Avatar. I would still say that C'tan are priced very competitively (maybe too competitively).

Aggressors with Biologis. Lots of twin linked weapons and autowounds.


10 Assault Intercessors with jump pack + Chaplain (rapid ingress so that you get safe charge next turn with all of them). Grenade Strat (3 MW on average) then charge (5,5 MW on average). Crozius ability  (1MW on average). Then chaplain attacks hit on 2s and wound on 4s, Fist hit on 3s and wound on 4s, and all 36 attacks hit on 3s and wound on 5s are still a good weapon. They are even better as Black Templars or Blood Angels


I still think on the whole, the better option is to ignore them, however if you have to deal with the 5 C'tan list (because I don't see any that take the Deceiver) then at that point you need to pick your spots.


Nightbringer is a priority target regardless of your army (unless you are knights with a lower model count and extreme wound counts) because he can do serious damage just over the course of a game just by existing in your lines. And because of his older model having a smaller base, he can easily squeeze into some nasty spots and get through areas I don't think he is meant to. The void dragon may be easier to screen out, even if they cosmic him as his large base does restrain his options however he should be considered a 2nd target after the Nightbringer if you have vehicles en mass that he can cause damage to.

The remaining transcendants you will want to try and force them to want to opt for taking objectives...it sounds silly but in the course of a game I don't think you are cutting through 5 C'tan unless you were 10th edition launch Aeldari (and even then...might be a tall order). You seriously need to at best pick 2 that you will kill and then play for objectives. With 5 C'tan their board presence will be weaker and you need to play on that. Cut out their supporting elements and then pick whichever number of objectives gives you max per turn and go from there.


Really though...this is like old school 3rd edition necrons with monoliths: NEVER shoot the monoliths...never. I don't care you have meltaguns in range, if there is even a single warrior it could shoot at...a single scarab...you shoot that instead of the C'tan. Do damage that will stick, and damage that will matter later than sooner. That C'tan will tank that meltagun with 100% sure fire confindence. That Warrior you nuked with it? Last model of the squad? That squad is NEVER coming back now. That scarab base was also the last one in their squad and now they can't go and cleanse that centre objective or deploy teleport homers.

If a C'tan has to spend even a single turn having to do objectives as its only action, it is a wasted turn for it. 200+ points for an action monkey. Make that count. Don't matter that it can hose down that 100 point infantry squad, if it has to handle them to get where it wanted, thats a turn wasted.


Not saying its perfect but these things just aren't reasonable. If you face 1 or 2, you can likely deal with 1 of them easy enough when time comes. But other than that, I subscribe to the "it only gets 5 shooting phases and 5 fight phases. I am not giving it more than that" mentality.

Some good points about ignoring C'Tan/dealing with what you can and focusing on Objectives, which is a pretty realistic take I think.


That said, still trying to find ways to efficiently deal with them, or at least deal with a few of them so the rest are more manageable.


One thing I have stumbled on recently is Blood Angel Assault Centurions. With the updated BA Detachment rules, they each get 4 x S12 AP-2 Dmg3 attacks on the charge, with Sustained Hits 2 against Monsters (which, of course, include C'Tan) and Twin-Linked built-in. In testing, just using Oath of Moment (without any Stratagem support, like Red Rampage), 6 Assault Centurions pretty handily brought down a C'Tan in melee, since now they are S12 (i.e. wounding C'Tans on re-rollable 3+s) instead of S10 (i.e. wounding C'Tans on re-rollable 5+s).


Of course, getting Centurions into combat can be the issue, but between the Librarian Dreadnought (for free teleportation around the board) and most of the C'Tans being pretty short-ranged (i.e. they have to come to you to inflict damage), I think it is doable.

Edited by L30n1d4s

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