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Question: measuring distance from drop pods?

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Hi there,


I remember a rule clarification in 8th or 9th Ed, but I am too sure on how to determine/measure distances for drop pod that deepstrike in 10th...


In Rule book page 7 we get:


When measuring the distance between models, measure between the closest points of the bases of the models you’re measuring to and from. If a model does not have a base, measure to the closest point of any part of that model instead.


So I interprete that if the drop pod is modelled with doors opened, I should measure from the extremity of the door? Which is not always very... convenient.


Yet in some rule clarifications some points such as the ones related to the vehicles with base (inc Flyer) may lead to interpretation that one should measure from closest Hull point. So, basicaly, for a Drop pod, should we consider that doors are part of the Hull or not?

(In an indirect way it also apply to disembarking in a reversed fashion: do you measure disembarking distances from very end of the opened door or from the hull?)


I do not remember that there is anything in the codex related to this. I do not have it available to check anyway...


I am afraid that doors count as model point to measure distances, but any confirmation you might have would be welcomed. 





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Doors are part of the hull. As a general rule, if they are glued shut, measure from the nearest part. If they open out, measure from the nearest part.


To my knowledge, there is nothing official though.

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I would say measure from the pod not the petalled doors. Otherwise there's a modelling for advantage possibility with either doors open or closed and just always measuring from the pod not the doors closes that gap; the pod doesn't move so the petals being closer to an enemy than normally would be allowed is only detrimental to the pod owner (they are easier to charge).


As long as the guys coming out of the pod are at least 9", that's the most important facet. 



Edit: to back up my point, the Deathwind Launcher is only 12" shot, and that'd make it useless on drop if you measure from the tip of the petal, as I believe they are over 3" long.  Admittedly this only matters if you measure shots from the gun not the hull, which is still kinda the crux of the discussion, I guess.


Idk. I think it makes little sense to measure from the petals. 

Edited by DemonGSides
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