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Lieutenant in Phobos Armor with Icon of the Angel (65 pts)

- Can Deep Strike (or be teleported with libby dread).

- Can shoot and then move D6" and the change.

- Provide Lethal Hits

- If the enemy fallback it takes desperate escape with -1 if the unit is battleshocked (On 1,2,3 the model dies?)

- On charge: 6A S6 AP0 Lethal and precision.


10x Reiver Squad (170 pts)

- On charge unit takes battleshock

- Unit at 6" takes battleshock with -1 penalty.

- Shooting:  10A S4 AP1 D1 with precision and lethal.

- On charge: 50A S6 AP0 D1 with precision and lethal hits.


Not bad for 235 pts, 11 bodies that can DS and Charge turn1 if needed with Libby and that can snipe characters and "ignore" terrain?.



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It is an OK combo but it has a problem in that there is nothing to force the enemy to Fall Back. Even with Lethal Hits, Reivers are still AP0 which means they hit like a wet noodle in melee. Against other MEQs, those 50 attacks will generate about 9 wounds from Lethal Hits and about 12 more from weight of dice. That averages 6-7 wounds so 3 dead Marines. Against anything tougher than Marines that number starts to drop.


That is the real problem with the combo. There are cheaper ways to kill units with MEQ statlines and below. Tougher targets are not going to be unduly worried about being stuck in melee with Reivers. They simply won't bother trying to fall back, they will just send something heavier in to splat the Reivers. I cannot think of many units valuable enough to be worth sending in 235 points worth of Phobos troops that will actually be scared of them. 

yeah, true, I see them more useful to block shooting infantry units turn 1 to allow our JP to advance more easily or even contesting/winning an objective. I have seeing some scenarios where I want to contest an objective but I don't have inceptors and 9" charges are unreliable. Maybe 150 for 6x would be enough then. Assuming they survive.

Edited by Goranged

If you can successfully charge an exposed attached unit, you can kill the key character before the opponent could swing, with the noodles in their hands. However, you may need to allocate many attacks to that one model to ensure a kill. 40? 50? If that model survive, then, well no need to describe further details. 


Also, most "precious" attached units won't be exposed in early game. They either riding in transports, or deep strike, or move very fast. 

It would really depend on your play environment if you ask me. If you're playing a "beer&pretzels" type game where the point is to get together with friends and throw some dice, it could be a fun combo, pulling off some wierd wonder plays one minute, failing miserably the next. 


If, however, your playing in a "serious" environment like a tournament, or your group of friends just really like hard-core, top tier type games this will probably be disappointing in most situations. 


Personally, i like putting this lieutenant in a five man incursor squad, makes them a bit harder to catch in combat letting them handout that +1 to hit for your shootier units more often.

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