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After starting them in April my Inquisition Storm Trooper company is finally ready to spray paint. All 70 of them! I did have a provisional name for them as the endless but I've gone off that name. Unsure what to call them. As you can see there is somewhat of a diverse range of models, however, I've added little details to each so that there is something to link them all together. I've tried to make it look like they've gotten their arms and armour from the same armoury. If you want to see more check out my instagram! https://www.instagram.com/inquisitor_trinity/






These are my counts as crusaders from my Inquisition stormtroopers. As several others have done I've used the subjugators and their massive shields as the base but I've also added what a lot of other people have used which is skitarii heads. Not seen the two together so far. I've also used deathwatch power swords, kasrkin shoulders and sculpted a lot of details. The subjugators are quite a popular choice for plastic crusader conversions, as are the skitarii heads. I don't think anyone has altered them to this level though. I wanted a more militaristic and techy feel to them instead of the religious overtones in the original Inquisition crusaders. I think they're looking pretty awesome!




I hadn't initially planned to include arbites in my Inquisition stormtrooper company but after seeing them I just had to have them. That happened a lot 

I have made a lot of effort to bring their look closer to the other models, particularly the kasrkin who are the base template if you will. This includes:
- sculpted kasrkin style tunic and armour plates
- kasrkin gas mask
- kasrkin helmet light
- sculpted navy breachers helmet crest

I've also removed any arbites iconography as they aren't arbites in my lore, just differently armed storm troopers which I've decided to call, seekers. Hopefully the green stuff doesn't look too bad! The arbites are probably the squad I made the most alterations to. As you can probably tell. Unfortunately I won't be able to use them in game because the minimum squad size is 10 and you can't mix shields and shotguns. Even in the exaction squad which is really annoying. At least they look cool, that's the important thing.




Unfortunately these assault Kasrkin will probably never see the game board as there is nothing that I could approximate them to. Not only is there no astra militarum assault unit there isn't a jump unit either. The closest approximation would be the sororitas jump infantry I guess? Still a fun unit to make though. It combines cadian chainswords and las pistols with kasrkin and orlock jet packs. I've made the usual green stuff alterations as well. For a relatively simple kitbash I'm very pleased with these jet troopers. All it took was to add some orlock wrecker jet packs to kasrkin and grab some chainswords and las pistols from the cadian sprues. I did consider doing hot shot laspistols but I thought they'd be too unwieldy.




The navy breachers are another squad that wasn't planned initially for my stormtrooper company but I couldn't resist! In order to bring them in closer to the rest of the company I added kasrkin style armour plates. I always thought they looked a bit underarmoured and I think I've rectified that quite well. I've also added arbites elbow pads, arbites shotguns, chest targeter and a kasrkin helmet light. You can also see ive removed all the navy iconography and added an Inquisition symbol. Enjoy! I always thought they were under armoured given that they're supposed to be wearing vacuum sealed suits, so I gave them some extra armour using press moulds from the kasrkin. 





I've always been very keen on the kasrkin style, even back when it was a choice between the metal ones and the regular stormtroopers I'd choose kasrkin. Once I saw they were coming out in plastic I had to get some. I'm justifying the deviation from deathwatch as they're Inquisition stormtroopers not technically another faction aha.

They're the base template for the company at large. I've added the navy breachers helmet crest and arbites elbow pads and chest targeter in addition to the Inquisition symbol. I've also tried to mix up the poses as there's a lot of them I wasn't that keen on. You might be able to tell that they've all got some form of close combat weapon as well!




This is the other stormtrooper kasrkin squad. Much the same as the other one just with different poses. I've armed them more or less the same as both squads have two volleyguns, a melta, plasma and sniper. Each squad also has a vox and a medic for flair. I'm very keen on the bayonets that's for sure




This is by far the squad I'm most proud of they're a combination of cawdor ridge walkers, kasrkin for the pilots and rough rider lances. I had to really carve up the legs and green stuff them so they'd fit which was a pain but had come off pretty well! (Looks pretty natural after I've spray painted them at least)

You can see I've also green stuffed some other details including:
- arbites elbow pads and chest targeter
- navy breachers helmet crest
- Inquisition symbol on chest

These are details I've tried to include across all my storm troopers to tie them together. I think weirdly the bases I made for them are one of my favourite bits. As there's not any sculpted oval based for this scale I made some industrial ones using necromunda bits and the void war bases parts. I've been sure to include all the weapon options for rough riders. They've got the lance, holstered pistol and you can see a lasgun on the front of the walker so they've got access to all the weapons. Reposing the walkers so they didn't all look the same whilst standardising them so that they all look like the same vehicle was a tricky balance. Most of the poses look good but a few are a bit iffy. What do you think of my Inquisition stormtroopers cavalry?




I've been working on the organisation of my Inquisition army. Inquisitor Trinity has a much larger retinue than most, the size of a small army or astra militarum platoon. This is very apt as they are far more militaristic than most Inquisitors, even of the ordo xenos, and believe in applying ever whelming force. Some of the roles here are obvious and some are troops that I am converting and are essentially Inquisition stormtroopers. I will be building ALL of them at some point and some are already built (look back over my posts) any guesses what's what?

Edited by Inquisitor Trinity
Title change
  • 5 months later...

Finally got round to posting about my inquisition stormtroopers. Matching my colour scheme for the other inquisition elements I've gone with red armour, orange elbow and knee pads, purple shoulders, gold head crest and details, blue cables, green eye lenses and yellow lights. The symbol of Inquisitor Trinity is (somewhat crudely) represented on the right shoulder and the squad designation on the left. After trying for ages to find a decent numeral system that looks cool I settled on the star wars aurebesh. Still haven't come up with a cool name for the "regiment" I thought something like "The Endless" or "The Immortals" but neither sounds right. I want something that evokes relentless implacable destruction but is one word so it'd be The something.


This is squad D, troop type vindicator.










This here is my navy breacher squad that's part of my inquisition storm trooper company. As you can see I gave them extra armour as I wanted them to look similar to my kaskrin. In retrospect I kinda wish I'd swapped the shoulders out for kaskrin shoulder pads as the breacher ones are a bit small for the squad and company markings







Up next for my inquisitorial stormtrooper company is an assault squad! Sadly I won't be able to use them in games as there isn't a unit that's even slightly similar. So they're purely for the fun of it. I think they look really cool! I used orlock wrecker jet packs and various cadian chainswords and pistols. Like my other stormtroopers they have the helmet crest, elbow pads and chest targeter. Iconography is the squad designiation and company insignia (of inquisitor trinity)




  • 2 months later...

I finally got around to putting together the Inquisitor I've had as an idea in my head for over a year! Inquisitor Trinity is my account name for that reason. Surprise though, Trinity (as the name suggests) is three individuals! Or is Trinity one amongst them? Or not there at all and controlling them from afar... Who knows! I'm really pleased with how they came together. My idea was for them to be alike with many common features but also different. I wanted to put my utmost effort into them and make them the absolute best models that I have ever done. Utilising techniques that I've never tried, painstaking incremental blending, better glow effects, detailed free handing and more. I'd say the end results are quite fantastic! Each looks like they're wearing a suit of power armour and are as similar as I could make them whilst still being noticeably different. Matching the colour scheme of my inquisition force (of which they are the head) helps tie them into the army and each other. The capes are some of the best parts of the models, the large area allowed me to blend much easier and I could add the Inquisitor Trinity symbol! Sadly not completely as it's too small for the full detail but it's very close.




First up is this Inquisitor Trinity that I will refer to as "sigil". The base model is Jelsen darrock from the cursed city set. I've cut off all the stakes and other gubbins leaving the base model. Added a bunch of power armour, the mask, staff and constructed some backpack guns they operate remotely, keeping their hands free. It's hard to pick favourites but I think this one needed the most work to convert. Creating the sabatons (foot armour) of the "sigil" Trinity was one of the more challenging aspects of creating a more power armour vibe, it should look right painted. The staff I created from a sisters of battle halberd and added a stripped down deathwatch vehicle icon. The backpack guns were created from the little servo arms on the kataphron breachers with bits from the kaskrin hellguns.


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Next we're taking a look at the "hammer" version of Inquisitor Trinity. Based on the Hanniver Toll model it's got a very dynamic pose. Through green stuff I was able to turn the boots into power armour and I used the hammer head from Jelsen Darrock. It was very annoying getting the sword off of the cape but the whole effect is pretty great I think! Certainly the most dynamic of the three. I hadn't fully fleshed out this idea before I started building this one so I got the base model (Hanniver Toll) and experimented with some parts. Made them look all 40k style and crafted the hammer out of various parts. I think the end result is pretty good don't you?




The third Inquisitor Trinity wields a spear alongside the backpack guns. Though I don't have a favourite of the three this version is the first one this came to me and the inability to choose between this version and the "sigil" version helpful spawn the Trinity idea. In addition to chiseling off all the fantasy details from the Hexbane base model I added a spear using several celestian sacresant parts and used green stuff to make the armour more power armour.


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You'll have to let me know which Inquisitor Trinity is your favourite based on the conversions and paintjobs! Also, if Trinity is one amongst them, which do you think they are? Or do you think Trinity controls them from afar? Or are they somehow all of them?

  • 2 months later...

I started this army in April. Of last year. And now finally, I have finished all the models I built. There will be more but at the time I only had these in mind. As I wanted them to be very uniform I (perhaps foolishly) decided to build all 70 at once.

They are The Edict, Inquisitorial storm trooper company of Inquisitor Trinity (that's them at the front). It is very rare to see an Edictor unarmoured, any knowledge of the person within is completely obscured. Rumours abound of just how trinity acquires recruits for the Edict. Some theories suggest they are cultivated through breeding programs or are somehow grown from scratch. They certainly have very similar builds and mannerisms.... Training for the Edict includes significant hypno conditioning and memory implantation, similar to that of the Red Hunters space marine chapter. All weapons and armour are provided by trinity and have a high degree of compatibility with each other allowing for flexibility and swift reorganisation. Squads can be reformed and directed at will via trinity issuing one of many numbered orders and contingencies. The Edict is an extension of Trinity's will, ready to destroy the alien, wherever they are found. The Edict includes:

10 Exterminators (crusaders)

10 seekers (Arbites)

10 Breachers

20 Vindicators (kaskrin)

10 Hunters (kaskrin with jetpacks)

10 Stalkers (kaskrin on ridge walkers)

I have plans for further squads and some agents, on stormtroopers in service of the Inquisitor, but for now I'm very excited to do some more deathwatch. I'll probably alternate going forward. Let me know what you think!




I haven't before shown you the crusaders so here they are! I think the conversions are really cool! I learned some tricks from painting the Inquisitors so these guys have decent power sword lightning effects and armour chipping. Annoyingly crusaders are only in the adeptas sororitas codex so I can't take them with my imperial agents AND they're limited to units of 3 or 6. All the same they're very cool and I'm sure friends would let me use them in a casual game. 




And these are the rough riders (or krieg death riders with the new codex) of my inquisition stormtrooper company. I call them stalkers. As I'm sure you can tell the bodies are kaskrin with rough rider lances. The walkers are cleaned up and standardised cawdor ridge walkers from necromunda. The toughest part of making these was trying to standardise the look of the walkers. Give that the cawdor ridge riders are so rickety I had to use the same parts and then strip away as much of the extra bits as I could. Despite that it still has the wraps on them which I hope look decorative and not like they're holding it all together.




I need to remember to post here more often rather than dumping a huge amount on you all! You can check out my instagram for more frequent updates. 

  On 12/19/2024 at 2:07 PM, EmprahsStrongestGuardsman said:

That is a scary amount of greenstuffing in the OP. I'd have lost my mind even halfway through that lol.


It was very challenging and time consuming lol. Never again 

The good news is some of your concerns in the OP have been alleviated; Kasrkin Jump units don't exist, but Tempestus Aquilons are basically what you have there.


I do wish there was a more assault oriented infantry squad. 

  On 12/19/2024 at 3:17 PM, DemonGSides said:

The good news is some of your concerns in the OP have been alleviated; Kasrkin Jump units don't exist, but Tempestus Aquilons are basically what you have there.


I do wish there was a more assault oriented infantry squad. 



They're similar but to be fair they only get deep strike, the movement distance isn't increased. They don't have close combat options either. Could do as s proxy but s very loose one. 

  On 12/19/2024 at 3:44 PM, Inquisitor Trinity said:


They're similar but to be fair they only get deep strike, the movement distance isn't increased. They don't have close combat options either. Could do as s proxy but s very loose one. 


Why do you need more movement?  They can get ordered like anyone else for more movement if you need it, and I don't think baseline humans without power armor should be using Jump Packs the same way Power Armored units are.  The Aquilon jump packs are more like movement slowing, like a over engineered parachute, or at least that's how I think GW sees them, not as equivalent to Seraphim or JPA.

Every Aquilon comes with a close combat weapon.  Sometimes they have other things; easy enough to add a gun to these guys backpacks if you've gotta get to WYSIWIG, or just nominate them and keep track otherwise.  I don't think anyone would be mad if you used the pistol to represent a HSLG, and then just did the 3 specialists however you wanted otherwise if you were going for optimal weapons loadout. Could also just play em as all HotShotLasGun and use em as objective players.

I would never leave such a cool looking squad at home just because they don't fit a datasheet specifically.  The game thrives on fun conversions. This whole army would be awesome to play against; you could run em as anything and I'd be happy to lose to it!


Plus, Aquilons are pretty good even with the new points from most recent dataslate.  Doesn't hurt to have a squad of guys who just do the objectives and aren't focused on murder.

Edited by DemonGSides
  • 4 weeks later...

I've put together some agents as part of my Inquisitor's retinue. All of them are pulling double duty with the option of agents of astra militarum rules. But of course the day I built these I discovered that the regimental advisors aren't in the new astra militarum codex aha




This one with the staff is designed to be a primaris psyker but can also be an agents mystic.




This one with all the antennas is a master of ordinance in regimental advisors or in kill team a navy breachers surveyor or in agents a generic agent. The master of ordinance model is lore wise in charge of operating all the drones attached to the retinue. Servo skulls, servitors, C.A.T units, robo dogs and such. Given how many there is I figured someone would need to be in charge of that.




The gas mask dude is a pilot with can be either an officer or the fleet in the regimental advisors or a pistoleer in agents.




The bookish model is either an astropath in a regimental advisors unit or a mystic in agents. It's hard to tell from the photos but I drilled it's eyes out, a nice subtle conversion aha.



  • 1 month later...

I finished up building a command squad for my inquisition stormtroopers. If you check out my other posts you'll be able to see the company so far. Unlike the squads which are very uniform I've tried to combine elements of the armour used in the various squads for the command. Navy breachers, Arbites, kasrkin and palanite armour elements are all featured. My aim was to roughly allow for the squad to be used as cadian, scions or krieg. To that end as they unhelpfuly are a mix of lasguns, pistols and hotshot lasguns I've given them something along the lines of hotshot lascarbines made from extended hotshot laspistols that I'm hoping opponents would be cool with. I'd also have to sub in a special weapon model for krieg and scions. The commander has a rather funky hat in addition to a mace and plasma pistol. The standard bearer has an icon instead of a flag as I felt it was more appropriate, and much more cool. The medic has the medic pistol thing from the scions in addition to the lascarbine. The vox master I based on the cadian vox and made them a little taller so they're at kasrkin scale. I also added more armour to bring them in line with the kasrkin. The power fist dude is essentially a morale officer (and will represent the krieg commissar). Unfortunately they're noticeably slighter and shorter in scale. There's also a priest and Arco flagellants I needed to get done at the same time.















  • 3 weeks later...

I've finished painting my inquisition stormtrooper Command squad! The intent was to reasonably be able to proxy them as either cadian, scions or krieg (though I'd need a special weapon dude for some of those). There's also a priest and two Arco flagellants I needed to finish off a squad. All in all I'm pretty happy with them. The colour scheme really brings them together with the rest of my inquisition stormtrooper company.
















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