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Unit disembark from a surrounded transporter?

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Hey Guys


I have a question which must seem a bit dumb, but I will go with it anyway:


If we say I have unit (call them a1) assaulted (and therefore am in combat with) a transport (v1) and it have a squad (b1) embarked, this squad cannot fight in the fight phase. But if b1 wants to fight against a1, b1 must disempark from v1. It must do this in their own turn to get into combat with a1 or how is the sequence? Is it that v1 may remains stationary and b1 disembark (if their is room for b1 to do it) or must v1 fall back (even an if that means making a desperate escape test)? 


To visualize it: 

A land raider with a squad of 5 custodians (+1 character) is charged by a Outrider squad consisting of 7 (6 members +1 Chaplain on bike). The Outrider squad surrounds the Land Raider - literally. In the combat phase, no real damage is inflighed on either side (no casualties on the outriders). Now it the next player's (the Custodians) phase t is not possible for the custodian to disempark without being within of 3 inches of the Land Raider without also being within of engagement range of the Outriders. Okay, the Custodians can therefore NOT disembark from the Land Raider. If the Custodian player want his boys out of the Land Raider, he will have to make a fall back movie. However since he is surrounded, it will be a desperate escape (1 or 2 and the Land Raider unit losses a model - but since The Land Raider IS a single model, it is destroyed by that).


Is this how the rules should be interpretated?


Thanks in advanced :) 



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As per the rules on Transports, a unit cannot disembark from a Transport that has either Advanced or Fell Back.

A unit must be setup wholly within 3" of their Transport and not within Engagement Range of an enemy unit. Given the base size of the Outriders and Custodians, the Custodians will not be able to disembark until there is a hole large enough for the unit to fit through.

In the unlikely event that the Outriders pop the Land Raider for no loss of their own, then the Custodians follow the Emergency Disembarkation rules.

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On 2/18/2024 at 1:35 PM, Commander Nicky said:

If the Custodian player want his boys out of the Land Raider, he will have to make a fall back movie. However since he is surrounded, it will be a desperate escape (1 or 2 and the Land Raider unit losses a model - but since The Land Raider IS a single model, it is destroyed by that).


This, with the addition above that they cannot disembark from a transport that fell back. Would suck to lose the raider, but that's what happens if you let it get surrounded!

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Yeah, that is why I want to do it. If anything it will just annoy and sabotage my opponents battle plans for the game, having him/her commiting his other forces to help the Land Raider or I can have the Outriders run away if there are other enemy units close by.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/19/2024 at 10:47 AM, Jolemai said:

As per the rules on Transports, a unit cannot disembark from a Transport that has either Advanced or Fell Back.

A unit must be setup wholly within 3" of their Transport and not within Engagement Range of an enemy unit. Given the base size of the Outriders and Custodians, the Custodians will not be able to disembark until there is a hole large enough for the unit to fit through.

In the unlikely event that the Outriders pop the Land Raider for no loss of their own, then the Custodians follow the Emergency Disembarkation rules.

As per the GENERAL rules - Some Strats/Bespokes MAY alter that.  For example you CAN disembark from an Impulsor that Advanced. 


As to the OP's plan to Outrider mob a Land Raider, keep in mind the Land Raider can tank shock you. S8 vs T5 is about 10D6 to get some Mortals on your bikes. 

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Both correct, however;

  • The context was about a Land Raider not an Impulsor. 
  • A vehicle unit can only be selected for Tank Shock if it charges, not the other way around. In the OP, it was the Outrider Squad performing the charge.
Edited by Jolemai
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3 minutes ago, Jolemai said:

Both correct, however;

  • The context was about a Land Raider not an Impulsor. 
  • A vehicle unit can only be selected for Tank Shock if it charges, not the other way around. In the OP, it was the Outrider Squad performing the charge.

Still a good idea to qualify things as "Generally speaking..." there are too many combinations of strats and bespokes to keep track of all permutations.  For example - even though this was in particular about a Custodes Land Raider - we already have a Space Marines Land Raider in the Gladius Detachment (among other ways) with the ability to fall back and charge someone reading this thread and assuming that it applies to all vehicles or even all Land Raiders would be in for a shock.

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