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Krieg Mechanised

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Hi folks.


So I'm starting off the hobby, finally, after playing once or twice over the past twenty years. I really like the Imperial Guard but always hated the standard models - but the Death Korps are and always have looked amazing!


So, I'm hoping to get your input on making a Krieger mechanized army. I don't know much about anything 40K, so I just kinda went with stuff that I thought looked like it filled a niche - Demolisher for splatting tanks, Kasrkin for taking objectives, Stormlord to be a cool centerpiece that gets blown up immediately - that sort of thing. Kriegers in the Stormlord, Kasrkin and HQ in Taurox's.


Anyway, any help would be really appreciated before I start spending all that money!



 - J





Mechanized Infantry (Because tanks)
Cult of Sacrifice (Because Krieg)


Tank Commander Demolisher - 160

Platoon HQ - 75
Master Vox + Clarion Proclamatus, Regimental Standard, 2 plasma guns

(Using Clarion Proclamatus means he can give orders to the Kasrkin from anywhere, right?)

(In a Taurox)




Kasrkin - 100
vox, 2 plasma guns, 2 meltaguns, melta-mine
(In a Taurox)


Kasrkin - 100
vox, 2 plasma guns, 2 volley guns
(In a Taurox)


Regimental Enginseer - 40




2 Scout Sentinels - 80



(All in the Stormlord)


Krieg - 75
2 Meltaguns


Krieg - 75
2 Meltaguns


Krieg - 75
2 Grenade Launchers


Krieg - 75
2 Grenade Launchers



Taurox - 70


Taurox - 70


Taurox - 70


Field Ordnance Battery - 130
Bombast Field Guns


Leman Russ Executioner - 150


Leman Russ Exterminator - 150



Stormlord - 430

(I know this will be focused immediately and blown up, but it looks so nice! And so many Dakkas!!)



Total 1,925

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Just something to consider, 40 basic infantry once deployed to hold objectives, wont last one turn. 


and the stormlord, well it may have alot of daaka, but without the lord solar to order it, its alot of inefficient dakka that may not do much at all. 


40k is very expensive to start an army from scratch, even from 3rd party retailers, its prob £400+ then paints etc etc


Unless £ isn't an issue then go wild, buy what you like:laugh::thumbsup:








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I think this list looks fun as hell.  But DKK are gonna be pricey as they don't tend to be grouped into discount boxes at like Christmas time or the like.


Rumor has it that a big Krieg release is around the corner to flesh out IG. Idk if that's true but it might be worth holding out on any infantry buys in the mean time.


Get the Baneblade and a magnet kit; I don't think the stormlord is the immediate go to for Baneblade variants right now, but if you magentize it, you'll get more longevity out of it. 

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You can always 3d prints as there are some really good files out there. 

As said, you need more infantry. If doing a traditional mech then max out your infantry first. I would use chimeras over  tauroxes any day of the week, far better firepower. Then start adding tanks. 

I wouldnt bother with super heavies except maybe some of the small super heavies like the malcadors or macharious class tanks. Too big a point sink.


You will still need more infantry but you have options. Kaskrin in chimeras. Tempestus in chimeras and some super squads consisting of a command squad and a 10 man deep striking. Maxed out plasma and melta in both. Personally I would go the deep striking route with the tempestus. Thats 45 more troops for deep striking on objectives or clearing the back field and clear they most definitely will do. 

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Awesome, thanks for all the advice everyone!


So basically lose the Stormlord in favour of more troops and a couple more normal-sized tanks, right? 


I've heard a lot of arguments for the Chimera over the Taurox, but I prefer the Taurox becase it's a transport and it looks like a transport. The Chimera looks like a tank and I know that I'd end up playing them as such because of that, instead of using them to get their lads to where they need to be. Plus the Taurox looks excellent with the derpy tracks swapped out for wheels.

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The chimera pretty much looks and acts like a Bradley. Biggish main gun, Coax machine gun(pintle), Anti-tank missile launcher(hunter killer) and a troop compartment with porthole guns(las array). I have seen some good conversions that used actual model Bradley turrets on chimeras and they looked awesome. Its the US Army's personnel carrier of choice.

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Hi Galron,


Don't misunderstand me - the Chimera looks really good! But I'm not very knowledgeable about real world militaries so it doesn't click that the Chimera is based on real world - to me, it just looks a lot like a tank so I know I'd end up charging it forward to try and blow stuff up, while the Kasrkin's sit inside drinking tea and wondering why they haven't arrived yet!


I was however tempted to grab one and drop 4 Bullgryn's in there due to the larger capacity - with a psyker guy (I forget the name) buffing them and some troops and tanks for the dakka, I wondered if that would be a good pit to hold up the enemy while zapping them and running around.

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On 2/26/2024 at 6:36 AM, jiffmann said:

Hi folks.


So I'm starting off the hobby, finally, after playing once or twice over the past twenty years. I really like the Imperial Guard but always hated the standard models - but the Death Korps are and always have looked amazing!


So, I'm hoping to get your input on making a Krieger mechanized army. I don't know much about anything 40K, so I just kinda went with stuff that I thought looked like it filled a niche - Demolisher for splatting tanks, Kasrkin for taking objectives, Stormlord to be a cool centerpiece that gets blown up immediately - that sort of thing. Kriegers in the Stormlord, Kasrkin and HQ in Taurox's.


Anyway, any help would be really appreciated before I start spending all that money!



 - J





Mechanized Infantry (Because tanks)
Cult of Sacrifice (Because Krieg)


Tank Commander Demolisher - 160

Platoon HQ - 75
Master Vox + Clarion Proclamatus, Regimental Standard, 2 plasma guns

(Using Clarion Proclamatus means he can give orders to the Kasrkin from anywhere, right?)

(In a Taurox)




Kasrkin - 100
vox, 2 plasma guns, 2 meltaguns, melta-mine
(In a Taurox)


Kasrkin - 100
vox, 2 plasma guns, 2 volley guns
(In a Taurox)


Regimental Enginseer - 40




2 Scout Sentinels - 80



(All in the Stormlord)


Krieg - 75
2 Meltaguns


Krieg - 75
2 Meltaguns


Krieg - 75
2 Grenade Launchers


Krieg - 75
2 Grenade Launchers



Taurox - 70


Taurox - 70


Taurox - 70


Field Ordnance Battery - 130
Bombast Field Guns


Leman Russ Executioner - 150


Leman Russ Exterminator - 150



Stormlord - 430

(I know this will be focused immediately and blown up, but it looks so nice! And so many Dakkas!!)



Total 1,925


For clarity, this list apears to be a 9th edition and not the current 10th edition rules.  If your local group is still playing 9th no problem, but just thought I'd ask before you go and spend/build an army with a potential out of date ruleset. 


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See, I’ve always loved the storm lord so I would say if you want one and like the model, that’s more important than how good it is competitively (unless you’re trying to build a winning list for a big tournament of course). Go for the models you like. Only reason I don’t have a super-heavy for my guard yet is the £price tag.

However …


The bullgryns have come up in some winning lists recently. They are too big to ignore, not the easiest things to kill and are good for keeping enemy stuff away from your infantry.


One thing I would say is you need more command units. In 10th there is no force organisation chart so you can have as many characters and command squads as you like, up to a maximum of 3 of each type, or 6 if you’re talking battleline infantry. You want more officers to issue as many orders as possible and increase the effectiveness of your guys.


Also, in current rules the Kasrkin can give themselves orders so it doesn’t matter where your officers are in relation to them.

Edited by TheArtilleryman
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