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Death Korps Storm Assault force


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An idea I was toying with. Doesnt have as many troops as I would want optimally but it does have a good amount of very survivable and I can always bring them back. Assume all characters are as heavily equipped as they can be for assault + plasma pistols.

Death Korps Marshals x3

3 Platoon Command Squads with medipack, standard, plasma, Melta

Cadian Castellan Ill find a suitable DK looking dude.


6 x20 Death Korps Squads- 2 sgts, 2 plasma, 2 melta, 2 grenade launchers

1 Kasrkin 2 plasma, 2 melta, sniper, vox, melta-mine(Using Grenadier models)

2 Heavy Weapon Squads with Lascannons

1 Field Ordinance Battery with lascannons

1 Earthshaker Carriage Battery

1 Medusa Carriage Battery


Cyclops- for strategic reserve secondaries

Hades Breaching Drill- Kasrkin+castellan

Hades Breaching Drill- Dk+command squad


Main idea is to storm across the field under the protection of the back line big guns who also perform DS denial screening. Hades drills pop up and release those 36 dudes bristling with cool weapons and attempt to charge enemy vehicles. Cyclops comes on as needed to complete secondaries and hide. I miss the old engineers so I will likely do a 20 man unit of engineers just for this purpose even if they are just standard Deathkorps with lasguns and bonus weapons. Hoping 145 dudes plus ordinance is enough. Sad Hades drills lost their shooting attack :( They are a bit pricy but the are classic DKoK vehicles.


Should be fairly resiliant with d3 guys per squad coming back every turn, some feel no pains, and in general DKoK squads preferring to lose a few guys thus boosting their shooting ability up to 2+. It will have a large number of power weapons, 17plasma guns, 17 melta guns, 12 grenade launchers, 8 lascannons. 

Its not the 300 dudes I could run and be aggravating. I mosty will play league type games or maaaaybe local tournaments. 


EDIT: I am really tempted to skip the kasrkin and castellain and bring a squad of plain old Ogryn with ripper guns. Its a fairly decent amount of firepower and stuck into a building should do well. If not, they will make a good target taking fire off my infantry squads. Still under debate. I need to find some good STL files for Krieg ogryns.

Edited by Galron
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