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An aeldari fiend was upon him in a blur of alien steel, and he barely, but instinctively, parried one of the blows, rising to both feet to meet the alien, and shearing through one of its knives in the process. But just as soon as he had done so, his assailant vanished again over the wall and he bellowed after it in a rage.


Igniting his jump pack he leapt atop the palace rampart in search of his quarry, and launched himself at the blade dancer, Drachenhauer’s power field crackling spitefully over the roar of burning promethium.





Parry Test vs Shaderunner Attack #2: 

WS52 + 10 (balanced) - 20 + 10 (1 FP) = 52
D100: 50; 0 DoS 

Power Field Roll (D100): 47
Weapon broken?

Awareness Test to spot the Shaderunner(?):
Per46 + 0 = 46
D100: 24

Charge Attack vs Shaderunner:
WS52 + 10 (charge) = 62
D100: 07; 5 DoS
Hit Location: Body (70)

If successful, Power Sword Damage:1d10 + 6E, Pen 6, balanced, power field
10 (d10: RF!) + 6 + 10 (SB) + 4 (RF) = 30E damage, Pen 6

I nearly forgot RF auto-confirmed against xenos. Derp.


Edited by Necronaut
Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!



The sudden burst of activity surrounding Gerhardt, blinking out just as quickly. Alda had barley taken in what she had seen before it was gone again. Some form of teleportation technology she presumed. The tomes she had studied had contained reports of some Eldar having the means to appear out of nowhere.


If the flurry of blades had sought her out she would like be rags now.  The ambush continued and there was little she could do. The main avenue of the Kill Team advance would be down the centre, but Eldar were known to be cunning. Moving into cover she cast about, trying to see from where flanking forces or similar could threaten them.


Half Move to take cover by wall

Awareness Test - trying to spot hidden/flanknig forces 

Per: 48 + 20 = 68

D100:60, Pass, no DoS

Zidemi watched Azadth slip away into the jungle, hot on the heels of the sniper. He called for the Mantis Warror to wait, wanting to join the hunt. But with Asterius and Gerhardt firing up their jump packs and the rest of the team exposed, he knew he was more useful staying put.


The Salamander raised his Bolter and fired a volley at the corsairs on the left paraphets, as they scrambled to counter Asterius' skyborne onslaught...
Fire-born: Zidemi will apply Proven(2) to his Servo-Arm.
Ready: Zidemi will Quick-Draw his Bolter.

Semi Auto Burst: Zidemi will move immediately to Omoc's right against the railing (~4 m), and then attack Corsairs A with his Bolter (assuming Asterius took the shortest path with his Charge).


Semi-Auto Burst with Bolter: 45(BS) + 10(Short Range) - 20(Target engaged in Melee) = 35 required*
Roll d100: 21 = 1(Pass) + 1(Horde/X) Hits = 2 Hits*

* assuming no penalties or bonuses for cover/concealment or Horde size…


Hit 1: 1d10+9 = 9+8+9 = 18 Damage, Pen 4X
Hit 2: 1d10+9 = 9+1+9 = 18 Damage, Pen 4X


Edited by Mike Zulu
clarified actions

Round 1 Summary Cont:


[x] Gerhardt: Parry Successful, one of Shaderunner's Hekatarii Blades is destroyed. 3 Wounds suffered in total.

Charge Shaderunner, Hit.
Dodge Attempt: Ag63 +10(Dodge+10) = 73, Roll: 61, Success.


[x] Zidemi: SAB at Corsairs A.
3 Hits (you'd get +10 for Horde size)
Reaction for Round 1 used, cannot Dodge
All Bolter Hits should be sufficient to beat TB3+AV5, so 3 Mag Dam suffered.


[x]Alda: Move + Awareness Test. Success! (If any Eldar attempt to attack along the path outside the wall, none of you will count as Surprised).


[x] Wayseeker: Use ‘Conceal’ on Corsairs B. Wayseeker, Felarch and Corsairs B have a -20 to Ranged Attacks directed against them, and Aim Actions gain no benefit against them.


[x] Corsairs A: Standard Attack at Asterius
WS42, Roll: 15, Hit on (15=51) Body
Hordes cannot be Dodged/Parried
Dam 1d10+5 +2d10 (Horde) Pen 2
9+5+4+1 = 19 -TB10 -AV7(9 - Pen2) = 2 Wounds suffered.


As Gerhardt rises above the palace wall on contrails of fire and fury, he espies the sneaking assassin cowering behind the stone, ruefully casting aside its shattered knife and drawing a shuriken pistol from its belt. You descend with a hateful roar, but somehow the lithe xenos slips to one side and the massive blow from your power blade slices down through solid stone instead of alien flesh.


Another of the Corsairs atop the wall is felled by Zidemi's precise fire, its body blasted from the parapet to splash down into the elegant pond behind. Yet the rest are not done, clambering, hanging off of Asterius’ warplate and stabbing viciously with their wicked knives. Most of this is ineffective against power armour, but you feel a single blade jab through a joint at your abdomen.


In the courtyard below, the Aeldari witch closes his eyes and raises his tall staff, waving it in slow circles in the air. The air temperature drops perceptibly and water from the gardens seems to swirl in harmony with psyker's movements, forming a thin, sparkling mist that obscures him and his kin.


[ ] Omoc: ???


[ ] Vafri: ???


Edited by Lysimachus



As the squad moved to attack the peripheral targets Omoc laid down suppressing fire to keep the xenos from bringing their full number to bear.


Suppressing fire down the central area on F, W, and B

 -all targets must make a willpower test at -20 to avoid being pinned down


Roll to hit for random fatalities : 78 - no random hits.


Not sure if Omocs 'abhor the witch' applies to the concealment field?

Round 1 Summary Cont:


[x] Omoc: Suppressing Fire at F, W and B.
W and B pass Pinning Test, F fails.
OOC: As the pirates’ leader, the Felarch should have had Nerves of Steel on his profile for a Pinning reroll, but I mixed it up with/added it to Jaded. As it is my mistake, he didn't get the reroll and is now Pinned and will therefore lose the Half Action he had Delayed this Round. But from Round 2 I will add Nerves of Steel back onto his profile, as it should have been there.

Regarding Abhor the Witch, I'm not sure but I don't think Omoc is ‘subject to the effects’ of Conceal, the Corsairs themselves are the subjects?

[x] Vafri: Enter Squad Mode as a Free Action. Any team member may also enter Squad Mode as a Free Action at this point.

Spend (3-1=2)CP to declare a Bolter Assault Squad Action (now on 4CP remaining). Bolter Assault Actions (move up to Charge Move plus Standard Attack with Bolt Weapon or Grenade):


(x) Vafri: Charge Move 15m along path (to approx between lion's heads on gateposts)
Frag Grenade at Corsairs C
Hit, Dodge Successful, Corsairs move back 4m to avoid blast radius.


Anyone who wants to take Bolter Assault Actions please do so in whatever Player order you wish (I will allow those already in CC to make the Standard Ranged Attack part of the Action, but obviously this must be with their Bolt Pistols that can be used in Melee)


(x) Zidemi: Move and Frag Grenade at Corsairs B. Scatter 1m Southeast, still hit. Dodge Attempt failed. 4 Mag Dam suffered.

(x) Omoc: Move and Frag Grenade at Corsairs B. Hit. Dodge Used vs Zidemi. 5 Mag Dam suffered.

(x) Asterius: Bolt Pistol shot at Corsairs A. 2 Mag Dam suffered.
(-) Gerhardt: Not joining Bolter Assault.
(-) Moridyn: Not joining Bolter Assault.


Return to Vafri's regular Actions:
Full Action: SAB at Corsairs C
Hit with enough DoS to cause 3 Hits, +1 extra for X
Dodge Used
All Hits are sufficient to cause Mag Dam with minimum rolls, 4 Mag Dam suffered.


[ ] Corsairs C: ???


[ ] Corsairs B: ???


I'll pause there for the Corsairs to act until after everyone does whatever Bolter Assault Actions they wish.




Edited by Lysimachus


On Vafri's call, Zidemi joined the assault through the passage way. He knew, just as Vafri surely did, they needed to close with the eldar quickly or they would be cut to ribbons under their fusillade.


He caught sight of the corsairs ahead fade into an eldritch mist. Zidemi was unimpressed; merely obscuring one's position did little to hide it.


"The Omnissiah provides," he intoned, reaching for a frag grenade...


Zidemi enters Squad Mode
Charge (BA): Zidemi will move behind Omoc and into the corridor, hugging the right-hand size (~15 m, should be 2W+5N of his starting position)
Standard Attack (BA): Zidemi will throw a Frag Grenade at Corsairs B.



Standard Attack with Frag Grenade: 45(BS) + 10(Horde) - 20(Eldar Shenanigans) = 35 required
Roll d100: 56 = Miss, GM determines Scatter...

If, however, Scatter results in a success...

→ 4(Blast(4)) + 1(Horde/X) = 5 Hits


Hit 1: 2d10+2 = 10+9+2(RF)+2 = 23 Damage, Pen 0X
Hit 2: 2d10+2 = 5+2+2 = 9 Damage, Pen 0X

Hit 3: 2d10+2 = 5+9+2 = 16 Damage, Pen 0X

Hit 4: 2d10+2 = 1+2+2 = 5 Damage, Pen 0X

Hit 5: 2d10+2 = 6+4+2 = 12 Damage, Pen 0X


Edited by Mike Zulu



Omoc moves up with the rest to a position of stronger cover, adding to the hail of frag grenades on the foremost squad. It mattered little where amongst the psychic haze the xenos sought to hit from an attack such as this.


Frag attack = 20 = hit

6 hits (4 blast, +1 explosive, +1 armour property)


17, 12, 12, 8, 14, 18 (all pen 0)



He heard Vafri order for a Bolter Assault with enthusiasm. 


+++Bolter Assault, aye+++


+Kraken Rounds+ he asked for. 


+Kraken Rounds+ came the acknowledgement from his Bolt Pistol as the auto-loader changed feed. 


In the fluid motion of the dance he fired off a shot and was rewarded with a target acquisition. 






[spoiler]BS50 = 50. Result: 06, Pass 5DoS. Bolt Pistol with Kraken Bolts: 1d10+9 X, Pen: 8, Tearing.

Damage: (8, 9) 9 +9 = 18. 


X Damage: (5, 10) 10 +7(RF) +9 = 26[/spoiler] 





Edited by Machine God
Explosive X Damage

OOC: All Bolter Assault Actions now included in previous Summary.



Round 1 Summary Cont:


[x] Corsairs C:
Half Move
Half: Standard Shot at Vafri (Ranged Attack x2 for Horde Size)
1. BS42 +10(Short Range) = 52, Roll: 85, Miss!

2. BS42 +10(Short Range) = 52, Roll: 19, Hit on (19=91) Left Leg
Hordes cannot be Dodged
Shuriken Catapult Dam:
1d10+4 +2d10(Horde) R; Pen 6
1+4+8+3 = 16 - TB8 - AV2(8 - Pen6) = 6 Wounds suffered.



[x] Corsairs B:
Ranged Attack x2 for Horde Size
1. Full Auto Blast at Zidemi 
BS42 +10(Short Range) +20(FAB) = 72, Roll: 48, 3 Hits on (38=83) Right Leg, Right Leg, Body) 
Hordes cannot be Dodged
Shuriken Catapult Dam:
1d10+4 +2d10(Horde) R; Pen 6
1. 1+4+6+2 = 13 - TB8 -AV2(8 - Pen6) = 3 Wounds suffered
2. 8+4+3+2 = 17 - TB8 -AV2(8 - Pen6) = 7 Wounds suffered
3. 5+4+6+1 = 16 - TB9 -AV5(11 - Pen6) = 2 Wounds suffered


2. Full Auto Blast at Vafri
BS42 +10(Short Range) +20(FAB) = 72, Roll: 65, 1(!) Hit on (65=56) Body
Hordes cannot be Dodged
Shuriken Catapult Dam:
1d10+4 +2d10(Horde) R; Pen 6
9+4+1+3 = 17 - TB8 -AV3(9 - Pen6) = 6 Wounds suffered.


Edit: I will have Vafri spend a FP to restore d10(7) Wounds.



The Aeldari troops let fly towards the warriors trying to enter their compound, releasing a hail of monomolecular, razor-sharp ammunition that buzzes through the air in a vast, deadly cloud that glitters and shimmers as individual discs catch the sunlight. Against such an attack, there is no chance of evasion. Instead you must rely on the geneforged abilities of the Astartes to withstand the most gruelling injuries.


[ ] Moridyn: ???

Edited by Lysimachus



Moridyn moves slightly to get an angle on the Aeldari, past the Space Wolf. His shotgun roars.



Action - Full Auto Burst at Corsairs C 

(Move 3 m towards the target first- lose FAB accuracy bonus and gain -10)

Target - 47 - 10 (movement penalty) + 20 (horde) + 30 (pointblank) = 87

Roll - 33

Result = Hit, 5 DoS. Extra hits 8 (5 for FAB, 2 for Scatter, 1 for Explosive damage type). 

Damage (1d10 + 9), all at Pen 4

Hit 1 - 12

Hit 2 - 15

Hit 3 - 10

Hit 4 - 17

Hit 5 - 12

Hit 6 - 13

Hit 7 - 18

Hit 8 - 13

Hit 9 - 11


Round 1 Summary Cont.



[x] Moridyn: Move to Point-blank Range. FAB at Corsairs C, 8 Mag Dam suffered.


[x] Starstorm Duellist:

Delayed Half Action - Standard Shot with Fusion Pistol at Moridyn

BS61 +10(Short Range) = 71, Roll: 52, Hit on (52=25) Left Arm

Reaction Available to Dodge?

Assuming failed Dodge:

Fusion Pistol Dam: 3d10+8 Pen 24(12x2)

1+4+7+8 = 20 - TB8 - AV0(8 - Pen24) = 12 Wounds suffered.



The Star Phantom unleashes a brutal burst of metallic flack in answer to the Corsairs' delicate cloud of razor edged wraithbone, and several of the alien raiders are thrown backwards with grievous, bloody wounds. But at the rear of their formation, the xenos gunslinger has been lying in wait, looking for an opportunity to bring his pistols to bear. He aims and fires one of them in one fluid movement, and a blast of air superheated to a fiendish temperature that would melt plascrete lances back towards the Astartes warrior.



Round 1 Ends. Stand by for Round 2.




Round 2:



Cohesion: 5
‘Saga of the Wolf-King’ Oath: reduces all CP costs by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Available Squad Modes: Bolter Assault, Fire for Effect, Furious Charge

NB. Remember that if you wish to use any Squad Modes, you need to have enough CP to pay the cost of that Mode, plus have at least 1CP remaining ‘in the bank’ or you will all immediately drop to Solo Mode.

Initiative Order / Status:
[ ] Fatedealer (FD) | Ag10 + 9 = 19! | WOUNDS ??/??
[ ] Azadth (K) | (SOLO) | Ag7 +10 = 17 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Shaderunner (S) | Ag12 +4 = 16 | WOUNDS??/??
[ ] Felarch (F) | Ag10 +6 = 16 | WOUNDS??/?? | FATE?/?
[ ] Starstorm Duellist (D) | Ag10 +5 = 15 | WOUNDS??/??
[ ] Asterius (A) | (SQUAD) | Ag6 +9 = 15 | WOUNDS 21/23 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Gerhardt (G) | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +10 = 14 | WOUNDS 21/24 | FATE 1/3
[ ] Zidemi (Z) | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +10 = 14 | WOUNDS 10/22 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Alda (U) | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) +2(Murphy's Law) +6 = 14 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 2/2
[ ] Wayseeker (W) | Ag10 +3 = 13 | WOUNDS??/?? | FATE?/?
[ ] Corsair Squad (A) | Ag8 +5 = 13 | MAG 09/??
[ ] Omoc (O) | (SQUAD) | Ag5 +7 = 12 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Vafri (V) (Leader) | (SQUAD) | Ag4 +8 = 12 | WOUNDS 14/19 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Corsair Squad (C) | Ag8 +3 = 11 | MAG 12/??
[ ] Corsair Squad (B) | Ag8 +1 = 9 | MAG 09/??
[ ] Moridyn (M) | (SQUAD) | Ag3 +4 = 7 | WOUNDS 08/20 | FATE 3/3



Round 2 Summary:

[x] Fatedealer:
Free Action: Awareness Test to spot Azadth (I'm going to allow him to spend a Half Action to concentrate on searching for him)
Per40 +20(Awareness+20) +10(HS) +10(Concentrate) = 80, Roll: 02, Pass with 7DoS!
Half Action: Aim at Azadth.

[ ] Azadth: ???


Edited by Lysimachus





His foeman knew the laws of the Green. This pleased him.


Yet, I am of the Green and Sand.


Closing his eyes, trusting to the way of Fate and favour of the Khan-father, he took a deep breath, released it slowly to focus – to balance – the terrible gifts within his flesh. Azadth’s mind retreated from conscious thought, deeper, into the roots of his being. This stillness stirred the long-buried training within, the remarkable autosenses of this keen hunter’s warplate extending them, almost to a higher plane of awareness. By the thought, he absorbed all around him, opening his Lyman’s Ear, fully.


I am of the Green…


The jungle spoke to his travelling spirit, painting a vista worthy of Master Thangka. Shafts of light cut through thickets of papyrum leaves, waxing and waning in the humid mist. Chirrup and chitter of insects, avians, arachnids, or plants who consumed each in turn. The rasp of the wind caressing grass, subtle creaks of branch and limb.



Invoke Demeanour (as agreed with GM)

Awareness Test (Opposed): Per 70

D100: 006, PASS, Plus 6 DoS (+1 DoS from Demeanour FP) = 7 DoS.

Gotcha, Knife-Ears!




The jungle was neutral, but existing beyond this ken was a whisper of unnatural. Something fabricated, not grown. A stretch of leather; or xenos hide. Dripping condensate on smooth armour vertices. The slip-rustle of woven plasfilament. All coalesced in subtle warning in the breath of the jungle, carried downwind. Consciousness thundered into his flesh, and Azadth’s eyes snapped open, already pointing in the direction he sought. Runes of the machine followed the flesh-augurs to locate his quarry, and magnification automatically contracted the distance between them, a miracle of sense over substance, bringing the slender, concealed figure peeking out through a gap in the boles and bark to within a metaphorical arm’s reach.


The enemy revealed!


Combat-urge suffused Azadth with overpowering musk, introspection abandoned to his bizarrely genhanced physiology, now catapulted into violent action.





OOC: GM, I'll need a few details before I take any further Actions, if you could give me a distance, elevation, etc etc I'd be appreciative :thumbsup: )

Round 2 Summary Cont:


[x] Azadth: Move and Frag Grenade at Fatedealer.

Dodge attempt: Fail.

10 - TB3 - AV5 = 2 Wounds suffered.



The branches clatter down around the xenos sniper's head, one catching him a glancing blow that tumbles him sideways into the undergrowth. The bead he had drawn on you is utterly spoiled.



[x] Shaderunner: Multiple Attacks vs Gerhardt
Swift Attack allows 2 Attacks with Hekatarii Blades
TWW (Melee+Ballistic) allows +1 Ranged Attack with Shuriken Pistol
1. WS61, Roll: 28, Hit with 3DoS (Razor-sharp activates) on (28=82) Right Leg 
Reaction available to Dodge/Parry
Assuming Dodge/Parry failed:
Dam 1d10+7 R Pen 6
6+7 = 13 - TB10 - AV1(7 - Pen6) = 2 Wounds suffered.
2. WS61, Roll: 92, Miss!
3. BS42, Roll: 36, Hit on (36=63) Body
Reaction used
Dam 1d10+2 R Pen 4
9+2 = 11 - TB10 - AV5(9 - Pen4) = 0 Wounds suffered.


[x] Felarch: Charge Vafri and Moridyn
Lightning Attack allows 3 Attacks with Power Sword
TWW (Melee+Ballistic) allows +1 Ranged Attack with Neuro Disruptor
2 Attacks at each target.

vs Moridyn:
1. WS65, Roll: 54, Hit on (54=45) Body
Reaction available to Dodge
Assuming failed Dodge:
Dam 1d10+8 Pen8
4+8 = 12 - TB8 - AV2(10 - Pen8) = 2 Wounds suffered.
2. WS65, Roll: 19, Hit on (19=91) Left Leg
Reaction used
Dam 1d10+8 Pen8
3+8 = 11 - TB8 - AV0(8 - Pen8) = 3 Wounds suffered.


vs Vafri:
1. WS65, Roll: 37, Hit on (37=73) Right Leg
Reaction available to Dodge/Parry
Parry: WS51 +10(Balanced) +10(MC) = 71, Roll: 62, Pass!
Counter-Attack attempt: WS51 +10(MC) -20(Counter-Attack) = 41, Roll: 79, Fail.
2. BS55, Roll: 42, Hit
Reaction used
Dam 1d10+4 -WpB, Ignores Armour
5+4 - WpB4 = 5 Wounds suffered.


[x] Starstorm Duellist: Move to Point-blank Range of Moridyn.
Standard Shot with Fusion Pistol
BS61 +30(Point-blank) = 91, Roll: 93, Miss! :eek::wallbash::laugh:


The Aeldari attack with furious abandon, repaying blood spilled with more blood. At the entrance to the palace, the Corsair commander draws his elegant weapons and darts forward into the fray at the gate. It seems that he recognises Vafri as the leader of your unit, and is determined to defeat him personally. His weapons move like quicksilver, slicing and biting, and the Wolf and the Phantom are hard-pressed, even though they outnumber their foe two to one.


The xeno-gunslinger sees an opportunity and dances forward to support his master, intending to finish the job against Moridyn's still steaming hot armour. Yet somehow, as he fires into the melee, the melta stream miraculously drifts high, scorching the air scant inches above your heads.


[ ] Asterius: ???


[ ] Gerhardt: ???


[ ] Zidemi: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



From his vantage point on the wall he saw that Vafri and Moridyn had been engaged by two of the Eldar Veterans.


+++Lucifer - Furious Charge!++ he roared through the Vox.


He couldn't leave his position, yet he hoped that Techmarine Zidemi could aid them with his big arm. The act of loosing his Chapter skills leant him added fervour as he attacked multiple times.





(Free Action) Spend a Fate Point to enter Furious Charge Squad Mode without a Cohesion Test. Furious Charge: 1 CP.

Squad Mode

Standard Attack Vs Corsairs A. WS55 = 55. Result: 22, Pass 3DoS

Chainsword: 1D10+3 R Pen 3, Balanced, Tearing, Flesh Render

Damage: (7, 7, 6) 7 +3 +13 (SB) = 23 Damage


Normal Action:

Multiple Attacks

Swift Attack, TWWM & TWWB, Ambidextrous

Attack #1:  WS55 -10 = 45. Result: 44 Pass 0DoS

Damage: (10, 5, 4) 10 +3 (RF) +3 +13 (SB) = 29 Damage

Attack #2. WS55 -10 = 45. Result: 41,Pass 0DoS

Damage: (8, 4, 7) 8 +3 +13 (SB) = 24 Damage

Attack #3: BS50 -10 = 40. Result: 22, Pass 3DoS

Bolt Pistol with Kraken Rounds: 1D10+9 X, Pen 8, Tearing

Damage: (2, 5) 5 +9 = 14 Damage

X Damage: (4, 10, 5) 10 +10 (RF) +4 (RF) +9 = 33 Damage







Edited by Machine God
removed double space

Round 2 Summary Cont:


[x] Asterius: Multiple Attacks at Corsairs A
1. 1 Hit, 1 Mag Dam suffered.
2. 1 Hit, 1 Mag Dam suffered.
3. 1 Hit +1 for X, 2 Mag Dam suffered.


Free Action: Call for Furious Charge at a cost of 1CP. (Anyone in Squad Mode can join, those already Engaged in Melee may make a Standard Attack but do not benefit from the +20 to WS from Charging)


(x) Asterius: 1 Hit, +1 for 2DoS on roll to hit vs Horde, 2 Mag Dam suffered.
(x) Vafri: Standard Attack vs Felarch, Hit.
Felarch Parry attempt successful, but Counter-Attack failed.
(x) Gerhardt: Standard Attack vs Shaderunner, Miss.
( ) Zidemi: ???
( ) Moridyn: ???
( ) Omoc: ???

Furious Charge Squad Action ends.


[ ] Gerhardt: ???


[ ] Zidemi: ???


[ ] Alda: ???


Edited by Lysimachus



Siezing his bolt gun with attached grenade launcher, he moved, pushing off from his crouch with a free hand shove against the treetrunk. He rushed forward, letting loose a wild, savage cry. Piercing, his mouth ached from being locked wide open, vox-distortion making a keen blade of sound lashing into the jungle.


It was the defiant call of a warrior alone, unafraid, and facing dangerous odds.


He tore a fragmentation grenade from his belt.


Actions On:


Free Action: Activate Solo Mode Burst of Speed (AGB now 9)

Free Action: Ready Bolter/M203

Half Action: Half Move, directly forward, 9m

Half Action: Fire Frag (grenade launcher - Target now at 20m?) at a TREE above his head to cause an airburst. Blast 4m.

BS 46 = D100: 97, LOL, FP Roll, 20, Hit (some explanation here - I'm trying to blast him with frag and debris like broken branches, lichen, hanging gardons of babylon, small monkeys etc).

Dam: 2D10 + 2 = 10, AP 0

Solo Mode (Swift As the Wind) AG Test:

D100: 24, PASS, Plus 4 DoS (Free Half Move)

Free Move Action: Silent Move 9m (Left of target) AG 65 + 10 (Trained) = 75

D100: 002, PASS plus 7 DoS


The explosion was loud enough to slip away in, and take cover, with a decent view of the blast zone, and his quarry. The noise of the explosion roiled through the canopy, blasting shredded foliage everywhere. In the aftermath, when the silence crept back in, it was oddly loud.


Such things were weapons in the Green.


Edited by Mazer Rackham



Brother-Sergeant Vafrí sent forth the call to battle, exhorting the squad to exterminate their foes, echoing his forebears from the ancient sagas of his venerable chapter, but Gerhardt had already found his place, had been guided to it by the hidden hand of inevitability, the inexorable process of physics playing out in a deterministic universe, and ignored the order. 


The Black Templar lashed out again with his blade and watched as lithe xenos fairly slithered around the blow as its revolting physiology permitted, and he grunted as it slashed at him in return, its remaining blade finding purchase in another of his armour’s joints. The alien was only delaying the inevitable at this point; its counter-attack was little more than an insect sting as compared to what awaited it.


In the span of a few fractions of a second, Gerhsrdt’s trans-human mind, hardened by catechisms of hatred and many decades of constant warfare into an adamantine core of claustrophobic and insane clarity of purpose, instinctually analysed his opponent and the way it moved, and perceived the aeldari warrior for what it truly was: a failed and misbegotten genetic experiment worthy only of eradication. Its continued existence was an affront to the natural order, to His natural order, and it disgusted him. He would be the Emperor's instrument of correction. 


Gene-enhanced muscles contracted, nerves fired and Gerhardt pivoted in place with alarming, inhuman speed, as Drachenhauer traced an arc whose trajectory neatly intersected the alien’s path. Were he inclined towards the mysteries of the Machine Cult, he might have opined upon the geometric perfection, the true alignment of each molecule in his body and armour and implements in that exact moment, or upon the textbook counter-balance of forces and angular momentum and the impossibly long and exact sequence of complex chemical and physical reactions that had led up to this very moment in time and space, all resulting in an elegantly brutal rising cut that would have made any of the Black Templars’ masters-of-arms proud.


But Gerhardt was nothing if not a single-minded and bloody-handed slayer of men and aliens alike, and his own words, roared at deafening volume through his vox grille, just as succinctly captured the sentiment.





Note: I wrote most of this prior to Asterius’s call for Furious Assault and I have tried to fit that action in here as best as I could, so please bear with me…

Free Action: Join Squad Mode
Free Action: Furious Assault
D100: 88; 3 DoF

Reaction: will opt to not parry the alien's attack

With GM permission, I would like to invoke Gerhardt’s chapter demeanor (Zealous) to gain one bonus FP.

Full Action: All Out Attack (no reaction permitted)
Spending bonus FP to activate Killing Strike.
WS52 + 20 (AOA) = 72
D100: 27; 4 DoS
Hit location: Right Leg (72)

Power Sword Damage: 1d10+6E+SB, Pen 6, balanced, power field
9 (d10) + 6 + 10 = 25E damage, Pen 6

Edited by Necronaut

Round 2 Summary Cont:


[x] Gerhardt: All Out Attack vs Shaderunner + earn and spend a FP for Killing Strike.
Hit, Dodge not allowed.
Dam 25 - TB3 - AV0(5 - Pen6) = 22 Wounds suffered. Shaderunner dies.



The massive sword of the Templars simply cannot be avoided or diverted. It shears through the hastily raised knife blade and on, unstoppably, through xeno-mesh armour and flesh and bone. Your opponent is crudely bisected, blood and other bodily fluids sizzling and vaporising in the wake of the powered blade.


[ ] Zidemi: ???


[ ] Alda: ???



Edited by Lysimachus



Moridyn spits blood inside his helmet as the burning xenos weapon hits him. Then the nimble bladesman slices into his leg. Roaring, he swings the shotgun's chainblade at the eldar.




Dodge test 

Target - 39

Roll - 18

Result = Pass. Dodged body hit, still took leg hit. Now at 5 Wounds. Note - Moridyn is wearing armor with a AV of 5, the makeshift carapace rather than his power armor. Would only have effected the hit he Dodged, so no issues so far.


Furious Charge Action

Standard Attack at Felarch

Target - 41 + 10 (outnumbered enemy) = 51

Roll - 36

Result = Hit body, 1DoS. Damage = 12 (9 + 3) at Pen 3





Edited by Lord_Ikka


In reply to the grenade, a salvo of micro-disks emitted from the mirage, crossing Zidemi's path and struck his right greave. He stumbled, feeling the disks pass between the armour plates and bite into his flesh.


"... and the Emperor protects," he chanted, as he continued forward.


Zidemi will spend a Fate Point to regain Wounds.


d10: 3 = +3 Wounds




An ornate eldar leapt out from the mirage, landing between Moridyn and Vafri. With its sword, the eldar lashed the Astartes with inhuman ferocity and misplaced confidence. Even so, his battle-brothers were not well equipped to counter it.


Zidemi observed the melee for a second and saw an opportunity to strike the assailing eldar, disregarding the danger he invited upon himself...


Charge (FC): Zidemi will move directly N ~10m and then W ~4m towards Felarch (to get minimum Charge distance).
Standard Attack (FC): Zidemi will attack the Felarch with his Servo-Arm.



Charge Attack with Servo-Arm: 54(WS) + 10(Charge) + 20(Ganging Up 3-to-1) = 84 required
Roll d100: 90 (Fate Point Reroll) → 24 = Hit


Hit 1: 2d10+14 = 2 + 1 + 6 + 3 (FC Reroll) + 14 = 23 Damage, Pen 10I (Torso)


OOC: I will wait on the FC outcome before determining Zidemi's normal action...

OOC: Just a note that the Felarch has Combat Master, so you don't gain Ganging Up bonuses. It hasn't changed anything so far, but noting for future reference.


Round 2 Summary Cont:


Furious Charge Actions:
(x) Moridyn: Attack Felarch, Hit, Dam 12 at Pen3
12 - TB4 - AV2(5 - Pen3) = 6 Wounds suffered.
(x) Zidemi: Charge Felarch, Hit
Wall of Steel allows a 2nd Reaction to Parry:
WS65 +10(Balanced) = 75, Roll: 98 FP Reroll: 41, Success
Counter-Attack attempt:
WS65 -20(Counter-Attack) = 45, Roll: 62, Fail
(-) Omoc: Not joining FC.

FC Ends.



As Lucifer respond to Asterius’ war cry, the Aeldari leader proves his strategic skill. He sees Zidemi lumbering in, servo-arm raised, and recognises a mortal threat that absolutely must be dealt with. Moridyn's buzzing chainblade is allowed to draw a bloody line across his chest, so that his sword is free to deflect the heavy, metallic limb. The Felarch succeeds, and attempts to strike back in one smooth, murderous motion but the blade goes inches wide, failing to connect with the Techmarine.


This error might be the last the xenos commander ever makes.


[ ] Zidemi: ???


[ ] Alda: ???




Edited by Lysimachus



If the Eldar were planning to flank them then they miscalculated how quickly the einherjar were carving into the defenders ranks.


Spotting movement ahead Alda let of two quick shots with her Bolt pistol, Xenos trickery however prevailed as the shells went straight through the bodies she saw.


SAB with Bolt Pistol at Corsair Squad B

BS: 31 +10(SAB) + 10(Horde) – 20(Conceal) =31

D100: 85, Miss

Edited by Trokair
Fluff added

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