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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black (IC Thread)

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The thing that lurks in the darkness is simply huge, rising upwards and outwards as it slowly uncoils.


Revealed is a monstrous insectoid with a long, almost wyrm-like body divided into multiple segments. There are around twenty of these segments, each one an irregular ovoid approximately 2 metres in girth and supported by a pair of long, muscular limbs. The spine and flanks of each are covered by a thick plate of curving, rocklike chitin, shaped so that each piece of natural armour interlocks with the one protecting the next segment. Undoubtedly this beast must weigh more than a main battle tank… maybe two.


The first few segments of its body rear up as the creature hisses in alarm and warning at your entrance, allowing you to see a massive, armoured head mounted with compound eyes, antennae, and four mandibles that clatter and clack together with arthropodian malice. The first two sets of long legs are also raised up off the floor, each limb tipped with a razor sharp chitinous spike that glistens with some sort of sticky secretion. These ‘arms’ are clearly held ready, muscles tightly primed to lance downwards in an instant, skewering whatever prey the creature might find.


As the monster sinuously unfolds itself, other lithe shapes are revealed, swarming beneath its body or crawling out over its upper carapace. They are much smaller, but are otherwise almost identical copies of their parent. However, ‘smaller’ is only a relative term, for each juvenile wyrm is still easily as long as an Astartes is tall.


One particularly bold infant rears up too, hissing in imitation of its mother, before undulating towards you with inhuman speed. As if this opens a dam, its hatch-mates suddenly pour forwards in a torrent of freshly hatched insectile hunger.








OOC: Just a note that I'm not going to chase people to take part in the Structured fights any further. If I don't get Initiative rolls by Friday, when I will start Structured Time and Round 1 as the next weekly update, I will assume people are too busy.


In which case, we can assume that their characters were at the back of the file and are fighting against others of the juvenile creatures in the tunnel (that were up on the cavern walls or had moved around/burrowed through to attack from the rear)? The number/strength of Structured Time enemies on the map will be amended appropriately depending on how many of our PCs are also on the map. Taking a leaf from Mazer's game, I'm not going to autopilot anyone I don't have to!



NB. Feel free to have your characters respond mentally (or verbally?) to the creatures appearance, but please don't take any Actions to attack until we start Round 1. In the meantime, anyone can also make a Common Lore: Dorghra VII roll to identify the creatures. (I am giving everyone this Skill based on the preparations you will all have made - presumably? - for the mission.)



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His eyes flickered from one disgusting creature to the next, calculating potential weaknesses and target points. Moridyn's thumb hovered over the selector switch for the plasmagun, weighing whether or not an overcharged shot would be worth the risk. He decided not, not until an evaluation of a regular plasma burst's damage would do against the natural armor of the wyrms. 


Common Lore Test (Dorghra VII)

Target - 47

Roll - 46

Result = Pass, no DoS 


Moridyn roars, "They are ______ !"



OOC: Feel free to edit to whatever they are, I think Moridyn figured it out but barely.

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Int: 48

D100 70 LOL, no.


As the monstrous beast reared, he didn't recognise it, albeit obviously familiar to most of the phylum with jaws, pincers, it was certainly something to stir the blood. He let out a low whistle.


+It is an ugly bastard, yes - but could you eat a whole one?+ he asked Váfri out of the side of his conical helm. The dissembling masked his actions as he worked the Stalker's bolt, stripping the suppressed round, to replace it with the deadly chemical shells.


Now let's see how they work on this rock-dwelling bottom feeder and it's scuttling vermin offspring.

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Posted (edited)

Moridyn: From your hypnomat sessions in preparation for this deployment, you would be able to retrieve the following datafile taken from the earliest Explorator survey of Dorghra VII:




Genus: Dorghran Chilopoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Myriapoda

Morphology: Observations of this indigenous species show body divided into twenty-two segments, with a single pair of legs on each segment except head and tail, which instead feature sensory apparatus: Antennae on tail. Mandibulae, Ommatidia, Antennae on head (highly sensitive to electrical stimuli - see Notes below). First two pairs of legs appear to be forcipules used for predation.
Reproduction: Oviparous, Brooding
Adult length: 28-42(??)m

Physiological: Secretions from glands in upper forcipules are highly toxic, used to immobilise prey species and begin cellular breakdown for easier consumption.

Geographic: Dorghran deserts (Thought to burrow underground during oviparity).

Ecological: Apex predator of indigenous insectoid and mammalian species.

Behavioural: Nocturnal. Aggressive. Highly aggressive during oviparity.

Notes: Attacks by this species responsible for loss of two Skitarii units after initial settlement. However, deployment of electrified containment field pylons across the mouth of our canyon has now prevented any further incursion.




OOC: We can assume that Moridyn shares/reminds everyone of the datafile. (Hopefully the description is pretty obvious, but if you're not up on your High Gothic it's a big ol' centipede with poisonous spike arms about the size of a 'nid Trygon!)




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Cursing silently at the fact that he'd allowed himself to be caught off-guard, he turned away from the tunnel and came about to face the new threat. He would be slow getting into the fight now. He would not, he was sure, have so misjudged where the danger lay if they were above ground - down here, where only the dead belonged, his instincts were thrown off. No time for self-recrimination, though. He would just have to make his actions count.

Upon seeing the creatures, he realised he had misjudged one other thing. If this was what had bored those holes in the rock the kill-team passed on the way here, then they were good hunting after all.


"They don't look very edible to me," he replied to Azadth, "but let's open them up and find out, eh?"

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Zidemi's homeworld was borne of many ferocious creatures; the most comparable was the serrwyrms he once hunted as an Aspirant. Even they were dwarfed by this serpentine terror. It was unlike anything he had seen before.


"They are Chilopoda!" Moridyn bellowed. The creature's name triggered Zidemi's memory of the Dorghra VII fauna. Apex predator. Burrower. Aggressive egglayer. Head antennae sensitive to electrical stimuli. Nocturnal...


"Nocturnal," Zidem blurted out. "It may be sensitive to light." 


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Nothing more than a common beast, perhaps driven up by whatever came from below seeking shelter or chasing scattered prey. Whatever the case it had eluded attack from whatever force struck at the outpost either though the disinterest of others or some passageway of its own making. If such creatures were numerous here their actions may have left these tunnels riddled with concealed passageways.



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Posted (edited)



Round 1:






Cohesion: 6
Available Squad Modes: Bolter Assault, Fire for Effect, Furious Charge

NB. Remember that if you wish to use any Squad Modes, you need to have enough CP to pay the cost of that Mode, plus have at least 1CP remaining ‘in the bank’ or you will all immediately drop to Solo Mode. Also, bear in mind that the ‘Saga of the Wolf-King’ Oath reduces all CP costs by 1 to a minimum of 1.

Initiative Order/ Status:

[ ] Azadth | (SOLO) | Ag7 +9 = 16 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Asterius | (SOLO) | Ag6 +8 = 14 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 4/4
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda B | Ag4 +10 = 14 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda H | Ag4 +10 = 14 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Skaayn | SOLO | Ag5+1 +7 = 13 | WOUNDS 21/21 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Omoc | (SOLO) | Ag5 +8 = 13 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 3/4
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda G | Ag4 +9 = 13 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Moridyn | (SOLO) | Ag3 +8 = 11 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda D | Ag4 +6 = 10 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda I | Ag4 +6 = 10 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Alda | Ag4 +2(Paranoia) +3 = 9 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 2/2
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda C | Ag4 +5 = 9 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Zidemi | (SOLO) | Ag4 +4  = 8 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda F | Ag4 +4 = 8 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda A | Ag4 +4 = 8 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Adult Chilopoda | Ag3 +5 = 8 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Juvenile Chilopoda E | Ag4 +2 = 6 | WOUNDS SUFFERED: 00/??
[ ] Vafri (Leader) | (SOLO) | Ag4(48) +1 = 5 | WOUNDS 19/19 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Gerhardt | (SOLO) | Ag4(46) +1 = 5  | WOUNDS 24/24 | FATE 2/3




Firstly, apologies if the map isn't up to the usual standard, I couldn't find one that was quite how I wanted it laid out, so I had to scribble it out myself in Paint! I hope it (sort of) makes sense based on descriptions I've given before? The map shows an approximate quarter of the entire cavern area, so there is technically space to move further south or east (or south-east)?

Obviously the boss monster isn't really shaped like a normal enemy, but for simplicity we can assume the diamond represents the reach of the ‘dangerous bit’ at the front!

Finally, as mentioned I haven't added those who haven't rolled Initiative to the fight. Amaras and Bekkar are acting as the rearguard, so if Xin or Sobek feel inclined, maybe you can add a narrative post (at any point throughout the structured fight) of them fighting off the bugs that come out of the holes in the tunnel?




(don't look if you don't want to know! :biggrin:)


Dorgrhan Chilopoda (Adult)
WS: 40, BS: 0, S: 60, T: 60, Ag: 25, Int: 15, Per: 25, WP: 45, Fel: - -
Move: 4/8/12/24
Wounds: ??
Skills: Awareness+20, Dodge
Talents: —
Traits: Bestial, Burrower, Crawler, Dark Sight, Fear(3), Heightened Senses (Hearing and Touch), Improved Natural Weapons (Forcipules), Multiple Arms, Multiple Legs, Natural Armour (Chitinous Plates), Size: Massive, Unnatural Strength(x3), Unnatural Toughness(x3)
Weapons: Forcipules 1d10+18 R Pen5 Toxic
Armour: Chitinous Plates (All 10)

Dorgrhan Chilopoda (Juvenile)
WS: 30, BS: 0, S: 40, T: 40, Ag: 35, Int: 15, Per: 25, WP: 45, Fel: - -
Move: 6/12/18/36
Wounds: ??
Skills: Awareness+10, Dodge+10
Talents: —
Traits: Bestial, Burrower, Crawler, Dark Sight, Fear(1), Heightened Senses (Hearing and Touch), Improved Natural Weapons (Forcipules), Multiple Arms, Multiple Legs, Natural Armour (Chitinous Plates), Unnatural Strength(x2), Unnatural Toughness(x2)
Weapons: Forcipules 1d10+8 R Pen3 Toxic
Armour: Chitinous Plates (All 7)



Round 1 Summary.


[ ] Azadth:

[ ] Asterius:

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We are the protectors of Endymion, we Men of The Green and The Dust. Unto our hands are they given, that we might keep them safe. The Laws of The Jungle, and Desert, and Mountain, and Sea are thus: That a man yields his last drop of water to the dying, that he offers his last drop of blood to those who can be saved, that he shares his last bullet with the enemy.


This is the Code. These are our Rules, Azadth, and one day you will know them. Did not Rakki Tavi delve into the lair of Neysha Kobara to save the kin of his house? Yes, it is so.


The thoughts lashed him as his humour fled, when he realised Alda Ulfurbur's almost perilous position. Not a coward, that one, he allowed, but dangerously exposed to Astartes-grade threats. The Savage within burned, spurred him to move. Jokes abandoned, now was only the sting of a Tranquillity Barbthorn.


+Idiot human!+


Azadth half strode, half-leapt, crunching down almost on top of the mortal, driving her to the ground, placing his kneeling body in front of her to shelter her flesh from danger.


In a moment, he had his Combi-bolter in hand, thumbed the selector, intending to mow down the nearest scrofulous vermin, harsh laughter barking all the while he did so, the battlesong high in his blood. I dare it! To think is to do it!


His bolter replied with throaty bass, the crack-shriek of the gyro-stabilised mass-reactive shells loud, thunderous in the cavernous tomb.


+Die, you alien bastards!+


Actions on:

Invoke Chapter Demeanour for Temp Fate Point.

Azadth will remain in Solo Mode

Full Action: SAB (4) at Bugger B

(Half Move used to grab Alda Bulbosaur - gotta catch 'em all)

BS: 43 + 10 (BM) + 10 (Range) = 63

D100: 007 (Bond, James Bond) = PASS (one hit) Plus, 5 DoS

Spend Temp Fate to Boost DoS for all 4 Hits (6 DoS)

Hit 1 Body: 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 + 2 (BM) Pen 4 = 18

Hit 2 Body: 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 + 2 (BM) Pen 4 = 18

Hit 3 Arm (Left): 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 + 2 (BM) Pen 4 = 21

Hit 3 Arm (Right): 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 + 2 (BM) Pen 4 = 16


Solo Mode Chapter Ability: Swift As The Wind, Free Half Move after Successful BS Test on a (+0) AG Test = 85 LOL

Fate Reroll = 48 PASS with easy money.

Ammo: 24.


After firing, Azadth dragged the mortal back to the bosom of the Kill Team, roughly hauling her perpendicular again, before turning his attention once more to the monstrous predator in their midst, bolter muzzle still smoking from the heat and war, warmed up for the next volley.


We are the Men of The Green and The Dust, and we are not afraid. We move like the scouring wind - Alakh Geh! - forever in the shadow of death!

Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Round 1 Summary.


[x] Azadth: SAB at JC(B)
Dodge attempt: Ag35 +10(Dodge+10) = 45, Roll: 38, no DoS, 1 Hit Dodged.
After AV and TB, 7+7+10 = 28 Wounds suffered.



Somehow the twisting, writhing creature is able to move its body out of the path of one of Azadth's stream of bolts, though whether this is deliberate or blind luck is unclear. The rest strike home with brutal force, penetrating chitin that is not fully hardened and exploding chunks out of the flesh beneath. Several of its legs along one side are blasted away.


However, these are creatures of obvious natural redundancies, and this one seems intent on continuing its hunt.



[ ] Asterius: ???


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Posted (edited)

GM OOC: Ok, I don't want everyone's weekend game time to be wiped out. So that we can keep things rolling forward, just for this Round I'm going to Delay (without any Action penalty) Asterius’ turn.  Then I can move us down as far as the next PC, which is Omoc. But feel free to jump in whenever you're ready, MG!



Round 1 Summary.


[x] Juvenile Chilopoda B
Charge Zidemi, WS30 +10(Charge) = 40, Roll: 78, Miss!


[x] Juvenile Chilopoda H
Charge Skaayn, WS30 +10(Charge) = 40, Roll: 32, Hit!
Skaayn's Parry: Success!


[x] Aarval Skaayn:
Multiple Attacks at JC(H), Lightning Attack grants 3 Attacks
Rolls: 12, 77, 51 = 2 Hits
JC(H) Dodge: Failed!
Dam 1d10+6 +SB10 Pen6 
Hit 1: 5+6+10 = 21
21 - AV1(7 -Pen6) - TB8 = 12 Wounds
Hit 2: 9+6+10 = 25
25 - AV1(7 - Pen6) - TB8 = 16 Wounds
28 Wounds suffered in total.



The slithering creatures begin to attack, seemingly floating forward across the cavern floor. The first to strike is the chilopoda hit by Azadth. It dashes forward into the closest target, which happens to be Zidemi, but it is obviously seriously wounded, for its blows are poorly aimed and lack any true aggression.


However, the second creature does strike with all its strength, scuttling towards Watch-Captain Skaayn and attacking with vicious, lightning fast jabs of its envenomed spikes. The Raptor reacts with calm skill, drawing and activating his power blade in an instant, brushing aside the deadly natural weapons. Without any appearance of effort, the parry becomes a series of darting ripostes that needle the arthropod’s underbelly.


“Lucifer,” he roars, “cleanse this filthy nest!”



[ ] Omoc: ???


[ ] Asterius: ???


Edited by Lysimachus
Didn't add Power Sword Pen to Skaayn's attacks
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The lesser creatures would be fodder for the kill team while the larger prize was his, such as it was. Nothing more than the extermination of an obstacle.


Half action aim, half action fire lascannon


Roll to hit: 57 vs (BS 51 + 10 range +10 size +10 aim = 81)  - hit


Damage 1,6,5,7,2 +10 = 34, Pen 10 (including proven 3)

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Posted (edited)

Round 1 Summary Cont.


Adult Chilopoda Dodge Failed!
34 - TB18 - AV0(10 - Pen10) = 16 Wounds suffered.


[x] Juvenile Chilopoda G
Charge Azadth, WS30 +10(Charge) = 40, Roll: 25, Hit!
Dodge Attempt?


[ ] Moridyn: ???


[ ] Asterius: ???



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He and Gerhard had advanced into the chamber and then moved to guard the flanks. Now there was a foe to exterminate an insectoid menace and brood.


Swiftly he drew his chainsword and bolt pistol, he bounded forwards to the foe assisted by his jet pack.





(Free Action) Withdraw chainsword and Ready bolt pistol.

(Half Action) Move towards Juvenile Chilopoda A.

(Half Action) Standard Attack vs Juvenile Chilopoda A.

Attack #1: WS55 -10 = 45. Result: 31, Pass 1DoS.

Damage: (2 9, 9) 9 +3 +13 = 25 Damage, Pen 3.


Attack #2: WS55-10 = 45. Result: 35, Pass 1DoS.

Damage: (10, 7, 8) 10 +8 +3 +13 = 34 Damage, Pen 3.


Attack #2: BS50 -10 = 40. Result: 38, Pass.

Damage: (2, 8) 8 +9 = 17 Damage, Pen 4.






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Azadth Dodge Failed, Hit on (25=52) Body
Dam 1d10+8 R Pen3 Toxic
9+8 = 17
17 - TB8 - AV6(9 - Pen3) = 3 Wounds suffered.
Toxic test required at -5 x3(for each Wound suffered) = -15, but you do get +10 from Bio-monitor, plus a reroll from Oolitic Kidney!


[x] Asterius: Move and attack JC(A)
JC(A) Dodge attempt failed.
Dam 34 at Pen3
34 - TB8 - AV4(7 - Pen3) = 22 Wounds suffered.



OOC: I get what you're going for with the Move and extra Attacks rather than Charging. Unfortunately, the way the rules work is that whether it's made possible by Swift/Lightning Attack or dual wielding Weapons (or both as in Asterius' case!), the Multiple Attacks Action (pg241) is a Full Action. That means there is no way to move and make multiple attacks… until you can take the Preternatural Speed Talent (pg124) which makes Multiple Attacks a Half Action (or usable as part of a Charge Action)


However, what I will do, as you only get 1 Attack, is allow it to be the best of the 3 you rolled.



[ ] Moridyn: ???


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Fire-born: Zidemi will apply Proven(2) to his Servo-Arm (Passive Solo Mode does not cost Cohesion)


The first of the creatures skittled forward, unfazed by the volley of bolt rounds that ruptured its chitin. It charged head-on at Zidemi as he was midway unslinging his flamer - it would have to wait until this was dealt with.


A flurry of strikes fail to land, instead spilling its own blood from its weeping wound against Zidemi’s armour. Disgusted, he plunged his open Servo-Arm directly into the xeno’s torso and clamped down at full power.

Reaction: Zidemi will make a Standard Attack with his Servo-Arm against Chilopoda B.


Melee Attack > 54 (WS) + 0 = 54 required

Roll > d100: 46 = Hit, Torso

Damage > 2d10 + 14 = 7 + 3 + 14 = 24 Dam, Pen 10, Type I

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The already injured hatchling cannot hope to contend with the might of Imperial technology. It is torn in two by the crushing jaws, its body flopping helplessly for a few seconds until all of its stinking vital fluids have been poured out on the cavern floor.



Juvenile Chilopoda B dies.


[ ] Moridyn: ???


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